Chapter 47- Sixx's Kitten Comes Home (Nikki Sixx POV)

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For our first Christmas together: Eric & I, our was one hell of a Christmas! Eric wore from his coma on Christmas Eve, we celebrated what turned out to be the best Christmas I've ever had as a family: Myself, my beloved husband and our children, Storm, Hope, Ruby, Decker, and Frankie. As well as our extended Kiss family & Motley. So much happened, so many gifts and tender moments that I didn't think would happen, but the miracle is they DID. Now at last it's time for Eric, my kitten to come HOME. I can't tell you how happy I am, and Frankie too of course. These last couple of weeks.... helping Eric get his strength back and seeing him get's been worth it.

Today is a very special day for Eric's home coming it's been exactly one year today since we ran into each other, literally. The day I wasn't looking for love, but it found me ran into me and I wouldn't trade that for anything. I am brought out of my thoughts by Eric who is changing Decker and Hope's outfits and diapers while I had just finished with Storm and Ruby who are babbling away in their little baby carriers, snug and secure....

"Babe? You, ok?" Eric sounds concerned but then gives me a relived smile when I tell him....

"Sorry to worry you kitten, yeah I'm ok...more than ok. I mean you're here, we're here together, our babies are healthy, all five of our children are and today is the anniversary of when we literally ran into each other."

Eric who it seems has finished dressing Decker and Hope, puts them in their carriers and places them beside Storm and Ruby Gently and then comes to sit by me and cuddles into me, "I'll always remember that day, me running into the man who I fell in love with in an instant but didn't realize it, for once grateful for my clumsiness. You've really rocked my world you know? You've given me five amazing children and just given me so much, your love, your heart. And hey I was thinking.... maybe we could get matching tattoo's, 'Forever Sixx's Kitten', something that coordinates. I mean if that's not too silly."

"It's not silly Eric! I think that's a perfect idea! It can be our next date night."

Eric laughs, "Do you even have room?"

I mock an offended look, "Of course!"

Eric is full on cackling now, "Hey I'm the cat.... but looks like I made YOU 'hiss'!" I start cackling with him and the four babies I swear are cackling too, baby style of course.

"I'm helping, I carry all four babies!!" Frankie pipes up. "Love you momma! Love you daddy...and love Storm, Hope, Ruby & Decker!"

"Frankie Angel that's sweet, but you can't carry them all at once and we love you too & so do they!" Eric smiles gently at her from her position on the floor talking to her sisters and brother. Eric turns to me, "I'm all checked out right?"

"Yes, already to go kitten. Oh & there's I bought a new car for us...that could fit the seven of us easily, but still looks super cool." I smirk.

"You my love are just full of surprises, let's go." Eric smiles gently and we gather all four of the babies and make our way to the car where upon seeing it, Eric's jaw drops, "Wow! You got a freaking escalade?!!"

"Well, why not? Stylish, functional and only the best here for our family!" I state as we carefully arrange our quadruplets in the car, making sure they are secure, and I help Eric in the back so he can be with them, and Frankie sits up front with me. Of course, I made sure Eric could reach them easily, our children...but anyway, at last we are off.

I drive carefully, of course but not granny style or anything, I have precious cargoes though.

"Looks like the four of them are drifting off to sleep...for now.... I mean hey they've had a big day or are having a big day." Eric says quietly so as not to disturb them.

"Hmm, they have had a big day at that for sure. I mean they are finally going home and so are YOU. Now I want you to try and rest when we get home." I also speak quietly.

"If you mean sleep, I've done that enough.... but your right, I mean we've already got a routine down with the quadruplets, having been in the hospital and we have no shortage of help. We will be fine." Eric says with a slight grin.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me.... Lee called; he & TC are at the house. Lee demanded, well actually they both did to say with us for a while, and the others too will be helping out."

Eric bursts into tears, "Nikki. That's, that's.... just wow...I mean it means so much. And lee's pregnant and...and...I mean...we really have the best family in the world! It's so touching!!"

"Of course, momma! We family! And we all love you!" Frankie pipes up. Eric's eyes are shinning.... finally, we get home all of us, safe and sure enough I see TC & Lee's car in the driveway.

"Should we hope that the house is intact?" Eric leans in to whisper in my ear once I park. I catch his real meaning.

"It is..." I pause, "But I am sure it will be." I whisper back and finally we get out of the car and carry two babies each and Frankie goes and opens the door to find TC standing there.

"Hey guys...welcome home! Don't worry the house is ok, I kept Lee out of let me help you with these babies! Living room or nursery?"

"Living room, please." Eric says with a grateful smile. "Oh, the bags!"

"I got the bags momma!", Frankie does indeed have them. How she's managing to hold them all I don't know, but I manage to take some from her and sling them over my shoulders and we head inside to our living room to find Lee on the couch watching tv, his baby bump is getting to be more prominent.

"Hey dudes! Welcome home!! Good thing my husband and I thought to have their bassinets down here! Oh & we have diaper changing stuff and clean clothes too!"

We all proceed to put Storm, Hope, Ruby & Decker who thankfully are still sleeping in their bassinets, and plop down on the couch and I pull Eric into my arms.

"Guys you didn't have to do this...none of you have to stay & rotate etc....but it means so much to Eric & I, our family that you're doing this. Seriously, thank you!" I get a little misty.

"We're a family, we love you's just what we do! Now we have some bottles ready to go in the fridge, need to rest." TC turns to his husband who pouts.

"Babe! I'm fine!" Lee Protests. TC gives him a firm but gentle look.

"Sweetheart, you look tired, and you've done a lot today. For our baby and us, please go rest my love. I'll wake you for dinner."

"Ok love your right." Lee rubs his baby bump gently as TC helps him off the couch and upstairs to the bedroom, they are staying in.... he comes back minutes later...

"Out like a light. He was so excited to help, I didn't have the heart to tell him 'No'. He's fine and so is our baby."

"Girl or boy?" Eric asks eagerly.

"I'd love a girl. Or boy...either honestly, but they are healthy. That's all that matters. Though we have a lot of catching up to do with you and Nikki."

I smirk, "Oh I'm sure Lee wouldn't complain about that."

"Just try & keep it down though!", Eric laughs...Frankie thankfully has been in the kitchen and hasn't heard the risque part of our conversation.... well, she's back in the room now with a juice box and apples.

"I heard laughs, what's so funny?" Silence from us adults..." Oh, Grown-up ok!"

"Oh, Frankie Angel, you will find out when you are the meantime, come here and cuddle with're not too big for that right?" Eric teases her.

"Never too big momma! Never!" Frankie joins Eric & I and is cuddling us and my heart melts and is so full right now. It means everything that Eric is here, our quadruplets are healthy, and that I am surrounded by family. There is nothing better than this....what a way to commemorate the day Eric & I met!


Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now