Chapter 36 Let Me Take Care of You Part II (Eric Singer-Sixx POV)

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A/N: There is some fore-shadowing here of things to come. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

After disposing of the trash and everything Nikki carefully helps me to my feet, and we head home. Surprisingly I'm not sleepy, well anymore. Instead, I find myself getting horny on the drive home. All I want now is my husband.... I keep side-eyeing him mentally willing him to notice my state.

"Kitten? You've gone awfully quiet." Nikki remarks. I shift very slightly in my seat.

"I'm fine, Nikki.... MORE than fine. I need you.", I purr out and this has an immediate affect on my husband who huskily replies...

"Oh Eric...better hurry and get home then."

We make it home in record time, but carefully since I am so very pregnant. We barely get in the door before I fairly pounce on Nikki and the kiss is very heated. The only thing I want is my husband, NOW. Nikki starts to then place love bites up and down my throat making me moan loudly.

"P-Please...N-Nikki..." I whimper, I just need HIM. Quickly but carefully somehow, we manage to make it upstairs to our bedroom and our clothes have been discarded along the way, scattered who knows where.

Nikki lovingly moves me into a comfortable position that won't be too straining on my back or my swollen belly and at last enters me with a very loud and erotic moan. The fact that he took the time to make sure I'm comfortable and means everything.

Nikki and I move in tandem and perfect timing as if one, as he thrusts into me and begins to pick up his pace. The coil within gets tighter and tighter as we continue our dance until at last the coil burst and I SCREAM and see stars dance across my vision as I release and then Nikki immediately releases with in me. Our cries of mutual pleasure fade and suddenly I am exhausted....

Next thing I know I find myself waking up I'm assuming the next day and I am ravenously hungry, which leads the four babies within me fidgeting and kicking me...repeatedly making me groan slightly. I take a little more time to focus and realize I'm still naked and Nikki is apparently in the bathroom. Nikki re-enters the bedroom and greets me with a kiss.

"Morning Eric. Love you...did you sleep well? Oh, I drew you a bath. I'll help you and join you as soon as our sheets are changed."

"Love you too Nikki, yeah I did. Wish I could have stayed awake though for cuddles. And a bath? Sounds good. Help me up?", I have to pee first before I do anything else though. Nikki helps me up and luckily, I'm still naked, one arm is around my waist and his hand is on my swollen belly.

I pee first, then wash my hands and brush my teeth and Nikki helps me carefully into the bath and makes sure I'm comfortable before he changes our sheets and before leaving gives me a lingering kiss. The way that he takes care of me, IS taking care of me.... It makes me fall even more in love with him. I've never felt so cherished or loved before. I stroke my belly thoughtfully and the babies are surprisingly calm. Guess they love the water? Or in any case they are like me, content in the moment.

Nikki returns soon and joins me in the tub and helps me bathe.

"Nikki? I just wanted to say that well I can't tell you how much it means to me you are taking care of me, the way you make me feel so cherished and loved. It makes me fall even more in love with you."

"Eric, I feel the same about you. I mean for the first time in my life I have someone that I love truly and that loves me. Here you are pregnant with four of my children at once and you're suffering so much and the fact that you're going thru this for ME. I mean, you're the most beautiful and loving and funny person, to me your perfect! Now let's get you dried off and some pajamas on." Streams stream down my face at my husband's beautiful and loving words.

Nikki helps me out of the tub and dries me off including my hair. His touches are so gentle. The babies within me, are moving around calmly.

"Now Kitten let's get you breakfast. So, do you feel like going downstairs and resting on the couch? Or do you want to stay here?" Nikki asks while managing to put on clothes and help me dress.

"Downstairs on the couch, I want to be near you." I state softly and I feel him tilt my chin up and kiss me lovingly. He pulls back slightly when done and his smile truly makes him even more beautiful than he already is to me.

Carefully Nikki helps me downstairs and puts me on the couch with plenty of pillows and my feet propped up, before he goes to make me food, he lifts my shirt and kisses the tender skin of my swollen belly multiple times tickling me which makes me giggle, yes giggle.

"Pancakes sound, ok? Or do you want something else?" Nikki asks me as he stands up.

"Pancakes sound amazing! Oooh, can you put chocolate chips in?!", I rub my hands together with glee and Nikki laughs eyes sparkling.

"Of course, kitten!"

"And um the babies really seemed to love the tub, so I was wondering later if. Well, I think it would help my back and feet and just feel good maybe getting in the pool." I rub my belly feeling the babies squirm around.

"Absolutely Kitten! We'll let you rest for awhile and then later I'll help you and we'll get in the pool. Love you!" Nikki kisses me again as I also give him my love and then heads to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Truly I have the most amazing husband, the father of my children: Nikki Sixx. I've never been prouder than to be his side and carry and raise our children.

Breakfast was totally delicious by the way! We waited a few hours and I dozed off and then Nikki helped me in the pool, staying with me all the while making sure I was safe. It was like heaven being in the pool, especially on my back and feet.

Nikki my love, I would do anything for you. I'd die for you...that thought makes me so scared.... All this will be worth it, though. I know it will, Nikki is worth anything or any sacrifices I must make even my life. He is my heart and my soul and our children, Frankie and our four unborn will be and are amazing little angels. 

A/N: Can't wait to hear thoughts on this chapter! Next chapter we will find out what the babies are!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now