Chapter 11-The Cat's Adventures in Babysitting Part I (Eric Singer POV)

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A/N: I'm on a roll! Here's another new chapter! Normally I don't write so much, but I've had a day off & all and go into work later here we are! 

I stood there with Frankie in my arms, her bag at our feet watching Nikki go. He'd just left moments ago, but it feels like a lifetime. The way he looked at was like things just clicked in his head, like...I am cut out of my thoughts by a gentle poking to my face.

"Ewic? You, ok? Miss daddy, don't you?", Frankie looks up at me and it's Nikki's gaze in miniature and oh does that do something to me. Damn this kid is observant! It's an oddly serious look on her face..." Eric, do you love daddy? Frankie see things...." And it's amazing, that a four-year-old can see that...Wait! She's right! God is she right! I DO miss Nikki; I feel like I'm missing a part of myself & suddenly everything and I do mean everything falls into place. It's like being struck by lightning, repeatedly. The looks, the insane chemistry between us...the time we have spent together...I am in love with Nikki Sixx!

"Ewic.... Frankie wuv daddy!" Oh Frankie! You've helped me to see.... you don't know how incredibly grateful I am. I already love you and see you as my own. A sort of love at first sight.

"How'd you get to be so smart? Let's get inside, you hungry?", I tickle her, and she giggles.

"Yes, I hungwy! I so happy!", Frankie beams and again I see Nikki...I think of Nikki.... With Frankie still in my arms and her bag in my free hand, we head into my house. I take her upstairs to one of my guest bedrooms, directly across the hall from mine and gently set her down along with her stuff.

"Ok Frankie Angel...this will be your room to stay in while you're here. My room is right across the hall, if you need me...I'll keep the door open, ok?", Frankie quits jumping on the bed and observes me.

"Ok, Eric! Ooh can I see your bedroom?", She asks.

"Thought you were hungry?", I tease, and her pout is adorable.

"I yam! Pwease let me see!", Frankie begs, and I laugh taking her by the hand and across the hall. I open the door and she gazes around taking everything in. And Her eyes land on a framed poster I have of her father's band: Motley Crüe. Don't judge me. The poster in question is of Motley from the "Theater of Pain" Era. Frankie climbs up on my bed and points at Nikki, "It's daddy! Oh, you DO wuv daddy! And looky, Uncle Vince, Uncle Mick & Uncle Tommy!"

I laugh, god she's cute! At last, I finish letting her look around at my room & we head downstairs & I get her & myself some left-over baked spaghetti, which she makes a mess of...and honestly so do I, but she seems to love it. Before I know it, night falls and my phone rings.... Nikki!

"Hey Nikki! Glad you called! Fixing to go to bed I take it?" I ask.

"Eric! Yeah, I'm checking in...early flights suck ass. I'm so not a morning person! How's Frankie? How are you?", Nikki asks rapidly.

"She's fine! We had some leftover baked spaghetti I'd made...she's already got me wrapped around her finger. I really love having her here! And I feel ya on the early mornings and early flights! Here I'll put you on speaker!" I am unable to keep the smile out of my voice! Frankie is sitting in my lap, tv on in the background.

"Daddy! I am getting sleepy...but so happy you called to say 'night-night'! Eric is awesome! I Wuv him!", Frankie exclaims making my heart melt.

"That's wonderful sweetheart that you love Eric! I wanted to check on you & check on Eric before I go to bed. Love you!"

"I really DO wuv Ewic! And I love you too daddy! I miss you, but I'll see you soon, ok?" Frankie beams at the phone and lets out a yawn. I take the phone off speaker...

"Nikki, I just want to say that Its no problem doing this for you. I'd do anything for you! I mean it!", My heart is racing.

"I know Eric, I know and believe me you don't know how very much that means to me. How much you mean to me.... give Frankie a kiss for me and I've got to go to bed. Take care!", His tone.... I hear it, he doesn't have to say the words though I won't deny I want to hear them. I can hear it in his voice...he loves me. We hang up and I put Frankie to bed...she falls asleep quickly and I head to my bedroom across the hall and watch tv for a few hours till I fall asleep and of course dream about Nikki....

I wake up in the morning and I hear the most adorable little giggle and the sound of my door opening all the way...I pretend to sleep, and I try not to smile where Frankie can see it and I feel the bed shift as little Frankie climbs up and starts to poke me in the face and shake me to 'wake me up'. Without warning, I open my eyes and tickle her. She squeals with laughter...I want to hear the sound for the rest of my life, now I can see such a life with her...with a family.

"Kitty, pretending sweepy! Eric I'm hungry! Can we have bweakfast?", she looks up at me those eyes shining.

"Of course, we can! I don't have much, but how do pancakes sound? With chocolate chips? We've got a full day ahead.... I need to go to the store for groceries and stuff, what do ya say?", Frankie's eyes light up at the mention of the pancakes and that's all the answer I need.

I take her by the hand and lead her downstairs to my kitchen where I proceed to make us both chocolate chip pancakes and Frankie watching me with rapt attention. When she takes her first bite, her eyes widen...

"These are so tasty! Tank you!! Thank you so much!"

"Glad you love em Frankie Angel...Now after breakfast.... what do you say we head to the store? You can be my special helper and help me get groceries and other things we need!" Frankie practically tackles me with glee.

"I all done with pancakes now! Can we go?" I laugh....

I help Frankie dress once we get back upstairs, and she wears a Kiss t-shirt from the 'Revenge' era, and she insists on wearing my old bandana I told Nikki to give her. If that's not adorable, I don't know what is.

Once again, we descend the stairs and I lock the door and make sure Frankie is secure in her booster seat before I take off.

"You want to listen to some music Frankie? What do you like?" I ask.... If she's her father's daughter.... should be classic rock. Nikki has already raised this kid right....

"Rock of course! Oooh, can we listen to Queen?" Frankie asks.

"Of course, we can! And I love Queen!", I enthuse and the sounds of "Killer Queen" fill my car.

Frankie bobs her head to the music, and I of course drum along on my steering wheel. This child.... she was the the key. I love her already.... I see her as mine, a child of mine and of Nikki's....

Oh Nikki! I would wait a lifetime to hear you say 'I love you'.... you don't need to say the words.... now that I know, I hear it in your voice, feel it in your touch. I can see my future with you now when I look into your eyes.

A/N: One of my longest chapters yet!! I am not since i work Friday thru Monday update as much as I did today, but don't worry I will update as much as I can! Much love!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now