Chapter 15-So you're asking him on an official date. About time! (Tommy Lee POV)

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I'm currently in bed and cuddling with my fiancée, ah it doesn't get better than this. TC & I are both tall, but I have a slight height advantage over him. It doesn't matter to either of us though, for we fit perfectly together. Our legs are entwined together, and we are also both naked right now...yes, we just got thru making love. And let me tell was one hell of a rocket ride!

"Babe? I know this is kind of an odd question but have you by any chance heard from Eric or Nikki?", I ask TC as he traces the tattoos on my chest.

"It's not odd Lee & Eric had texted me and said something about Nikki & him FINALLY telling each other how they felt about one another, which was so obvious to everyone else, but he didn't say much else. Sorry I didn't tell you; I mean I thought I did...I" .... I cut him off with a kiss and I feel him smile into it.

"Guess they are just really happy...I'm happy for them. God knows the Sixxter deserves to be happy especially after 'thing II'", I shudder at that...that bitch really did a number on Nikki to put it mildly.

"They both definitely deserve it. I have seen that they really do love each other.... I---," TC gets cut off by my phone ringing...I groan....and grab the phone from my side of the bed: it's Nikki.

"Yo, T-Bone here. Sup, Sixxter?" I put Nikki on speaker without his knowledge so both TC & I can listen and boy he's excited and nervous too from the sounds of it.

"Lee! Dude, I'm kind of freaking out a bit here.... I want to ask Eric to go out on a date.", Nikki breathlessly exclaims.

"Nikki you guys have basically been dating.... but I'm guessing this is an official date then? It's about Damn time Sixxter!", I grin widely and share a look with TC.

"Yeah, it's an official one...I want it to be special. And I need a babysitter for Frankie & I....", I cut him off....

"Nikki, dude TC & I would be happy to look after her.... our little niece."

"That's right Nikki.", My fiancée exclaims.

"Wait?! You asshole! have me on speaker, don't you?", I can feel Nikki roll his eyes even if I can't see him do so... "Whatever, thanks both of you for offering to keep her."

"It's our pleasure man, now do you have any ideas in mind for your official date?", I ask him.

"Yeah, I've got some in mind, I'm just nervous! I mean I know he'll love whatever we do, but I just want it to be perfect!", I've never heard Nikki speak in such a way as he has been. He truly is in love.

"Then don't worry about it! I know Eric very well.... Eric will love anything you do, because its WITH you.", TC reassures him. How I love my fiancée!

"Thanks TC, and Lee thank you too! So, I'll drop her off by your place, Frankie I mean Friday afternoon? That, ok?", Nikki sounds so grateful and relieved.... Love really does change a person.

"More than ok man! Now let me go, I've got things to do!", I share a heated look with TC.... I should say I have someone to do me, but eh. We hang up and I share another look with TC....

"I see it in your eyes Lee.... you up for another round?" TC glances down at my length and..." Oh you ARE ready; it will be another rocket ride I assure you!"

"More than ready baby! Now shut up and kiss me!", I purr as he slams his lips against mine and straddles me making our lengths rub together & I groan...I feel TC smirk more than I see it against my heated skin. And dear god, the man literally sounds as if he's genuinely purring and if THAT'S not a turn on, I don't know what is.

I don't need fore-play really or not very much as I am already putty in his hands as he maneuvers me to where I'm riding him, and he enters me in one swift and almost brutal stroke & I SCREAM at the pleasure of it...the sheer pleasure.

"Yes!!! Oh, God Tommy!! Please...uggh.... r-right t-there baby!" I yell.

"Won't be able to walk!", He growls out lustfully. I really don't give a fuck if I can't walk, totally worth it. At this I feel him close those long & oh so talented fingers around my length and yep, I'm gone!!

Stars are beginning to dance across my vision as he pounds into me and strokes me, his pace begins to slow and he says, "Look at me...." So, I do, those eyes filled with such love as he kisses me taking his time massaging my lips and with one perfect thrust I release & release & release and I feel him release inside of me for endless awe-inspiring moments, still more comes.

My legs have gone numb, totally worth it!! Reluctantly he withdraws from me and begins to clean me off, taking his time and being so gentle with his touches. Once done he pulls me into his arms, and I lay on his chest listening to his heartbeat.... I'm getting sleepy...but I want more cuddles and...

"You think we'll have kids?" I murmur. I feel him tilt my chin up and find my self gazing into his eyes.

"Of course, we will! It will happen.... there is no one else I would want to be the mother of my children other than you Lee. I love you!", he kisses me sweetly and I smile into it, albeit sleepily. "Now go to sleep Lee, I took a lot out of you.... I've got you baby; I've got you forever". I finally give into exhaustion, and I know there is a smile on my face.

"Should we tell them?"., I sound nervous. TC wraps his arms around me carefully. "I don't want to steal their thunder."

"Don't be nervous Lee! We should, we totally should.", he whispers in my ear. We watch as Nikki rubs his husband Eric's very well swollen belly with a smile on his face, Eric is pregnant and not with just one...but 3. He's had a difficult pregnancy, but the love he & Nikki have for each other is very plain to see. We seem to be at a baby shower for them and they are surrounded by mountains of baby gifts. I am going to start hyper-ventalting....TC rubs my back gently to calm me and clears his throat loudly...Bringing everyone's attention to us.

"Lee & I have something to share with you all. We didn't want to steal your thunder, Nikki & Eric, but well Lee & I...he's pregnant with our first child. We just found out & it seems he's about 7 weeks along." We are greeted with nothing but cheers, well wishes etc..... our family. Truly there is nothing better than this.... I feel TC bring his hands to rest on my belly where I can already feel a hint of roundness to it. I cover his hands with mine.... We are starting a family of our own...I couldn't be happier. 

A/N: Oh I cant wait to hear your thoughts on this!! Hints at a possible future? Could be....stay tuned for more!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now