Chapter 28- Things aren't getting better Part I (Nikki Sixx POV)

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A/N: Just a warning, have those tissues handy!

Eric's only been home from the hospital for 2 days. While in the hospital he was able to keep food down, real food and of course there was the feeding tube, but it only lasted a day once we were home with him feeling relatively ok, considering while in the hospital we discovered that he's not carrying triplets but quadruplets. Currently, I'm holding his hair back while my poor husband heaves his guts out...matter of fact he's been doing that for about 10 minutes and all of this is scaring me to death, things aren't getting, they are getting worse for my kitten, so much worse.

"I-I-I think I'm finally done.... I don't want to move right now. I need.... ugh...", Eric moans as I proceed to help him up carefully and help him clean his mouth out and put him back in our bed. I join him on the bed and sit next to him, taking his hands in mine...My hands are so much larger than his, his trembles and he closes his eyes as he seems to get dizzy.

"Eric, I think.... well, I think you should...we should take you back to the hospital.", I speak slowly hesitantly.... I have a feeling we are going to have to do this whether we want to or not.

"What?!, it's only been two days that I've been home. I thought the doctor said a week at least to see if things improve.", Eric speaks with his eyes still closed and his teeth clenched.

"Eric, honey...the doctor said basically immediately if anything happened. You're scaring me, I know you don't want to go back. But for your sake and our babies, you're going to have to. You're carrying four not 3, your body is under so much strain. You can't even stand with out getting dizzy." I'm crying now at this just breaks my heart to see my husband suffer so very much and I feel so helpless.

"Y-Your r-right!! I-I am SO sorry!", Eric wails squeezing my hands. "I'm such a mess! I can't do anything! I-I," .... I cut Eric off as I disentangle my hands from his and gently cradle his face......

"Eric what have I told you? Quit apologizing. This is hard on us all, yes.... but it kills me because it's the hardest on you. But I am telling you now when I took vows at our wedding.... it's in sickness and in health, good times and in bad.... And you ARE doing something, you're carrying our children. Our babies are inside you, and that's amazing! Things will get better in time, I promise.... I promise I'm not going anywhere; I'm never going to leave you. I love you Eric, for the first time in my life, I'm truly in love and it's with YOU. Now I'll give it one more day, though I shouldn't give it even that, but if things don't improve within a day or two.... You'll probably be in the hospital for a few weeks. I just want you and our four babies to be healthy, ok?"

Then I kiss him, tasting the salt of his tears and mine.... When again I open my eyes, my husband's blues are shinning, such a beautiful ocean blue...and I gladly drown in their depths.

"Daddy? Momma? I brought ginger ale, crackers, and that jerky stuff since doctor said it was ok for babies to eat." Frankie pipes up from the doorway, her arms full of said items and I quickly kiss Eric once more as I help her with the arm full of stuff and place it on Eric's side of the table as Frankie carefully climbs up the other side and cuddles into Eric as best, she can.

"Oh, Frankie Angel! You didn't have to do that but thank you so much sweetheart! See? You're already a good big sister and such a huge help to me and daddy. I love you!", Eric smiles fondly at our daughter, dizziness seemingly gone for now.

"That's what I possed' to do! I proud of you Momma, I love you!", if this doesn't get me misty, again. It's SO worth it! "Now eat if can, need try & then nap time for you!"

Eric laughs, "Yes ma'am! And Frankie? I'm proud of you too and I love you too, my darling little girl." Eric shares a look with me that I know says, "we have an amazing daughter, an amazing family and I love you."

Both Frankie & I help Eric eat what she'd brought, and we wait a few minutes and I exhale in relief...good, he's going to keep it down...for now at least, but still, it's nowhere near enough. He needs to eat several smaller meals & at least one big one a day...but right now, all of us are here together and that's what matters.

"So, Nikki, any name ideas? Gosh, we have a ton to come up with, don't we?", Eric sounds amused but, in his tone, I still hear the fear and my heart clenches. Oh Kitten, your afraid of the fact you're doing something wrong, but no the biggest thing your afraid of is something neither of us dare say out loud: you're not making it thru this...I must for his sake, push this feeling aside, for now at least.

"Hmm, girls names and boys' names? Well, I'd love Ruby for a girl, maybe Storm too, There's Harley, to be a sapphire in there somewhere, for your eyes I mean. Boys' names? Well maybe Decker James? Or there's Gunner Lee...", I glance at Eric to gage his reaction and his eyes shine.

"Gunner Thomas, it'd fit both Tommy's! But seriously I do love those names, but for a girl...what about Tamara? It's like the female version of Tommy I think.", Eric smiles fondly as he rubs his swollen belly and I join him in doing so and then another set of hands join ours...Frankie's.

"OOH we can name one Frankie Angel or Frankie Jean Jr.!" and we all share a laugh. "Can I give all four babies kisses? I will be careful."

Eric and I nod eyes soft, as I lift Eric's shirt exposing his belly as Frankie proceeds to give the tender and swollen flesh four kisses, one for each baby and she smiles.

"Hey there! Hope you likey the jerky stuff and the ginger ale and crackers! I love you all!" And she carefully pulls Eric's shirt down and once more snuggles into his other side that I'm not occupying, I have yet to let go of his swollen belly.

I should take him to the hospital now, I'm so worried! And scared, against my better judgement...I'll give it one more day, if that. But I feel that the second hospital stay will indeed be much longer. We will eventually get thru this storm, but unbidden I think of that dream or was it nightmare I'd had and still haven't told my husband about.... the one where he bolts, I feel it in my bones its coming.... but God I hope to be wrong! If I am would kill me, but we will get thru this, get thru it...we must. I love my husband more than anything, I just want to keep him safe, for him to be well. I just want to take care of him....For I love him.

A/N: Next chapter will be the second part of this and it will see Eric in the hospital for at least about a month & THIS time it will work and things will get better or well as they can physically. Things will get better though, I promise!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now