Chapter 17- First Official Date Confessions Part II (Eric Singer POV)

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Dinner was fantastic! Just simply amazing! We really opened to one another, Nikki & I and there's more to come! This has been the most romantic date of my life and it's all because of Nikki, whom I love dearly. Currently, we are at the ice cream place we'd went to a few months ago. I got a strawberry & chocolate cone and Nikki got a butter pecan.... I'm once again making a mess....

"Um, kitten? You've got ice cream all over your chin.", Nikki looks amused.

"So? I can't help but make a mess's so good. Wait did we get napkins?", I search for them but come up empty...whoops!

Nikki smirks, those jade eyes of his dancing, "I know a way to clean you off---". And he then proceeds to clean off the ice cream on my face by licking it off. All the blood rushes south to my lower half, all I can say is thank God we are not riding on his motorcycle today.

"Th-thank y-you....", I manage to stammer out blushing. Nikki smirks, but his eyes are soft. Thankfully, I finish my cone quickly, and so does he, but we linger for a bit.... I have some things I want to say to him...I take his hands in mine and take a breath...

"Nikki, there's some things I want to say to you...that finally I feel like I can say. I've always been very insecure about myself. I mean sure, I've been called cute...good-looking or whatever, but no one's ever made me believe it or feel like it until you came along. And once Frankie helped us see. Well, that was it. I mean even before we both realized we loved each other; you always had a way of making me feel special." I sigh looking down at our joined hands till Nikki takes his hands away & tilts my chin up to look at him.

"Eric, Kitten listen to are special. You are beautiful and I'm not just talking physically. What makes you beautiful is your amazing personality, how loving you are, how kind, how funny. It's how I see you!", Nikki's tone is earnest, loving and the tears are falling from his beautiful eyes. I can't believe I can call him mine...

We kiss tearfully, tasting the salt of each other's tears. The taste is bitter-sweet.... When we at last part for air, I manage a watery smile...

"Now we're still going bowling right? I warn you Nikki, I'm gonna cream you again!"

Nikki chokes out a laugh, "You WISH you could cream me kitten! But it will be fun regardless.... I love to make you 'hiss'!"

WE laugh like lunatics and dry one another's tears and head to where we bowled together the first time. I hate the bowling shoes we must put on...seriously who the hell designed these things?! We have so much fun, a lot of ribbing and kissing in between bowling and Nikki is being so playful and I am loving it! We also take turns teasing each other by smacking one another on the ass.... I totally cream him...AGAIN by the way.

Before I know  it we are once more back in the car, this has been the most moving, fun, and best date of my life! So much laughter, so much love! There is still more I want to much more. I'm meanwhile content to bask in the presence & love of my Sixxy: Nikki.

Finally, I ask, "Nikki? Babe? Where are we going? Going home or?"

A smile spreads across my boyfriend's face making him look so angelic, very ethereal even, "No Eric we aren't going home...There's somewhere else I want to take you, it just came to me and It's a surprise. When we get close my love, I want you to close those eyes of yours again!"

I pout but smile nonetheless, How I love this man! I wish this date could last forever, but we have forever...we have a lifetime and there's so much more to much more!

We must be getting close because Nikki glances at me out of the corner of his eyes, picks up my hand and squeezes it, "Close those eyes now Kitten!" I do as he says & I feel him lift my hand to his lips and kiss it.

After what feels like an eternity, the car slows down and at last comes to a stop. I whine a little, "Can I open my eyes now? Please?" Nikki chuckles...

"Ok, Eric, you can open them!", I hear the smile in his voice, and I open my my great surprise I see the ocean and the waves crashing against the shore.

"Oh, the Ocean! Oh, what a wonderful surprise!" Nikki starts to say something, but I cut him off with a kiss, I can't get enough of the feel & taste of his lips!

"I take it you love it then! I thought about coming here, because the ocean reminds me so much of your beautiful eyes and I figured we could take a walk and sit & watch the waves & stuff." He smiles softly at me, stroking my cheek after we finish kissing.

WE get out of the car, take our shoes off so we can feel the sand and head towards the water and walk along the shore, no words needed...I can feel his love...this is so perfect!! After a bit of strolling, we sit down in the sand, me sitting in between Nikki's legs and him holding me against his chest. I feel so safe in his arms, so loved....

"Nikki, this has been the best...the most amazing night of my life. What's made it all the better is because it with YOU...God, how I love you! There's something I want to ask you..."

"You can ask me anything, Eric...anything.", Nikki whispers softly.

I take a breath, "Um how would you feel if I adopted Frankie? I mean I see her as mine...I thought that...", Nikki cuts me off with a kiss.

"Oh Eric, I think that would be amazing! See? This is part of why I love you. You truly are the one for me!" He pauses for a moment, "Would you move in with me? Live with me? And Frankie too of course." Nikki waits for my reaction to his question, and I find myself tackling him in pure happiness. A laugh sounds and I find myself staring down into his mesmerizing orbs....

"I take it that means yes then Eric?"

"That's a 'hell yes' baby! I love you Sixxy!", and with this I bring my lips to his and we kiss slowly. Nothing else exists in this moment, not the crashing of the waves...the smell of the ocean...just this...Nikki & I kissing on the beach and basking in our love. 

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this! Next chapter will see the start of Kiss' tour and a bit of a time skip to May. A few more chapters & Eric & Nikki will finally make love...which just may lead to something ( Hint-hint!). Much love!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now