Chapter 33- If I Die Tomorrow Part II (TC aka Tommy Thayer POV)

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A/N: Here we find out just where Eric disappeared to...and more!

My husband and I are sitting here cuddled up on the couch watching tv when suddenly a series of frantic knocks sound at the door. Lee & I share a look, who the hell could that be? Both of us get off the couch and open the door and looks like it's started to rain, but the biggest shock is seeing one Eric-Singer Sixx standing there soaked as a taxi drives off and Eric who seems to be in tears. Quickly, and carefully Lee and I help Eric inside and Lee grabs some dry clothes for Eric to wear and I find towels and help him dry off including of course his hair. Eric just continues to cry and doesn't say a word, but I can tell he feels shamed somehow and regretful.

Lee returns with a t-shirt and sweats and they will be over-sized given that they are my husband's, but it's all good. Both of us help Eric change, and I get his feet propped up on our couch. As Lee and I take part of the sofa opposite from Eric, but still close to him.

"Eric, what are you doing here? And in the rain? You were soaked! And aren't you supposed to be at home resting? You just got out of the hospital yesterday. What the hell happened?", He shouldn't be here, not that I'm not happy to see him but anyway.

"I-I-um...did something really stupid showing up, getting out of the house. N-Nikki and I had a fight, I'd asked him if I could go with him to drop off Frankie at Vince & Mick's place and maybe go thru a drive-thru, Nikki told me no and I-I went off. Then we yelled at each other and when he left...I um left a note and um came here! I regret leaving! I shouldn't have.... I-I just. I-I...god!!", Eric wails and it looks as if he's headed for a panic attack.

Quicker than lightning both Lee & I work to calm Eric down.... this, this isn't good for him, or his babies and I bet Nikki has gone crazy worrying where Eric is. It takes 30 min, but Eric gradually calms down and sniffles.

"I'm sorry guys. I'm just such a mess! I left out some stuff, I realized soon as I left and really, I knew when we were arguing that Nikki just wanted me to be safe and rest. I realized I hadn't thought of how hard it's been for him to see me like this, go thru all this and he probably feels helpless and like he's not doing enough. But I told him I've felt like a caged animal. I can't do anything, I've been so frustrated with either being in the hospital, on tour or in doctor's offices. I just feel like such a burden and that Nikki deserves better than me! But I-I love him, and I want him! I want Nikki!! And fuck!! I left my phone at home! I don't know what to do! I'm not thinking straight! I've been so conflicted, but now all I want is my husband, but I've hurt him and he's probably so scared and I've been taking out my frustrations on him. I just want him here now! He was right...he was right!", Eric is starting to get upset again.

"Eric, calm down dude. Nikki isn't an ogre. And I must agree with TC and Nikki especially. You just got out of the hospital. Nikki just wants to look out for you and protect you, I've never EVER seen him the way he is with you. That man loves you more than life itself, and I am sure Nikki IS scared, and I can tell you now Nikki would tell you there is no one better than you, your truly it for him. Your already under tremendous strain, mind and body carrying quadruplets, but Nikki loves you, your babies and only wishes he could do more. Things will be ok I promise.", Lee states earnestly eyes soft, how lucky am I that I'm married to him?

"Absolutely Eric! Lee's right...Now, are you hungry? Any weird cravings? We may have what you want, or we can go get you something if you want?", I ask. Eric nods hands on his swollen belly and looks sheepish.

"Do you guys have pickles and BBQ chips? For some reason I'm really craving those right now."

"Sure, we do! Anything to drink?", I ask eyeing Eric as I get up off the couch.

"Um, I want something tart too...Lemonade?", Eric is practically salivating.

"Actually, we do have that. Be right back!", I disappear into the kitchen and retrieve Eric's cravings and he takes it with a grateful smile and wolfs everything down like one possessed. Then it takes a few mere moments, but he looks so exhausted so gently I suggest that he go laydown in a guest room upstairs and he nods slowly too tired to disagree with me. Once more my husband joins me in helping with Eric upstairs and into a bed and we make sure he is as comfortable as he can be and then moments later, Eric is asleep.

Lee & I go back downstairs in silence, and I pull my husband into my arms and sigh, "Poor Eric and Nikki, they need to reunite...they need each other."

"I agree babe, I agree." Lee states softly eyes shiny with tears much like my own. A few hours pass by, and we'd just checked on Eric who thankfully was still asleep, though I have the feeling he's awake now I just don't---Suddenly the phone rings and Lee and I startled, we'd been watching tv...quickly I reach over: Nikki. I answer and put it on speaker and my heart breaks at the sound of his voice....

"Guys!! H-have you h-heard from Eric? I'm so scared! He's gone! I don't know where he is, he left his phone here and a note...I don't know if he's ok...if our babies are ok.... I-I need him, I love him and our babies, and I-I am so fucking scared!!" Nikki sobs and the sound is heart wrenching.

"Nikki!! Nikki! Listen to me, Lee's here too...Eric is here with us. He showed up hours ago soaked from the rain, he took a taxi.... he ate some stuff he's been craving. He misses you, regrets leaving you. The babies are ok as far as we know, but Eric has been an emotional wreck. He's been sleeping but I have a feeling he's awake now.", I hear Nikki's breath hitch and slow down.

"He's there?! I wish I had of known sooner, but I think I cried myself to sleep...just woke up." Nikki sounds so forlorn, but I hear the hope in his voice.

"Eric is here Nikki, he needs need each other. He fucking loves you dude and misses you.", Lee sniffles.

"I'm coming, right now! I'll be there soon....and guys, I can't thank the two of you enough for what you've done for my husband. See you soon!" Nikki hangs up and Lee & I share a look.

"How much do you want to bet he's gonna break the speed limit TC? I can't blame if it was you or it was me, I know that either of us would do anything to be with one another and I love you.", Lee sniffles even more.

"We would die for each other I are my world, Lee! And I love you too!" And with that we kiss and await Nikki's arrival...he will be here soon. 

A/N: Nikki and Eric will soon, very soon reunite and I do so hope you guys liked this chapter!

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