Ch. 36 Sick

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(TW: mentions of SH, suicide)

After Dr. Mikania tested Keiji, and Kuroo came back, he took his pups and went to his mother's house. For three weeks, he refused to answer the door unless it was Emiko. His mates came by almost every day, but his mother would politely ask them to leave. He spent most of his days sitting on the floor in front of his mother's couch, watching his pups.

"Keiji dear, did you take your class?"

"Yes mama I did."

"Did you take your vitamins?"


"Take your vitamins so you don't get sick," Akaashi's mom handed him his vitamins. He took the vitamins and went back to watching his pups. "I have to head to the store, Keila is coming by soon."

"Okay. Love you mama."

"Love you too baby, bye." She kissed the top of Akaashi's head and left. Not too long after, there was a knock at the door. Keiji got up, assuming it was his sister. He opened the door to see Bokuto's mom.


"What is going on?" She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow.

"I- What are you doing here?" He opened the door to let her in. She stepped in and took off her shoes.

"I'm here to talk to you, and see my other two grandchildren."

"Oh." Akaashi went back into the living room and retook his spot. Asami picked up Akemi and sat next to Aiko.

"What's going on? Why did I hear from your mate's that you haven't been home in 3 weeks?"

"I had a miscarriage. I didn't want to face them. I was sick for the first two weeks I was here. I've only talked to my mom and Emiko the entire time. My mom has been taking care of my pups, and my sister should be here soon to yell at me for not being home.You beat her to it."

"I'm not here to yell. My son has just been weird, his coach called me a few days ago."

"I know, he called me too."

"When are you going home?"

"I don't know."

"Soon, I hope. Koku's first birthday is in a week."

"I remember," he rubbed his face.

"Go home, Keiji. You'll only feel better being surrounded by your mates."

"You're right. But I'm gonna talk to my sister before I go home." Asami nodded.

"Ok. I'm sorry for your loss and your sickness."


"Yes dear?" Akaashi paused.

"Have you ever wanted to kill yourself?"

"After I had my children, I was depressed. But I don't think I was suicidal."

"That's why I'm at my mothers house. I wanted to kill myself, but I wanted to be surrounded by my mother. Because she almost died when I tried to kill myself. That's why I was sick, I refused to take care of myself. But I've been getting better."

"I'm glad. You didn't do anything, did you?"

"Like harm myself? I didn't cut. And my mother hid all her hair ties so the babies wouldn't accidentally eat them. Other than lying in bed, helping my mother with the babies, and showering, I haven't done anything." He turned as somebody knocked on the door.

"Okay. Well I've overstayed my welcome, I'll go to the house in a couple days to see if you're there."

"Okay. Thank you, Asami-San."

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