Chapter 50- Passage of time, Four for the birthday (Mick Mars POV)

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8 months have passed since Nikki, Eric and their children visited. Oh of course they've visited many times since then and vice-versa, but now the quadruplets are a year old. Nikki and Frankie's birthdays having passed. Currently, Vince and I are helping Nikki and Eric set things up for the party. Nikki and Eric were going to cater, but everyone in our Kiss-Motley Family insisted on making food, so yeah here we are.

"Mommy! Mommy! Cake!", Storm makes grabby hands for cake and her siblings follow suit.

Before Eric can answer, Nikki mocks a pout and says, "What about daddy?"

Eric rolls his eyes, and playfully retorts, "Daddy loves attention don't you Nikki?" Nikki smirks, but his eyes are soft.

"Did I make you 'hiss' my love?"

"Yes, and don't make me break out my claws," Eric quips and then they share a kiss.

"Keep that up man and you will have six kids, or maybe 12." Vince eyes them with a shit-eating grin.

"Well, I mean you've got four Vince. And from what Nikki's told me, well no room to talk." Eric cackles and Nikki throws his head back howling with laughter. More ribbing occurs and it makes me think of how far we've all come in our journey's to finding love. Nikki and Eric seem to move together as one among the quadruplets, taking care of them, tickling them making them squeal with laughter, and talking to them. They are amazing parents. I sigh.

"Whatcha thinking babe?" Vince asks quietly leaning his head against my shoulder.

"They really are amazing parents, I'm just really happy for them. They've both been thru so much you know?" I state just as quietly entwining our fingers together.

"I know just how you feel. And so have we, my love. And now look at us.... all these years together. And hey give us some credit too, we are amazing parents ourselves, I'd say we're doing a totally awesome job raising our kids."

Nothing more is said as we all gather kids, food etc. and head out to the backyard and the quadruplets birthday theme is 101 Dalmatians, which apparently was Frankie's idea. Eric was teased though since he is the Catman. At this point Nikki who has Storm and Decker by their little hands as they toddle thru. They started walking all four though 3 months ago...Anyway, Eric has Ruby & Hope who laugh with delight and eye their parents with what can only be described as awe.

"I wuv it!" Decker exclaims with zeal but then cocks his head curiously, "Mommy kitty?"

"Yes son, I'm kitty." Eric smiles gently at his son eyes shining and the four children are placed into their chairs and set in front of them are four little cupcakes, which Nikki had at some point told me it would be less messy or so he hoped.

We all start to sing happy birthday and the quadruplets all love the attention, I mean they are eating it up. They get that from Nikki.... I do love the kid though; Nikki I mean and Eric too...after all they are family.

"Come on guys make a wish and we'll help you blow your candles out!" Nikki tells his little ones.

"OOOH, daddy breathe fire ike Unka Demon!" Hope exclaims. I notice Gene close by who puffs up his chest with pride.

"No sweety not like Unka Demon." Eric says gently.

"What wish?" Ruby asks.

"A wish means something that you really want, something really a miracle maybe like the four of you are." Nikki states which make Eric get misty and so does Nikki.

"Otay!" They call chorus at the same time and their parents tell them to close their little eyes and make a wish and then Nikki & Eric help blow their little candles out in the cupcakes and they go to town. It gets everywhere, I mean that's only natural of course. Frankie is making just as much of a mess as her younger siblings and it seems that her sisters and brother worship her just as much as they worship and love their parents...Love, it surrounds us and has a hold on us all.

After cake for the other kids and grown-ups present, speaking of which it's time for the birthday gifts. Which of course the quadruplets had to be cleaned first and I chuckled in amusement, I think everyone did.

"Look sissy! Pwesents!" Decker exclaims pointing almost proudly to his older sister.

Picking up her brother, Frankie beams at him, "I see that Decker. So cool! Storm, Hope, you and Ruby have lotsa presents."

Suddenly Lee exclaims, "Yo! Dudes can we like get to it?" Lee has in his arm's his & TC's baby.... girl. They named her something space themed, so her name is Aurora Rain Lee-Thayer. Unique and very beautiful.

"Patience babe, patience." TC gently reminds his husband. Lee pouts....

"Ok, sorry babe."

"Don't be sorry love, it's one of the many things I love about you." And then he leans over to kiss Lee. Finally, we get underway helping unwrap all the presents, wrapping paper flying everywhere, laughter sounding and the fact that it looks like a craft store took a crap after a minute. But still nonetheless it's an adorable scene.... The quadruplets get toys, Motley Stuff, Kiss stuff and lots more. I'd tell you, but literally we would be here all day. After a bit the kids under watchful eyes of parents and all the adults play together. I spy Nikki slipping his arms around Eric as they kiss...again. I can't fault not at all. Suddenly I find tiny pairs of hands tugging at my pant legs.

"Unka Mickey! Tank you...for birfday stuff!" Storm looks up at me and I see a mini version of her mother. Her siblings come around and join her.

"Tank you! Wuv you! Wuv Aunty Vinny too!" Ruby exclaims. Vince and I crouch down to their level, and they hug us both.

A year old, and Eric...Eric almost wasn't here to see it...but he IS. I shake my head at the thought and concentrate on my little nieces and nephew. What will the future hold for them? For their family? No one can predict the future; I certainly could never have predicted my own...but one thing I do know: it will be a future full of love. And really what more could one want from life? 

A/N: The quadruplets all had their birthday, one year old!! and next chapter will be a time skip of five years, and nikki and Eric will renew their vows...and perhaps a surprise or well an anticipated happening. can't wait!. Only three more  chapters left of this book! But oh their are so many more ideas and stories to come! 

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