Ch. 12 Why Didn't You Tell Me?

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"You okay Kuroo?" Dr. Shelly walked over to Kuroo as Bokuto and Akaashi fawned over Kenma. 

"Feels like it isn't real," He shook his head. "I never thought I'd have to see him like this." His voice cracked. Dr. Shelly rubbed his back. 

"I know it hurts, but it's real. He's here and he needs you now especially since with him being 6 months pregnant."

"Oh my god. Is the pup okay? Is Kenma okay?" Kuroo blurted frantically. Dr. Shelly chuckled. 

"The pup is okay, they weren't injured. Completely normal heart rate. Kenma is good besides the bruising. He might have panic attacks from PTSD, but in good time he'll be perfectly normal."

"I'm just glad they're okay," Kuroo sighed. 

"Why don't you go to talk to him? You haven't seen him in awhile, he missed you as much as you missed him." 

Kuroo noded and walked over to his mates. Bokuto and Akaashi stepped to the side so he could be closer. Kenma hesitated before holding up his arms. Kuroo paused before tightly hugging Kenma. 

"He smelled funny," Kenma commented, wrinkling his nose. Kuroo snickered. 


"He smelled like burning rubber and stinky cheese." Everybody started laughing. "But now I can smell your scent that actually smells good," Kenma snuggled against Kuroo's shoulder, laying his nose close to Kuroo's scent gland. 

After a few days, Kenma was cleared to go home. Once they got home, Kenma went into his game room and made a nest. Kuroo was cleaning his and Kenma's bedroom. Bokuto and Akaashi stayed in the kitchen. 

"So... when were you gonna tell me?" Bokuto turned to Akaashi. He felt his heart drop. 

"Tell you what Bokuto-san?" He set down his cup he was drinking from. 

"I take it you know what I'm talking about form those pheremones you're releasing, yeah?" Bokuto got closer. 

"Bokuto I have no clue what you're ta-"

"I know you had a miscarriage Keiji, I'm not stupid the doctor told me." Akaashi stared at the counter, not wanting to make eye contact. 

"I only told Kenma-"

"Oh? So you told Kenma, but didn't plan on telling me? Is that it?"

"I was going to tell you."

"Apparently you fucking weren't Keiji!" Bokuto slammed his fists into the counter, causing Akaashi to tear up. "Tch, whatever. Omega." Bokuto stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door as he left. Akaashi covered his mouth as he sunk to the floor. Kenma crawled around the corner, and kneeled in front of Akaashi. 

"I'm sorry Kaashi..." Kenma pulled Akaashi into a hug as he broke down crying. Kenma pulled out his phone dialing Bokuto's number. He set the phone down on the counter as it rang, keeping it off of speaker. 

"Don't Kenma he doesn't love me," Akaashi sniffled. 

"He does, he's just being stupid right now." 

"I only didn't tell him because I didn't want him to be sad. I didn't want this to happen. I knew he was gonna hate me, he wants to break up with now. He thinks I'm just a useless Omega. Kenma I love him so much, I don't know what I'm gonna do without him," He kept sniffling. Kenma picked up his phone not realizing Bokuto had answered. 

"He's not going to break up with you," Kenma set the phone back onto the counter. 

"It's already been hard enough on my body. It hurt so much, and it still hurts. And I know it's my fault that I miscarried. He wanted a pup and I couldn't even give him one. It's the second time I've miscarried," Akaashi wiped his cheeks on his sleeve. Kenma subconsiously put his hand on his belly. 

"I think Kuroo left, so we can do whatever you want to do Akaashi," Kenma offered.

"I don't even know what to do. Bokuto has never acted like this," Akaashi rubbed his forehead. He pulled his knees to his chest as the front door creaked open. 

"Keiji?" Akaashi looked up to see Bokuto. 

"You're an asshole just so you know," Kenma looked at Bokuto then stood up and went to his nest. Bokuto crouched down and sat on the floor across from Akaashi. 

"I wasn't thinking. I didn't know how bad you had and still have it. I am... So sorry, that I let my anger get the best of me. Especially in the situation. I can not put into words-"

"Can you hold me?" There was a silent pause. 

"Yeah," Bokuto pulled Akaashi into his lap and wrapped his arms around him. They stayed like this until Akaashi stopped releasing pheremones. 

"It's hard, everything hurts," Akaashi bit his lip as tears rolled down his cheeks. 

"I know, I'm sorry baby," Bokuto kissed Akaashi's head and rubbed his back. 

"I just wish we could have a family," Akaashi whispered. 

"Well, if you want we can keep trying when you're better," Bokuto smiled. 

"Okay," Akaashi nodded. 

"Okay." Bokuto picked up Akaashi and carried him to the small extra bedroom Kuroo and Kenma had. 

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