Chapter 27-Scared & Shocked (Frankie POV)

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A/N: This may get got me emotional and I wrote it...feel free to break out the tissues!

We at hospital place, Momma was taken here right after doctor's appointment. Momma hooked up to all sorts of machines, which daddy said are for helping momma to feel better and watch the babies. Momma's been here just a little bit maybe a day or so...not sure, daddy went to get us some food and so Uncle Mickey and Uncle Vince are here, watching me and making sure momma isn't lonely. Daddy didn't want to go, but momma insisted daddy take some time. Uncle Lee and TC are coming too, anytime...

"Momma really sleeping...momma needs sleep.... are the babies, ok?", I whisper. Gosh, I've never been so scared. Momma, he's been so ill.... Daddy worried, Momma worried.... I worried.

"Frankie sweetheart the babies are ok, they will be ok...I know things are hard right now, but will turn out fine.", Uncle Vince reassures me. I think reassure right word...Next thing, Uncle Lee, and TC both arrive and find seats, good thing room big.

"Oh, Eric's sleeping, good he needs it...Where's Nikki?", Uncle TC asks.

"He went to get some food, get out for a wee bit...Eric insisted.", Uncle Mick shrugs but glancing at momma looks worried. Momma wakes up with a groan, and right away everyone looks and pays attention. Momma still looks like need sleep, lots of sleep. I carefully scramble up into the bed and snuggle into Momma's side and Momma smiles at me.

"Where's Nikki? He back, yes? No, wait, OH yeah, duh. He went out for a bit, right? Food or something? God, I'm really craving a burger.... Frankie Angel, you, ok? Sorry to scare you.", Momma smiles but then frowns as those pretty blue eyes leak salt water.... I frown, Momma should never cry.

"I scared, so so sick. It not your fault or the babies fault. I love you.", I hug momma who sighs.

Daddy still not back as the doctor comes in and says they need to check on the babies, daddy will be upset he miss it. After some arguing with the grown-ups, Uncle Lee wins and I go with him and momma to check on the babies. Uncle Lee holds me in his lap as they wheel in machine to see babies and put goopy stuff on Momma's belly that's cold, which makes momma shiver. The doctor frown...oh no...and move wand thing back and forth and sighs as the monitor thing turned to where momma can see.

"Mr. Sixx, well it looks like we found another baby...seems the baby was hiding behind its siblings. So, your carrying quadruplets."

Momma's jaw drops and his pretty eyes fill with tears, "I-I-I are y-you sure? F-Four?"

Four siblings?! No wonder Momma been so sick.... Oh, my poor mommy! Uncle Lee sucks in a breath, jaw on the floor. Uncle Lee, Momma and me then see four tiny little shapes and then hear four tiny heart beats. Momma looks so scared, but happy too and soon the visit is over and we back in room, Momma look so pale. Uncle Mick and Vince look worried about momma and suddenly momma bursts into tears and daddy show up with food, which he immediately gives to someone...Uncle Mickey, maybe? Daddy rushes over to mommy...I think the food will be forgotten.

"Eric! Eric... sweetheart, kitten please tell me what's wrong! You're scaring me! I shouldn't have left...I'm sorry."

Momma shakes his head and stammers, "N-Nikki, I-I-I don't k-know h-how t-to s-say th—is, b-but um...the doctor found something."

"What? Eric are the babies, ok? Kitten...what's wrong?", I hear how scared daddy sounds and it makes me cry and all my uncles look scared too.

"Your gonna hate me! Nikki I am so scared...I.... your gonna leave me!", Momma wails clinging to daddy.

"No Eric! I will never EVER leave you! I know your scared I am too, but I could never hate you...just please tell me what the doctor found." Daddy kisses momma and wipes away his tears.

" so apparently um...the doctor found another was hidden behind one of the others. So, turns out I'm carrying quadruplets...God, Nikki I'm so sorry! SO sorry! I never...god I'm sorry!", Daddy look stunned and so does Uncle Mickey, Vince, TC & Uncle Lee. I glad babies are ok, but momma...momma so ill, momma hurt so much. It will be ok though, I hope.

"Eric, Eric Singer-Sixx.... look at me. This isn't your fault! You hear me? Yes, it's overwhelming and I am scared to death, and I know you are! WE all are! But we will get thru this, these babies will know nothing but love and support. Frankie will be an amazing big sister; you are already an amazing mother! We will not have a shortage of help, all of us will be here for you. I just hate seeing you hurt & suffer so much! I'd do anything to take away your pain, anything...You are my husband, my soulmate...You, Frankie, our well four children.... well, I guess five kids, and our family...your all my world!" Daddy is crying and so is everyone else.

Everyone is shocked...I think 'shock' the right word...but four siblings? It a lot, but I help mommy, I help daddy. I just want Momma to be ok again...for things to get better. It will be worth it, as Momma has said.... Still, what happens when momma goes home in a few days?

"Nikki, I love you...I love Frankie, our babies...our family. I love you all more than words can say. I want to thank all of you, for your support and love...and I just want to be able to eat once we get home, I want to take care of things...I—", Daddy cuts momma off and he looks so serious....

"Eric, listen to do take care of me, of have a big heart, it's ok to take time for yourself, for someone to take care of YOU. You taught me that...You ARE taking care of things...You're carrying our children...our four unborn babies. And I do all these things, we do these things...because that's what family does. Its what love is. All we can do is take things one day at a time, my day at a time."

Daddy kisses mommy again, this time mommy still is daddy, but Momma's eyes light up like a Christmas tree and momma manages to smile....

Four sisters? Four brothers? A little of both? I just want the babies to be healthy, all four. I want Momma to feel better, I want things to get better. But what I feel now besides that scary feeling is love, so much love. Momma, daddy, uncles, and my siblings...I love you all so much! I promise I do everything I can to help...I promise. 

A/N: So surprise, there is a fourth baby! things will be rough for a bit more, but I promise things will get better and work out! Stay tuned for more!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now