Chapter 14- Officially I'm in Love (Nikki Sixx POV)

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A/N: And here it is! The very highly anticipated, finally saying it out loud chapter!

I wake up the next morning or later the next morning I should say. I'm sure at least I was awake until 12:30-1 am...not sure. It doesn't matter anyway...I've slept the best I have ever slept in my whole life, EVER. It's all because of the man I'm holding in my arms: Eric Singer. Eric, whom I love so very completely, and it took me two months to realize that. And of course, what was a huge help in making me SEE was Frankie, if not for her...Well, I don't know, Eric and I may've continued to dance around one another, or we may not have.... whatever it doesn't matter now.

I admire the man I have in my arms, the way he just looks so peaceful, those beautiful blue eyes of his, his smooth skin of his face.... he is just beautiful to me! I haven't said anything, but I know he feels very insecure of himself. When he hasn't thought I've noticed or been looking, he doesn't see himself as I see him.... It's not just his physical looks that are beautiful and those eyes...a more generous, loving man has never existed. Now, I want to make sure and hopefully for the rest of our lives he knows how I see him. I will Eric to wake-up....

Eric, my kitten...please open those eyes of yours! There is so very much I want to say to you. No need to say to you. I want to tell you I love you, that really, I have been in love with you.... I see that now. It took Frankie to make me realize and I will be eternally grateful for that. To the outside, we may seem like opposites, but I realize we fit perfectly together. I've never believed in love really, until you came along and literally ran into me. Not to mention the chemistry between us is insane! I am not used to being treated with such love, such Eric treat my daughter as your own. Please my your eyes!

Eric begins to stir and those eyes that I now realize I love so much flutter open...and the look is one that is sure a little sleepy, but the main thing I see is love...mixed with awe...

"Hi Nikki...good morning. Did you sleep ok?"

"Yeah, I did Eric, really the best I've ever slept...because I had you in my arms. I really don't think I will be able to sleep any other way now." And here I reach out slowly, really kind of tentatively and caress his cheek with the palm of my hand and I feel his breath hitch and he nuzzle my palm. "I've been wanting to tell you that...well Frankie helped me to see that I-I-love you! Really truly, deeply love you. Our insane chemistry, how happy you've made me these past two months, everything that you do for me and have done for me.... the way you treat my daughter as your own, I've never EVER loved anyone like this in my life. You're it for me, the one."

Eric cries silently and for a moment I think I've done something wrong, but then I mentally smack myself when I realize their tears of joy. I gently thumb away his tears....

"Nikki, I-I have been dying to tell you...and Frankie helped me to see that my feelings for you they are so mutual. I love you so very much, that day I ran into you...literally...I will never forget that day as long as I live. Those beautiful green eyes of yours are like jade, so many shades of green. I love your hair...." And here he takes one of his hands and runs it thru my hair. "You have the most beautiful smile and I love all your tattoos. I saw in you a good person; I see in you a good man. You are an amazing father to Frankie and speaking of her, I absolutely love her like my own and it warms my heart to hear her call me mama or mommy. You, Nikki Sixx, have rocked my world! And you're like walking sex...and I...."

I can no longer contain myself and seal his lips with my own. Tentative at first, but then it grows more passionate, and I pull Eric closer to me and deepen the kiss. Eric tastes like strawberries & cream, sweet and it's a taste that I'm already addicted to. We kiss until we're forced to part for breath...both of us panting slightly. Eric looks dazed and I imagine I do too, not that I'm complaining.

"That was, was wow! You know you're the first partner I have ever had that has made me feel so desired, so beautiful.... I---", I stoke his face gently.

"Eric, I know how you see yourself, how you feel.... you ARE beautiful. It's how I see I will always see you kitten.", I whisper.

"Can you do it again...I---I", and I cut him off by once more capturing his lips with mine and to my surprise and great pleasure he tentatively brings his tongue out to caress mine and I groan deeply, he tries to establish dominance, but I win the duel. And once more we part for breath and Eric buries his face in my chest and I stroke his back.

Suddenly we hear the door open, and Eric and I share a look...and grin. Especially when we hear those oh so adorable and familiar giggles of Frankie. I quickly kiss Eric once more and hear....

"See! I knewed it! Daddy, you and mommy wuv each other!" Frankie stands there with her stuffed cat Ocean in her little arms. Eric and I sit up in bed and share a look....

"Yes, Frankie Angel we do, very much so...we have you to thank for helping us see." Eric smiles softly at her, eyes shining.

"You together now, right?", Frankie asks, and I grin widely.

"We are sweetheart we come up here!" and Frankie quickly scrambles up the bed and under the covers between me and Eric.

"Frankie so happy! I have a mommy now...we family!" Frankie hugs me and then hugs Eric and snuggles between he & I.

"Yes Frankie, from now on we will be a family. From now on." I kiss her little forehead and she giggles. Yes, this is our family...our love.

Eric, you help to banish my demons, to tame them...something I could never have imagined would ever happen. You made me believe in love again...even when I didn't realize it was love. I want to take you out, just you & I on an official date...though technically I guess we have been dating.... but anyway, this time its official. I want to share EVERYTHING, everything about my sordid past, 'thing II' and deserve to know Kitten. I want no secrets between us...

Frankie, my darling angel. You, it's because of you that I realize what I've been feeling all along is love. You helped me see that I love Eric. You're not the kiss of death.... you've never been. Those that came before Eric, they weren't real.

Eric is real, this time it's real...this time I know it, there's no doubt in my mind, it's forever.... just like the song says. Truer words have never been written.

A/N: Cant wait to hear your thoughts!! Don't worry going to work on updates for my other stories and have them out asap!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now