Chapter 49- Visit (Vince-Neil Mars POV)

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A/N: Sweet family moments, a visit, love and emotion....enjoy

A couple of months have passed since Nikki & Eric's quadruplets have been born, they are now four months old. They are doing SO well, and so are Nikki and Eric. In fact, Mick & I decided to have them over for dinner, later today...early evening. Currently though, it's mid-morning and I am in bed with my husband, cuddling...yes cuddling. Surprisingly the youngest two of our children haven't barged into our bedroom, which trust me is a miracle. The children in question are 6 years old and 4 years old respectively. I sigh....

"Vin? You, ok?" My husband's concerned voice breaks me out of my reverie.

"Yeah Mick, I'm ok.... just thinking about things. Our family and everything. And it's a miracle our youngest haven't barged in here."

Mick chuckles, "It is is." His tone is soft, "It's really amazing how far we have come, you know? Four amazing children, two of which are teens and two little ones and YOU, my love. And everyone is so happy, Nikki & Eric and their brood of five, I mean such an adorable family."

"I couldn't agree more with you babe. Now I guess we should get out of bed before...." I am cut off by our door opening and our two youngest come flying in before Mick or I can blink and crawl up in bed with us, laying between my husband and me.

"Mommy! Daddy!! You need to get out of bed!" Our four-year-old daughter, Starla pipes up in her little voice. In terms of looks, she looks just like my husband but has my eyes and personality.

"Yeah, what sissy said!" Our six-year-old son, Robert (the Robert being for Mick's real name), but we call him Bobby...echoes his sister.

"We were, Starla and", Mick tickles them both making them squeal with laughter...and all of us laugh together as finally Mick and I get out of bed and get dressed while our youngest are mesmerized by the cartoons on our tv. Finally, we all head downstairs where we find Skylar and Our other son Charlie sitting on the couch loudly discussing the dynamics of some old comedy movie, they are watching which seems to be...well huh...'Young Frankenstein'

Bobby & Starla are soon occupied by playing with their toys in the floor, until finally Charlie notices Mick and I have sat down on the couch.... Mick smirks...

"Um, Mom...Dad...when'd you guys get here?" Charlie cocks his head to the side, a habit he gets from his Uncle Lee.

"Been here since you two started discussing this movie." I chuckle. "That and we finally came downstairs because your younger brother and sister barged in the bedroom."

"Sounds about right." Skylar shrugs. "Uncle Nikki & Eric are coming later, right? And all our cousins."

"They are, which means we will need to start cooking early and all." Mick answers her reaching over to ruffle her hair. The hours pass by us just spending time together as a family, feeding the kids and soon it's time to fix dinner and in the middle of it the doorbell rings. I share a look with Mick, but surprisingly Charlie offers to go to the door and next thing we know we hear the familiar voices of Nikki, Eric, Frankie, and the adorable quadruplets.

Thankfully Mick and I had the thought to pull out the bassinets for Storm, Hope, Ruby and Decker and they are mobile ones, so sure enough Nikki & Eric enter with their four babies and Frankie in tow helping her parents with the baby bags and Eric & Nikki share a kiss, well several before at last sitting down.

"It was quite the production getting five kids loaded into the car, but hey they're good kids!" Eric laughs blue eyes shinning as he stares lovingly at Nikki, who shares the same look with his husband.

"Yes, they are good kids, because they have an amazing mother!" Nikki practically gushes before turning back to his children who all seem to be smiling and cooing.

"Give your self some credit  too Sixxy. They have an amazing father and an amazing big sister!" Eric sighs dreamily.

"So, sounds like they're doing good, sleeping thru the night now and all right?" I ask with a smile. "Oh, Dinner's just about done."

"Yeah, they are going great! Yes, they sleep all night...but Eric and I both wake up at some point or points to check on them. They've been eating baby foods, and they are growing up too fast, I mean in 8 months they will be a year old. And we can't thank you enough for all you've done for us all and we are just so happy to be here and being with family!" Nikki sniffs and Eric squeezes his hand, and it seems that before long the babies all drift off to sleep and at last dinner is ready, as we all gather around the dinning room table and start to eat.

"Thank you, Uncle Mickey, Uncle Vince, I mean Aunty Vince! This is so tasty!" Frankie pipes up and I raise an eyebrow at being called 'aunty' and I can hear Nikki snicker; I assume because of the expression on my face.

"Your welcome sweetheart! And Nikki? Don't think I didn't hear that." I aim a look at him and he merely smirks, Eric snickers quietly beside his husband.

"Hear what?" Nikki arranges he features into an innocent look which lasts two seconds before he bursts into laughter, but not too loud as the babies are still sleeping and him and Eric are practically rolling holding on to each other and all of us we must laugh too.

We manage to finish dinner, ribbing each other all the while, wash dishes, have dessert and then we take turns holding the quadruplets bickering about who gets to hold who first. Somewhere in all this, I find myself at my husband's side burrowed into his comforting embrace as we look on at everyone talking, laughing, and admiring Storm, Hope, Ruby & Decker. Frankie chattering away about how wonderful they are and how awesome Nikki & Eric are, which makes those two beams with pride.

"It's amazing how far all of us have come, we have big families...well Lee and TC are working on theirs, but everyone has found their happiness, their joy. Ya know?" I whisper quietly.

"It really is, something that may have once seemed impossible but became a reality. I wouldn't trade our lives now for anything, I wouldn't trade YOU for anything. Because God, I love you Sun-Shine." Mick's voice coated with emotion darkening his eyes to cobalt.

"I love you too Mick, and I will do so until the day I die. And our kids, our family.... I mean what more could we ask for?" Mick then brings me into a kiss, and I am startled to see him crying, but these are not sad tears, they are happy tears.

Mick, what can I say? Going on 21 years now...still going strong, wasn't easy getting here, but God was this fucking worth it!

A/N: Next chapter will be the quadruplets first birthday & I am excited to write more. SO happy I got a chapter out before work!!

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