Chapter 8- You Totally have a thing for him (Tommy Lee POV)

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A/N: Tommy Lee Chapter! I have decided to refer to him as Lee & Tommy Thayer as TC, the TC standing for Thomas Cunningham....please enjoy!

AH, February. The month for lovers...well technically Valentine's day is, but still...I'm a hopeless romantic and I don't give two shits about anyone having anything negative to say about me in that regard. This year, this time, this valentine's day is different for me or rather it will be. Two things: One I'm truly in love & Two, I've been seeing Tommy Thayer since I'd met him last month at the Kiss concert.

Tommy & I, we'd hit it off immediately. That square & sexy as hell jawline of his...that smile and those warm brown eyes. Yeah, I've always been known as the hopeless romantic, but this time was different...truly it was & it is... It was real, this was real & I knew it the night we met. Not long after this night, I asked him out & we started seeing each other. I've never moved this fast, but it seems is right. It feels right, oh so right.

Just because I was totally instantly smitten with Tommy, Kiss lead guitarist doesn't mean I didn't notice the way the Sixxter was eyeing Eric Singer. The chemistry between them was very palpable, it to be honest warmed my heart. I hoped that Nikki would let himself be happy, god knows he deserved it. I mean after his ex-wife, who we call 'Thing II'...that evil heartless bitch of a gold digger, who abandoned Nikki...took him for a ride & worst of all.... abandoned her child.

'Thing II', let me explain. Mars's ex-wife was called 'thing I' and it was Mick that came up with 'thing II'. Mick's statement of "Well we'll have to add another 'thing' to the collection of exes." was apt. we've all of us, have searched for love...wanted it. Mick ended up with one Vince Neil, back in 84', Mick had nearly lost Vince when his attitude caused WAY too many problems and all. However those two made it thru the storm, wound up married & have kids & are still together & in love today.

Back to Nikki and Eric.... There was no doubt Eric was adorable! I've never seen or heard Nikki be so playful, so happy & so upbeat. I don't think Nikki realized how he was acting and now, he's already changed so much. I don't push and say, "Dude it's obvious you're in's ok to let yourself fall completely this time." I should say it, but I know that we're this is headed.... I feel it in my bones, there will come a day and soon that will make Nikki realize.

I pick up the phone & dial my boyfriend.... oh, my boyfriend! And if you happen to be wondering, no we haven't had sex...yet. We want to take our time & want it to be special.... any who, the phone rings 3 times & I hear that oh so sexy voice chime....

"Hey, Tommy it's Tommy! So happy you called Lee! Mwah!"

I chuckle, "Never gets old does it ...TC?" Since we're both named Tommy, I started to call him, TC standing for Thomas Cunningham and he calls me Lee, which technically is my middle name. Since my full name is Thomas Lee Bass. Course since the 80s it's been Tommy Lee.... Anyway, I digress.

"Nope Lee, not at all love...not at all. Anyway, I've been thinking of Valentine's Day. I have something special in mind planned for us. So, a special date!", TC enthused.

"Can't wait, babe! Can I have a hint?", I whine.

"Nope, me though, it will be special. I talked to Eric the other day...And I thought he was energetic BEFORE he started hanging out with Nikki. He's even more so now....and he'll have more periods where he's quiet. It's obvious, he's in love.... It's just..." TC sighs.

"I think I know what you're getting at. The Sixxter, well I've never EVER seen or heard him act the way he has with anyone. Especially after 'thing II', he DOES love Eric, I'm telling you. He just doesn't realize it yet, and I think the key will be little Frankie.", I tell him.

"I'm sure your right babe, there's a good guy in Nikki. I feel that he wouldn't hurt Eric.... I just want Eric to be happy, for them both to be happy. Love can be like your drum coaster, scary as hell, wild, exhilarating, but it's worth it.... beyond worth it. I can't tell you how much I love you, Lee.", TC sighs lovingly. Sure, we've only been seeing each other a month.... but when it's love, it's love. WE talk for awhile longer and finally hang up, my heart fluttering.

So, the fuck what if I'm a hopeless romantic, there are worse things to be. I'm in love with Thomas Cunningham Thayer & I don't care who knows it. I just wish my fellow terror twin: Nikki would just completely let go & say how he feels. However, everyone does things at their own pace. It's  so obvious Nikki's in love with Eric that it's not funny. I honestly believe what I told TC though, that Nikki's daughter will be the key. My little niece, Frankie. Something will happen that will finally get Nikki to see, that Eric is different...that he's genuine. And I hope that things will turn out ok, but I feel in my bones that they will...I really do.

A/N: Oh I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this!! Much Love! Next chapter Tommy Thayer POV, Valentine's day...oh the valentine's date!

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