Chapter 20- Love & Marriage, A tour break (Mick Mars POV)

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A/N: Here it is, the much anticipated Wedding Chapter! And Mick Mars POV! 

Love & Marriage, two things I had never believed in once.... Afterall, it's well known about my ex-wife, or 'Thing I' as she is referred too. That whore...and what a bitch. All we'd ever done is fight and shortly before Motley Crüe was formed, we divorced...and no none of that amicable shit. It was a drag out, knock down kind of thing.... No kids, though I'd wanted them...just not you know with HER. The Motley was formed in 81' & obviously I got the audition.... Speaking of said audition, it was also my encounter with once Vince Neil or now Vince Neil-Mars. Anyway, I remember distinctly being struck by not just his bleach-blond hair, but those eyes of his, the way he moved everything. The day of my audition, I didn't realize what my feelings meant. I didn't see it & for the next three years, I continued to not see it. Then in 1984, things came to ahead.... See my attitude nearly cost me what became the greatest love of my life.... I was beyond rude to poor Vince, and that's putting it mildly. I was in my 30s, he was so much younger.... I had my A.S...and I just wasn't good enough for him. Plus, him & I seemed to fight a lot or ignored each other, things we seemed to do in equal measure. Till one day on a tour, after Vince & got into it over something...He threatened to leave Motley....and so he disappeared for a few days in between some shows....and of course Nikki & Tommy Lee were pissed at me.... It made me realize though, that I'd pushed too far, that I needed to tell Vince I loved him...So I went & found him & finally broke down and let my walls come crashing down...made him see that I really did love him. It wasn't too long after this we got married, I didn't want to be with out him anymore, you know never again be with out him.

Today I'm sitting here with Nikki, and my husband Vince went to check on Eric, Nikki's soon to be husband. Nikki is doing something today, no one ever thought he'd do again.... Get married. Kiss is currently on a tour break and Nikki didn't want to wait & neither did Eric, so both decided to get married during the break which would last about a week & a half.

Finally, Nikki was happy. Genuinely happy. Eric was really an amazing guy, perfect for Nikki. The perfect balance, opposites yet a fitting pair, dark & light.... Speaking of Nikki...

"Hey mars-man? You think Eric's ok.... I'm just so nervous.... I mean I know he loves me...but what if---", I hold up a hand to cut him off.

"Nikki, I'm sure he's just as nervous as you are, but I am sure any moment now Vince will be back to give us a full report. But relax, no 'what if's', I've never seen you so happy in all the years I've known you. Nothing bad will happen, you've got yourself 'the one', a man...a partner who loves you unconditionally and he adopted your daughter. He's your match Nikki."

Nikki is about to reply, when Vince walks into the room Frankie in tow, who immediately runs to Nikki and Vince greets me first with a kiss and I stroke his face gently and then we eye him expectantly....

"Eric's doing fine if you're wondering.... a little nervous, but he's like an energizer bunny pretty much, bouncing all over the place. Looks pale, but really it seems like he's glowing.... he's so happy."

"Oh, thank god! That's my kitten...wait pale? Could it just be nerves? I wonder?", Nikki breathes relieved but looks concerned.

Once again, I'm interrupted but this Time by Lee.... "Uh dudes? It's time...Come on Sixxter, let's get you married!" Nikki gulps and walks out.... I fall back and whisper to my husband...

"Vince, what do you know but didn't get to say?"

"I suspect that well I thought it was nerves...but um the glowing thing.... I don't know, Eric just looks unusually pale like he could get sick. I mean he really is happy, but um....", He trails off.

"You think he might be pregnant, don't you? If he's been what 3 weeks or so since he and Nikki, you know.... morning sickness and all can hit differently and at different times....", I whisper back. Nothing more is said, as we all wait to take our places & seats...

Nikki of course stands at the head of the aisle waiting for Eric to walk down it, the music starts, and the ceremony begins. Frankie is of course a flower adorable. We are all surrounding Nikki who eagerly awaits Eric and then Eric appears on the arm of Paul Stanley and Nikki's jaw drops...Eric does look good in the suit he's wearing, eyes shinning like the sun being reflected off the ocean...and hmm, he really does look pale.... but so happy.

Eric stands before Nikki at last, their hands clasped together and neither see anything but one another and are paying attention as the officiant begins to speak, I know very well what that's like for Vince, and I were the same at our wedding so many years ago.... Finally, they get to the vows, and I can't help but get misty and Vince is already openly weeping.... There really won't be a dry eye in the place, I tell you now.

"Eric, my heart knew in a moment when you literally smacked into me...that well I loved you. Without even realizing it, my heart immediately was yours. It took our daughter to make me fully realize and God I am thankful for that every day. In any case, I've never been happier since we've met. YOU made me happier, I smile more.... You got me to open up, to let've done things for me that no one has ever done, more than that you made me believe in love again. I love you so much! And for the rest of our lives, I'll make sure you know that!", Nikki chokes out sobbing. Eric too is sobbing....

"Oh Nikki!! I fall in love with you more each day. Your everything, beautiful...wild...simply perfect! You make me feel so cherished, so loved, so beautiful! You've opened to me, loved me...I can see it in every gesture, every word.... you can say it with out words. I have you & A daughter.... you and she are my world! I am prouder than ever to stand by your side and now, even more so as your husband!", Eric's eyes are shinning and he really does look pale, but Nikki & him both are so in happy and that's what matters.

They finally kiss as the vows conclude, and Nikki dips Eric carefully who has a leg hiked up in the air and they kiss for a few minutes before parting for air and Frankie runs to join them for a group hug, such a beautiful family. They are perfect for one another, for each other.... I feel Vince squeeze my hand, tears in his eyes. Love & Marriage.... it's worth everything, so is family even when it's not easy getting there.

Nikki don't ever let Eric go...I know you won't though, I know you won't. I wonder if Vince & I are right in our suspicions about Eric. Time will tell for could very well be possible Eric & Nikki will expand their family. As I said, time will tell...

A/N: Oh I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this! Next chapter will be Eric's POV & him exhibiting strange behaviors and being back on the road again with Kiss. Stay tuned!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now