Chapter 41- With Out You Part I (Nikki Sixx POV)

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Thanksgiving has passed, my birthday has passed and so has Frankie's, now she is five years old. Where has the time gone? However, for all those days...those times, Eric was NOT feeling well no matter how hard he tried to for my sake he'd told me and for Frankie's to celebrate or put on a happy face. It broke my heart; it BREAKS my heart to see my husband struggle so. It's just gotten harder for him the bigger his belly got, harder to do ANYTHING. Harder to breathe, stand, and he had the dizzy spells. Now, it's December 14 and the house is all decorated for Christmas. Christmas is Eric's favorite holiday and so I had help in decorating and I wanted it to be special for him. He'd told me, Eric did that I didn't have to do that...but for him I would do ANYTHING, because he is my EVERYTHING.

Tomorrow, since Eric is 7 months pregnant with our quadruplets, his C-section has been scheduled. He is scared too am I. Death, I can't even with out him. Currently, Eric is up in our bed resting or trying to. I just checked on him, he seems very restless. He's asleep, but restless. And I am worried, have been worried for 7 months but that is beside the point, I am especially worried today because he's been quieter than he has been. My husband has been so much quieter that it's been unusual.

Frankie is with Vince and Mick. Everything is in readiness for the babies, the nursery...bags for them and Eric. I am not alone though, both Tommy's: Lee & TC insisted on keeping me company.

I sigh heavily, raking my fingers thru my hair. "Nikki? Dude, do you want us to go?", Lee asks hesitantly hands on his belly, where there's the beginnings of a baby bump. He starts to get teary eyed.

"No, no...I'm sorry didn't mean to make you feel bad. Just so much going thru my head...this is killing me because it's killing Eric. I hate seeing him suffer so much. And he's been so quiet the past few days, especially today, it's even more unusual that normal. If I lose will be MY fault."

"Oh Nikki, we know.... well can only imagine how hard this has been on you watching Eric suffer so much. And here it is Christmas and that makes it much more difficult.", TC sighs from his place beside his husband. My bad feeling I'd been having today only increases, my anxiety rising with every passing moment.... Suddenly, I hear a very frightened scream come from our bedroom upstairs and my eyes widen.... No!! I sprint upstairs and before I realize it, I am bursting thru our bedroom door and once at Eric's side....

Eric is clutching at his very well swollen belly, panting heavily and sobbing.... struggling it seems...please no..., "N-Nikk-i.... HURTS! Too early, they c-ome...tomorrow." What I didn't realize, is Lee and his husband are standing in my bedroom with my husband & I. TC is frantically explaining what's going on to an ambulance operator.

"I-I.... labor...hurts.... breathe...", Eric struggles to talk. I am consumed by fear, so much fear...I try & be strong and calm for my husband's sake thought too I am sobbing now. This kills me! I can't lose my husband! My babies!!

"I know, I know baby....", I don't know what else to say but," I love will be ok." Words that I hope will be true. I try to comfort Eric as best I can and try to calm him though I am feeling anything but. He needs me...

"Nikki? Ambulance is on it's way...", TC is teary eyed. "Don't worry about the bags, we will get them and bring them to the hospital." I nod in thanks, unable to say much more. Lee, I noticed is frantically filling the guys in. Everything is blur, happening too fast...almost too fast to comprehend. The ambulance arrives and carefully Eric is put on a gurney and carefully put in the ambulance, I hold his hands and stroke his face...just letting him know I am here. OF course, they'd immediately given him oxygen, but he's screaming incoherently in pain now. Tears streaming down his face. The hospital will immediately prep him for surgery upon arrival, my heart is dying in front of me.... No Nikki, no! You must have hope...try to comfort him.... got to try. God, what will I tell Frankie...?

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now