Chapter 16-First Official Date Confessions I (Eric Singer POV)

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A/N: Over 1600 words, approximately without notes! So happy you guys have been enjoying these longer chapters! Now, On with the show!

It's Friday!!! Nikki has told me he's taking me on our first date! Well, official date that is. I couldn't be happier! I can tell though that Nikki is nervous, but I don't push him. I have just simply reassured him that it's ok & that I'm here for him...always and that of course I love him. So much has happened since Nikki had come back from his weekend trip out of town. The obvious being, we FINALLY both realized we loved each other and that the feelings were mutual. I met Frankie, fell in love with my precious little girl and now she calls me, 'momma' and if that doesn't tug at the heart strings.

Plus, I've been alternating spending time at Nikki's place & vice versa. We've just been spending time at both places; we are simply happy. I'd love to just move in with him, permanently but I haven't said anything. I think he knows, I know he knows. I am hopeful that it will happen, but meanwhile we've been content.

Currently, I'm over at Nikki's, it the afternoon and he has just taken Frankie over to Lee's place...well I should say Tommy Lee's & Tommy Thayer aka TC's place. Frankie of course had to have her stuffed cat 'Ocean' in tow.

Just before they left, she'd hugged me ,little arms around my neck & said, "Wuv you momma! Don't worry I be good for my uncle Tommy's!"

"I know you will sweetheart, I'll miss you and love you too!" You truly would have to have a heart of stone if this doesn't make you get misty or 'aw' at the sweetness.

They left, but not before Frankie hugged me again and Nikki kissed me telling me, "Love you kitten, I'll be back soon. I hope you'll love what I have planned for us."

"I know I will Sixxy!" Nikki smiles at my pet name for him and after once again telling me 'Bye' and 'love you' they are gone.

So right now, I'm waiting for them to get back and am watching tv...ok, lying the tv is on but I'm not paying attention in the least. I wonder what Nikki has planned.... Oh, it doesn't matter...what matters is it will be with HIM.

Nikki isn't gone maybe 20 min or so before I hear the door open, "Kitten! I'm back!"

"I'm still in the living room! Now get your sexy ass in here!", I yelled back. I hear a laugh and then once my boyfriend comes into view, I see his smirk and those jade eyes of his dancing.

"Now Eric, am I going to have to come over there and get you? Or....", Nikki is highly amused but his eyes...such love in their depths.

"Come get me babe.", I reply playfully and before I know it Nikki has me in his strong arms & I am up off the ground slightly. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Got you kitten! Now are you ready for our....", I cut him off by crashing my lips against his. Nikki responds in kind, and I run my fingers thru his hair. If he weren't holding me, I would have fallen already. Reluctantly, we part for air....

"How's THAT for a, yes?", I pant slightly. Our kiss has left me always does. Nikki set me back down and smiles at me lovingly...

"That was one hell of a yes Eric.... now come on babe, but first...", and this time he pulls me into a kiss and it's a slow kiss where he takes his time savoring me and he makes me feel such love and makes me feel so beautiful.

We leave the house hand in hand and get in the car and listen to what else but Rock...

"Aw, no motorcycle Nikki?", I pout as we drive to wherever our destination is. Nikki takes his right hand and laces his fingers thru my left hand and brings it to his lips and kisses it.

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now