Chapter 7-Hanging out Part II (Eric Singer POV)

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A/N: SO excited for this chapter! Part II to Hanging out....Song Included is Journey's, "Stone in Love." Over 1400 words with out author's notes! 

I can't believe the position I find myself in: On the back of a motorcycle with my arms around Nikki Sixx. I was still scared shitless I admit when we first started out, I mean I've always kind of had a fear of motorcycles. Nikki, however set me at ease.... he just has this way & I'm not sure that he realizes it, or does he? In any case, now I can say that I've never felt safer...he's not just a cool guy, he's sweet. From what I know of his reputation, the words "Sweet" & "Nikki Sixx" don't go together, but he's different than what I thought.

Suddenly or what seems suddenly to me we stop at this adorable looking little Italian restaurant and Nikki parks the cycle & cuts the engine.

"Still alive back their short kitty?", Nikki smirks at me over his shoulder those jade eyes of his dancing.

"Well obviously, cat's have 9 lives and I still have all of mine.", I roll my eyes playfully at him and he laughs and his smile...I must say something & this may be cliché.... but it really does outshine the sun. My Arms are still wrapped securely around him, I have yet to let go and I find that I don't want to. Nikki dismounts first and I'm still sitting up on the bike.... oh boy, this is gonna be do I get down?

"Here Eric, I got's really easy...", and surprisingly he picks me up off the motorcycle and puts me back down gently. I gape at him... "What? I work out you know...".

"I can see that tell me do you bench press cats or something?", I tease. "Like tigers or something?" I am laughing out right as I take off the helmet and hand to Nikki, our fingers brush ever so slightly, and we head inside and sit at our table. We order our drinks and then wait while the waitress brings them.

"Let me answer your question you'd asked before we came in.... No, I don't bench press tigers...but if you're offering to fill in....", Nikki smirks.

"Whatever Sixx...I'm not THAT small...", I grumble. Our drinks are brought to the table and we both order our food...god I'm starved!

"Sorry seems that I made you 'hiss' again." Nikki smirks.

"Yes, you did...I'm gonna have to spend a fortune to keep my 'claws' sharp." I quip. "Nikki there's something I got to ask and please don't get mad.... but uh I thought I Heard a high-pitched giggle this morning when you called, were you watching tv?" I suspect he wasn't, but then again.... Nikki seems to freeze and sighs before answering....

"No, that was my daughter...", he seems to be waiting for my reaction and it seems he anticipates a bad one for some reason, but I smile brightly to reassure him.

"Aw! You have a daughter? How old is she? Oh, I bet she's adorable! I absolutely love kids seriously!", Nikki looks taken aback at my response before slowly a smile spreads across his face.

"You really love kids huh? My daughter's name is Frankie and she's four. Just turned four not long ago.... things with her 'mother', well its complicated to say the least.... let's just say that Frankie was abandoned by her and so her 'mother' gave up her rights." Nikki sighs heavily his irises filled with so much pain.

"It's a damn shame truly that someone, anyone would do that to a that to you.... I bet she's adorable! I can tell, she sounds like she is your world.... Not everyone can have kids and god it makes me angry to hear someone do that to a child.", I sigh before continuing and I don't why I say the following but it's time to drop a bombshell to him, "It's because...well I don't know why I feel I can tell you...but um I can have kids, can get pregnant I mean." I whisper, there is a moment of stunned silence and all I can think is he's gonna hate me, but what shocks the hell out of me and apparently Nikki as I get the sense that he's not normally a touchy-feely guy, but he takes my hand and squeezes it gently....

"I know that wasn't easy for you to say Eric but thank you for sharing it and for your kind words. I needed to hear that...Would you like to see a picture? And before I show you...she says to say 'hi' from her and you're her favorite member of Kiss."

"Your welcome Nikki...anytime. And yes, I would love to see a picture! Tell Frankie, that I said 'hi' back and that I'm way cooler than Peter!", I chuckle as Nikki pulls out a photo from his wallet and hands it to me.... The little girl in the picture is a carbon copy of the man in front of me, she has his smile and his eyes...those beautiful eyes. She is Nikki Sixx in miniature and my heart melts, I have the feeling that Nikki would want to wait before introducing me to her and he can take all the time he needs. All the time in the world, I can't wait to meet her...but I get the sense that he's very protective of her and for some reason that he wants to make sure someone sticks around in her life....

Our food finally arrives and it's delicious! Conversation between Nikki & I flows easily. There is much laughter, teasing and joking between us...Could it be I'm falling in love?

After Dinner we stop off to get ice-cream, which Nikki; laughs at me because I make a mess and it gets everywhere. I glare playfully at him and we finally get to a bowling alley, me practically bouncing with glee.

As we take our lane, lame bowling shoes on.... I turn to Nikki and smirk, "Ready to get creamed Sixx? I warn you...I'm much better designed for this!"

"Bring it fun-sized kitty...and you WISH you could kick my ass!", Nikki smirks.

"I don't THINK I KNOW....and oh I will!", I sing-song at him. I totally kick his ass by the way...but we have so much fun bowling and this truly has been the best evening I've had in an awfully long time. Nikki really was a fun guy to be with.... he really was/is.

Nikki drops me off back at my house and I reluctantly dismount, but with his help and we walk to my door. I really wanted the evening to never end....

"Hey Nikki? I just wanted to say that, truly I had an awesome time tonight. It was so much fun! And, and too...whenever your ready & you can take your time.... you can introduce me to your daughter. Seriously take all the time you need! And thank you so much for tonight!"

Nikki looks stunned and a little awed at me but smiles, "Eric thank you for understanding and not prying and well I think you know what I'm trying to say....and one day I may do so...Frankie was so excited that I told her I was going to spend time with you. And I will tell her you said 'hi'...and I really had a good time tonight, I knew you'd be a lot of fun!"

"You'll share when your ready...and here...", I take off my bandanna and hand it to Nikki. "Tell Frankie that the kitty wanted to give her this."

"Eric I can't take this...are you sure?", Nikki asks.

"Absolutely! I have plenty of them!" I grin to show him its ok. To put Nikki at ease...." Well, I hope Nikki that you have a goodnight, be careful getting home..." Both of us are reluctant to part and suddenly I find myself in his strong arms and he's hugging me. Nikki pulls back after a minute and looks at me....

"I will have a goodnight, Eric; Frankie will love this bandana and I will be careful getting home. I'll text you when I get home."

I nod with a smile and wave at him as he gets on his motorcycle and leaves and he waves back before being swallowed up by the night. I stand there for a few more minutes before I head upstairs to my bedroom...yep, I think I'm falling in love...

"Those summer nights are calling; can't help I'm falling Stone in Love..."

A/N: Oh I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this!! Chapter 8 & 9 which will be from Tommy Lee's & Tommy Thayer's View points respectively will see their thoughts & feelings on each other and on Nikki Sixx & Eric Singer....Chapter 10 will skip about two months and FINALLY Nikki will at least realize and admit to himself what everyone already knows...and not to mention the huge favor involving Frankie will come into play & too that's when Eric will meet Frankie in person! So much planned, stay tuned!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now