Chapter 10-Desperate for a favor, some time has passed (Nikki S. POV)

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A/N: One of the many highly anticipated chapters I have planned! oh, the song choice!! Please listen, it is so very very fitting for Nikki! 

It's March now, these past two months...well these past two months have been such a whirlwind. I've had a blast getting to know one Eric Singer, he's hilarious! He's such a sweetheart and he doesn't judge me, doesn't push me to reveal more about my sordid past, doesn't push to meet Frankie. Doesn't judge me for having a kid...I've got to say its nice. It also makes me feel strange...I've never acted like this. I feel I should recognize how I feelings period, it's been so's been a lifetime since...been a lifetime since I've ever felt the strange feelings I've been feeling. Eric really is a good guy, ridiculously cute and good looking (that I can't deny), genuine...

Currently though I want to pull my hair out, the reason being I must go out of town this weekend for band stuff for both Motley & my new band: Sixx A.M. It's Thursday and I must leave early tomorrow morning and I have tried & tried desperately to find someone to watch Frankie. I haven't been able to.... I could take her with me, but it's too much for her.... I'd worry too much...I.... My phone rings and it's Eric...

"Hey Sixxy! What's up?"

"Eric, I'm sorry this is a bad time...I'm frustrated and don't know what to do!", desperation coloring my tone making me a little snappy or very snappy. Eric though, it doesn't faze him....

"Nikki, Nikki what's wrong? Do you need me to let you go? Is there anything I can do? Please, I want to help you.", Eric is genuinely concerned I can tell.

"Eric, I don't want to unload on you.... but well Frankie. I've got to go out of town this weekend for both Motley & Sixx AM & god, I haven't been able to find a babysitter. I could take her with me, but I'd worry too much and it's no place for her and I...", Eric cuts me off.

"Nikki, why the hell didn't you say something earlier?! I'm not mad at you, you didn't want to burden me or that it? Look I care about you...and you know what? I'll keep Frankie this weekend. Please, please let me help you. I've been wanting to meet her!" My heart stops and it takes me a moment to formulate a response....

"Eric, Eric are you sure? Look, I don't want to...I---", I'm stunned and suddenly EVERYTHING clicks, it's like a light bulb going off. All these feelings that I've been having, god I am so stupid! How have I not seen? It's been so long that I've felt this way...I'm in love! I'm in love with Eric! The way his eyes light up upon seeing me, spending time with him, the way he treats me, takes care of me.... I've been so much happier these past two months and now I know why.

"Nikki! Nikki you there?!", Eric sounds frantic, and I snap out of it.

"Sorry Eric! I didn't mean to make you worry.... just realizing some things. Are you sure? Are you sure you want to watch her?", I apologize and ask worried that this is all a dream.... worried that...stop it Sixx! Eric is a genuine guy, I feel it...he won't hurt me, won't run.... I can let go...

"Yes! I told you, I'd love to meet her! And I am her favorite Kiss member after all! I'd do anything for you, for someone I care about! I would be happy to do this, and I've told you.... I don't say things I don't mean. Plus, I love kids! I've got this.... let me help you.", My heart is full right now...beyond full and this, this right here clinches it for me...FINALLY. Frankie won't be the kiss of death; I see it now.... I see it all.

"Oh Eric! You don't know how much this means to me! I can't begin to thank you enough for this & for what you've done for me these past two months. I'll bring her over later this afternoon, that ok?". I run my fingers thru my hair nervously.

"Of course, it's ok! Ooh, I have some ideas & activities in mind! Tomorrow I must go to the store.... I need more food, I mean I have some, but I want to do this right. And before you tell me not to go to the trouble.... it's no trouble at all! I'll see you soon! Got to go! Take care Sixxy!" and so we hang up. How does he do that? How does he know what I'm thinking? I'm not used to this, but I think that I can get used to it.

Frankie climbs up on my lap, wait when did she get here? She's like Eric, she just knows how I feel, what I'm thinking....

"Daddy! Was that Ewic?! The Kitty mans?", Frankie pipes up excitedly.

"Yes, it was...and you know how daddy has to go bye-bye tomorrow? Well, I'm taking you to Kitty man's house and you'll stay with him until daddy gets back.", and I am rewarded with a beaming smile.

"Really daddy?! Ooh, I can't wait! You talky so much about him...I will wuv him I know! Ewic makes daddy happy! I can tell.... daddy wuvs Ewic!", Daddy loves Eric indeed.... Daddy does indeed. OH Frankie, it's because of you.... you helped me see. You helped me see...

Time passes in a blur, Frankie's bag for the weekend is packed and before I know it, I'm pulling up to Eric's place, but heart pounding in my ears. He's waiting for us...oh god, how that warms my heart. I park and before I can blink...Frankie is gone...Damn she's fast & she's flinging herself at Eric. I step out of the car smiling...looks like love at first sight for them both.

"Ewic! I'm Frankie! Frankie Jean Sixx! So happy meet you! You my favorite kiss member!", Frankie vibrates with excitement. Eric laughs, eyes warm...those beautiful blues flashing as he picks her up and tosses her in the air making her squeal with laughter.

"I'm way cooler than Peter, but don't tell him that! Gosh, you look just like your daddy! You've got the same beautiful green eyes, so many shades of green!", Eric sighs and turns to me, "Nikki, you didn't tell me that you were bringing such a beautiful lady with you!"

"oh Kitten, don't hiss now...and um surprise!", I am standing in front of him, and I reach out and bring him and Frankie into my arms. I feel his breath hitch...mine does too...Frankie is beaming.

"Eric, I've got to go.... but I'll call before she goes to bed or text and Frankie be good for Eric, ok? I love you sweetheart!", My arms still wrapped around both her & Eric. Eric now that I know that I'm in love with you, I don't want to let you go.... First time meeting my daughter and I can already see: instant love, you will treat her like your own. I will tell you when I get back, I should tell you now...but I hope that you can see without words.

"Be Careful getting home, ok? I care about much. And little Frankie here, we've got this...I've got this." By the way, his eyes are shining.... I can tell he knows. That's Eric, he knows...knows me, and he doesn't push until I'm ready. I squeeze them both one last time and reluctantly part from them and quickly and swiftly take out Frankie's booster seat and put it in Eric's car.

"That booster seat isn't for me is it, Nikki? I can totally see over the steering wheel you know!", Eric laughs.

"Nah, you probably use books or something to see over the wheel!", I cackle. Frankie beams.

"Daddy has to go Frankie, but I'll see you soon. I'll see the both of you soon! Love you!", and with this I once again hug her, hug Eric to me and finally I leave. I pull off watching them wave at me, hearing them tell me they'll miss me.... My heart, my heart is full. If this is what Love feels like, true love...I don't ever want to let this go! 

A/N: Oh if you loved this!!...just wait for the next two chapters! Eric's adventures with Frankie. Nikki checking much love & cuteness coming! and this chapter...Nikki, FINALLY everything clicked. and Eric knows with out words, with out words how Nikki feels...Oh Nikki will say it out loud soon enough, I promise!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now