Chapter 21- Collapse Part I (Eric Singer Sixx POV/Nikki Sixx POV)

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A/N: I've changed things up for this chapter & the next, hope you enjoy!

Here I am back on the road again for Kiss, with Kiss...But it's different this time, so hugely different. For one thing, I am married now to the love of my life: Nikki Sixx. Nikki Sixx, my husband, words that I will shout from the rooftops. Our wedding was beautiful and SO romantic! Plus, we even had a little honeymoon. The week & a half tour break was not where near enough. The second thing is, this time Nikki decided that he & Frankie both should travel with me, with Kiss for the rest of the tour. I of course agreed and we have it worked out to where we will have nights & time for ourselves. So obviously I've been very much occupied, but I'm starting to notice things...strange things.

Nikki & I have obviously made love several times & or A LOT, but I'm just now starting to notice that I am SO much moodier, like very moody. Certain smells or rather a lot of smells, irate me to say the least. They really make me nauseous, and for some reason I seem to be getting bad insomnia, quick to tears, and I find my energy really starting to do down. And it just seems to be getting worse....

I am worrying everyone I can tell, my husband, my bandmates, my husband's band mates & my daughter: Frankie. I am just to tired and stressed, maybe that's it...I should be happy right? I mean I AM happy, just not feeling not at all. Currently its late.... everyone is sleeping but me. Nikki is sleeping with me in his hold, Frankie is sleeping in the bed across from us...they are both so peaceful.

I just can't fucking sleep!! It makes me frustrated & I start to cry silently.... I just don't feel right.... Silently as I can I manage to slip out of my husband's hold and stumble my way to the bathroom, grabbing onto the walls for support.... wait, why is the room spinning? I manage to get to slide down to the floor as the room continues to spin.

What the hell is happening to me?! Why am I just now noticing? Why do I feel things are getting worse or going to get worse? Come on Eric! You should know what's going on! Everyone Is worried!

Slowly, the bathroom stops I had closed my eyes & breathed in & out deeply. I don't know how much time has passed...but I assume Nikki is asleep. Slowly, I get up and walk to the sink to splash some cold water on my face and I look in the mirror & am startled by what I see. I look so pale....tired and-and---suddenly I pale even more as I feel the urge to oh god, I drop to my knees & stick my head over the toilet and manage to hold my hair back...all of that barely in time I assure you, as I begin to vomit....and vomit some more....I vaguely register the bathroom door opening, but am far too busy getting sick as I feel a pair of hands hold my hair back for me as I continue to heave....I'd know those hands anywhere...they are my husband's Nikki.

I FINALLY come up for air for the briefest of moments and before anything can be said I once more begin to heave.... why is there so much?! Why is everything hitting me all at once? Why?

After what feels like an eternity, I finally quit puking, but feel like shit still.... I am so beyond exhausted right tired. Nikki has me in his arms as we sit on the bathroom floor.

"Eric, kitten? I heard you getting sick...sounded gnarly to say the least and baby you look like you feel terrible! You don't look like you feel good at all...I'm worried about you."

"Sorry, Nikki.... I couldn't sleep.... I haven't felt right here lately.... I've been getting insomnia...I don't know why." I croak out, voice hoarse from throwing up still.

"Kitten why didn't you tell me you've had trouble sleeping & all? I'm not mad...Eric just talk to me, please", Nikki pleads stroking my back.

"I didn't want to worry you.... it's just here lately I've started to notice strange things, like the insomnia and being quiet & moody...not how I normally act...and then when I'd woken up, I started to get really dizzy & that lasted for a bit...not sure, then I got sick. I just don't feel good!" I wailed clinging to him.

"Oh Eric, kitten it's will be ok. I've got you, now let's get you off this floor, get your mouth cleaned and maybe back into bed.", Nikki says as he helps me up off the floor and helps to rinse my mouth out with mouth wash. I have the best husband and partner, bar none.... But before we leave for some reason, I brush my hands down my stomach which seems tender & my eyes feels round?! It's kind of like I've eaten too much, maybe it's just weight gain from stress or something? no, no something tells me it's not....

"Eric! Eric! What's wrong?!", Nikki whisper yells so as not to wake our daughter who is sleeping away still.

"You are going to think I'm crazy, but here...feel this!", I grab his hand and bring it to my stomach, and I tremble waiting for him to respond....

Nikki's jaw drops, eyes wide.... hand still over mine......

"It's, it's round...Eric do you think?" and I suddenly feel dizzy again and really, I'm not sure what he's said.... something about round? What?

"N-Nikki...I-I..." and I collapse and give into the blessed darkness....

-Nikki Sixx POV-

My husband has just collapsed into my arms and my panic has woken up Frankie who looks frightened when she sees the state Eric is in. I am scared out of my mind.... Eric, Eric please wake up! Please, please be ok!

Before he collapsed, I noticed how rounded his stomach was.... could he be? If it's what I am thinking it could be, of course I'd be beyond happy.... but all I can think of right now, is how worried & scared I am...

"Daddy? Daddy!! I call Uncle Lee.... he's coming, he calls ambulance.... he's coming.... Will mommy wake up? What's wrong?!", She cries just as Lee bursts into the room, His husband TC in tow...on the phone with the ambulance....

Please, just please Eric, I beg you...please kitten be ok! If you are pregnant, I will be so happy, but I am scared because of how terribly ill you are. And I feel for some reason it's going to get worse.... I vaguely manage to realize; Frankie is the one who called Lee......such a smart amazing child....

"Nikki, dude the EMS guys are here.", A voice is heard.... Lee's, I think.... Eric still hasn't woken up.... Eric, my love...please wake up!

A/N: There will be a part 2 to this!! Cant wait to see what you think of this chapter!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now