Ch. 6 My Omega

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Kenma groaned as his alarm went off. He stayed up late that night and was beginning to regret it. He checked his phone seeing the school had emailed him. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and printed it. 

He got up and threw on a pair of track pants and a t-shirt. He shoved random stuff into his bag before running downstairs. He quickly grabbed the paper from off the printer and went into his kitchen. He grabbed an apple and took a bite out of it. He left his house, eating the apple and reading the paper. 

(Name): Kozume Kenma

(Secondary Gender): Omega

(Year): 1st year 

(Assigned Partner): 

(Meeting Place): Volleyball Gym

Rules For The Omega Program:

1. Every Omega is assigned their own Alpha, and vice versa. If they're assigned with a Beta, their needs will be taken care of accordingly. (ie. heats and ruts will be dealt with by them self) If switches are need to be made for any reason, each Omega/Alpha will be allowed only one switch. (certain circumstances may allow for more)

2. Omega's need to be marked by their Alpha every so often. Permanent/ Omega marks, are up the students, we ask that the decision is agreed upon by both parties. If an Omega is marked without consent, or by another Alpha, it is to be taken up with the principal

3. Alpha's cannot force their Omega's to do anything (going along the lines of marking or dealing with Omegian heats/Alphaian Ruts)

4. If an Omega goes into a heat, we ask if you deal with it discreetly. We ask the same for Alphas if they go into a rut.

5. If an Omega has to be assigned to another Alpha for a reason besides a switch, the Alpha may be looked into for expulsion depending on the severity of the reason for another assignment.

6. If an Omega is caused to drop, we ask that if another Omega(s) is present they try and deal with a situation, but if it's an Alpha we ask that they're in the right mind to take care of the Omega

7. Please release your pheromones responsibly, if they're a distraction or a problem you will be dealt with accordingly.

8. Though we cannot be sure everybody does, please make sure you are talking to your doctor frequently about suppressants and marking if something is feeling off or like it shouldn't

Kenma reread the paper several times. But was still confused on who his assigned alpha was supposed to be. He checked the email, wondering if he had missed something. He sighed, shoving the paper and his phone in his pocket. He dragged his feet the rest of his way to school. 

There was already a lot of commotion in the halls from people talking, Kenma slipped his hood on and went to the gym. It was empty, as he had expected. He want and sat in a corner, pulling out his game boy. The noises from the video game silently echoed around the vast room. 

"Kenma!" Kenma looked up to see a tall boy with a very exaggerated bed head frantically waving his hand. "Did you meet your alpha yet?" he grinned as he ran up to him. 

"No," he continued playing his game. Kuroo slid down the wall, sitting next to him. 

"Lemme see your paper," he held out his hand. Kenma stared at him for a minute before finally handing him his paper. Kuroo read through it. "Your spot is blank, that means you have to go check in since you're new. They might've missed a form," Kuroo handed Kenma the form. Kenma frowned, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He dialed the schools number. 

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