Chapter 5-Moments with Frankie, Call of the Cat (Nikki Sixx POV)

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I'm sitting here tuning my bass and working on some songs for my new band and Motley, Frankie is playing on the floor in front of me, while cartoons play on the tv. Just a typical day in my household, but how I'm feeling is not not at all. After mine and Eric's phone conversation got cut short, which was so disappointing by the way that it got cut short.... all I could think about and am still thinking about was Eric. Those dreams I had or those visions.... they were tormenting me. Should I even take a chance and be friends with him? Come on Sixx, don't be a fucking coward! You can always use a friend.... I carefully place my bass down and sigh....

"Daddy? Why sad?", Frankie pipes up eyeing me curiously, she looks so very much like me a mini version in looks, but in temperament...she reminds me of Eric, just as sweet as can be.... genuine...funny.

"Daddy's not sad sweet-heart, just thinking.", I attempt to smile at her.... Frankie is not fooled in the least as she clambers up the couch and into my lap.

"No, daddy sad! Frankie knows! You need hugs daddy!", she protests as she proceeds to hug me as tight as she can as she buries her little face in my chest, and this makes me get misty and I sniff.

"Frankie, I love always know when I need you and your sweet little hugs the most."

"I wuv you daddy.... daddy? You sad cuz of the kitty?", Frankie asks innocently & I freeze. How the hell does she know?! Then I mentally smack myself, I didn't think she was paying attention to my conversation with Eric the other day, but it is becoming obvious she was & she's a huge kiss fan too and Eric does happen to be her favorite member.... "Daddy should call Eric!!"

"You little sneak, you were listening, weren't you? The other day?" I start to tickle her, and she squeals with laughter.

"Daddy, stop!", Frankie protests...I stop...for now. "Daddy, you need a new fwiend.... And I love Kitty, Ewic Singer my favorite!"

"What about me? Huh? And Uncle Vince, Uncle Mick & Uncle Tommy?", I mock an offended look, and Frankie isn't fooled.

"Daddy, I wuv youse too! I just wuv the kitty man!", Frankie beams at me, but before I can answer my phone rings & it's...Eric. I put a finger to my lips for Frankie to be quiet and answer...

"Hey Eric! Glad you called, you doing allright?

"Nikki! Yeah man, I'm doing ok, sorry about the other day. Paul wanted to talk about band stuff & the upcoming tour in May, but then I think he forgot we were on a call because he started to make out with Ace, ugh gross!", I chuckle at his vehement tone.

"I'm guessing that's typical then, isn't it?" and I practically hear his eyes roll.

"You have no idea Nikki, no idea...I've even caught them in the act! Always me." I know how he feels all too well, especially since I've had the displeasure of catching the world's most unlikely couple: Vince Neil and Mick Mars...we will get to them later.

"You'd be surprised Eric...", I trail off before continuing as an idea occurred to me, "You uh free this weekend? Was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out or something?" Please don't let him notice I'm nervous at all, but his answering tone is upbeat....

"Sure, I'd love to! It'll be fun!"

"Cool, short I'll come pick you up if you'd like. Maybe on my motorcycle, I haven't ridden in a bit", I mused.

"Um ok...did you say motorcycle?", Eric squeaks out. "I've never been on one and to be honest they kind of scare me, too afraid I'll fall." Oh Eric, I too am afraid to fall...but for a much different reason.

"Eric, I promise you, you wont fall...I'm not gonna let you get hurt, ok? Besides, I think I can get you to change your opinion on motorcycles.", starting out serious and ending amused.

"Ok, fine Nikki...So maybe Friday evening then?", Eric still sounds skeptical but excited.

"Friday evening, so I'll see you then...wait where do you live?", It just occurs to me to ask...He laughs but proceeds to give me his address and we hang up. Calm down Sixx, this isn't a date! Still, though I feel a sense of nervousness and excitement at the same time.

Frankie who had been surprisingly quiet, beams up at me, "Daddy gonna see Ewic! Say hi from me!"

I freeze, how am I gonna mention that I have a daughter to Eric, its not like we're dating but still. I then think maybe it couldn't hurt, I could see how he takes it....and one of my dreams comes back to haunt me.... I wonder if he can have kids or was it something that I just conjured up? In any case, I will finally spend some actual time with him. Despite my misgivings, I find I am looking forward to it and I feel that fluttery sensation in my, I don't have a thing for not at all.

Hours pass & it's nighttime, I've just put Frankie to bed and head to my lonely, lonely bedroom. I sigh and flop on to the bed and sigh...then my phone buzzes with a text...from Eric. My heart leaps....

Eric S: Hey nikki! Sorry it's late...but anyway, greetings from the "Fun sized" kitty!

Sixx aka Me: Man, that's ok. You're not disturbing me at all. And you're an adorable kitty, aren't you? (I have a shit-eating grin even though he can't see it)

Eric S: I'm not adorable Sixx. And why do I get the feeling you've got a shit-eating grin on your face?

(How does he do that? Seriously the man has ESP)

Sixx aka me: Aw, is the kitty hissing? And how could you know?

Eric S: Trust me, I play drums and I like know things.

Sixx aka Me: And you are so adorable!! Who's a cute drummer? (Insert Smirk here)

Eric S: Nikki, you suck...I am so flipping you off right now, though you can't see it.... Anyway, super excited for this weekend! I am so cool with whatever we do! Still afraid of the motorcycle bit though....

Sixx aka me: Eric, I've got you. I'm really looking forward to this weekend too! (I must admit I am excited)

Eric S: I just wanted to text and check up on you and say hey, that's why I messaged you. Plus, I wanted to make you laugh. (Wait, he wanted to check on me? I can feel how sincere he is...damn, why do I have butterflies?)

Sixx aka me: That's...sweet of you Eric.

Eric S: Anytime Nikki...anytime. Look I'm going to bed, I hope you sleep well & See you Friday!!

Sixx aka Me: Thank you, you too Kitty. Goodnight

And so our conversation ends and I have a smile on my face as I drift off to sleep and I dream....

A/N: Phone conversations & texts & Cute moments with Frankie! Hope you guys enjoyed this!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now