Chapter 2-Close Encounters of the Sixx Kind / Backstage (Eric Singer POV)

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I burst into the building where Kiss is doing our sound check/rehearsal for the show we have tomorrow night, and everyone turns to stare at me. Talk about awkward!

"So-sorry, l-lost track of time. I ran into someone at the music store a-and...", I pant hands on my knees trying to catch my breath.

Gene looks at me, arms crossed as usual but with a small smile on his face, "Eric breathe...we will talk after, ok?" I nod and take my place behind my drum kit and then roll my eyes as Gene & Peter proceed to quickly French each other & Paul & Ace are kissing and groping each other...ugh! Tommy and I share a look that I know says, "Gross!" And so, the two married couples quit groping and or making out & we get started.

Yes, Gene Simmons man who slept with countless guys and women married to Peter Criss, the now former drummer of Kiss. Now that is indeed an interesting tale, and I'll get into that later. As for Paul & Ace? Well, that too is an interesting's like a juicy soap opera but it's real life. Anyway, thank god that I've been playing these songs for the past decade or so.... on and off or otherwise. My hands certainly know what they need to thoughts drift back to my encounter and literal run in to one Nikki Sixx.

I hadn't been paying attention lost in my excitement of finding new drumsticks when I smacked into him and promptly fell back on my ass. Of course, he was taller than me.... go figure. He was 6'2 to my 5'6, which although is average height.... it's not average when you're in Kiss and surrounded by guys who are 6ft plus. The irony is all the drummers that have been in Kiss, myself included are short in comparison, funny if you ask me. Anyway, I'd found myself staring up into the most mesmerizing green orbs I'd ever seen. They were like jade, with more than one shade of green...just unbelievably beautiful. Puffy raven hair that seemed to defy gravity, an eternal smirk on his face, covered in tattoos...Nikki Sixx for sure fit the description of bad boy, but those eyes.... I could see in them so much pain, so many emotions in those eyes. When I'd taken his hand, it was so WARM and when he smiled.... there was nothing more breathtaking to me, nothing. And I am going to see him tomorrow night...I have such butterflies, it's not even funny. I invited him & Tommy Lee backstage, it felt for some reason more like I was asking him on a date, but I can't wait to see him again!

Before I know it practice, sound check or whatever you want to call it ends and everyone circles me like a hawk circling their prey...only the prey is me.

Tommy smirks, "So Eric.... care to tell us who you ran into? And aw, your blushing!"

"Shut up Tommy...", I muttered but I know he heard me as his smirk widened and everyone else had similar and knowing facial expressions. "I was killing time in that music store I'd mentioned and of course I wasn't paying attention and literally ran into Nikki Sixx, you know the bassist for Motley Crüe, and we got to talking a bit and...", I trail off and my face is on FIRE and I'm sure is fire-engine red.

"Eric's got it bad...don't you Eric?", Gene asks waggling his eyebrows...the man never stops I swear, no wonder him and Peter have like 5 kids. I casually flip him off, prompting laughter.

"I mean he's so...his eyes are beautiful, so many shades of green. And his smile.... truly there's nothing like it. And the man is like walking sex, a bad boy type.... but I think there's something more there to him than meets the eye.... oh, before I forget I invited him and Tommy Lee backstage and....", I trail off once again blushing. This is so embarrassing and more teasing, and ribbing occurs, but Ace of all people has a knowing look in his if he knows what I'm too shy to say.... how I really feel about Nikki Sixx.

The rest of the day passes by in a blur and the next day does as well, the day of our show and before I know it, I am fairly bouncing in place as I apply my greasepaint prior to going on stage, it's not just the thrill of performing.... it's just that I will get to see Nikki! I hope he enjoys the show....

Once again, it's like a blur...and before I know it, I find myself behind my drum kit, the curtain drops and off we go! I don't miss a beat, but I can't help but try and scan the crowd from my perch to see if I can spot Nikki almost frantically. I can't seem to find him.... but strangely I feel his gaze, those green irises of his boring into me. The show goes on....and before I know it the band are taking their final bows and then I finally, finally spot him.... there's no mistaking those eyes of his and next to him is Tommy Lee, grinning like a Cheshire cat, damn he's even taller than Nikki! I grin widely though, on cloud nine as Nikki's gaze locks with mine and those eyes glow....

I fairly sprint backstage, which is pretty damn impressive in platforms. And suddenly there he is, with Tommy Lee in tow.

I feel myself grinning like a lunatic waving at Nikki, "Hey Nikki! SO glad you're here! Hope you enjoyed the show.... oh & hi Tommy!! And meet Tommy!" Tommy just so happens to be standing next to me.

Nikki chuckles," Thanks again for doing this Eric! You um...killed it out there! Of course, I enjoyed the show!" Please dear god, don't let him see my blush underneath my greasepaint!

"Yeah dude, killer set!", Tommy Lee grins but his eyes land on my fellow bandmate and I know that look of his! Hmm, this will be interesting.... Lee pulls Tommy off to the side and then they walk towards the dressing's rooms talking. My bandmate Tommy, smiling and laughing all the while. I turn to Nikki and gesture for him to follow me and he falls into step with me.

"I do think your drummer has a thing for my guitarist", I muse "I saw that look in his eyes."

"Yeah, T-bones always been the hopeless romantic of Motley, but I've never seen him move that fast...ever", Nikki trails off. "If they did wind up least if they ever had sex, they wouldn't have to worry about yelling out the wrong name!"

I burst into laughter like a lunatic, and I can barely breathe as we reach my dressing room and walk inside, and I quickly disappear behind a screen a frantically tear off my costume and put on regular clothes, and quickly plop down at my station to remove my make-up.

"Damn that was pretty fast there Eric! How long does it normally take to put your costume and all on?", Nikki asks curiously.

"Eh, the costume doesn't take that long, and the make-up only takes me an hour. It used to take Peter 2 hours, or longer because him and Gene couldn't quit making out for five seconds.", I shrug as I quickly wipe off the face-paint. "I am so glad you came! And really it was no trouble inviting you backstage and Lee too!!"

"Well, that was pretty swe—uh cool of you.", Nikki I thought almost said "sweet", but I let it slide.

"Anytime! You don't have to keep thanking me you uh I was wondering and uh you don't have to, but I was wondering if maybe we could exchange numbers and maybe hang out sometime? You seem like you'd be a blast and all....", Nikki blinks seemingly taken aback before slowly answering me, strange look in his eyes.

"You really want to do that with me?"

"Well of course, I don't say things that I don't mean!", I smile at him reassuringly, I sense that there is a story behind his almost vulnerable tone, which took me by surprise.

Nikki grins back and says, "Sure! If you really want to hang out and stuff!" Oh hits me.... butterflies erupt...oh my!

"Here let me text you and give you, my number!", I try to desperately keep the squeal out of my voice. I quickly pop off a text and upon receiving it, he laughs green irises darkening....

"Really? 'hey, it's the short kitty.'"

"Whatever Sixx, I did add aka Eric in there too!", I mumble.

"So, I see kitty, so I see. Well Eric, you aren't short...your fun-sized!", Nikki teases me.

"Screw you man, and hey I'm 5'6!", I protest but with a smile on my face.

"Easy there Eric, cat has claws!", Nikki has a shit-eating grin.

"Yes. I do and don't make me hiss!", I warn wagging a finger at him. Nikki just laughs more, and I laugh along with him, heart fluttering...butterflies swarming.... Would anything come of this? 

A/N: honestly I could have kept writing! I can't wait to hear what you guys think!! Hope you guys liked this & stay tuned for more!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now