Ch. 42 Heat

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this is a short and fluffy chapter. sorry my updates keep getting so spaced out, school is really starting to bite me in the ass. i might do a chapter about what i look like, so if you guys want to know anything about me just leave a comment and i'll answer it. anyways, drink something other than that monster, redbull, bang, rockstar, reign, milk, something that isnt water. just take a little sip of water at least. try to eat a little today. maybe get some of your favorite food and eat a small portion of it. shower, even if you have to sit down, make sure to brush your teeth. put a little lotion on so your skin doesnt hurt. 

and remember, even if you think somebody doesnt care. i do. i love you, and i sure as hell think you are worthy. so take care of yourself bae, you need to outlive me 💅

✨this chapter was brought to you by my period monster✨

                                                                                                                                -period monstor 👻

"You're sure you'll be okay with her by yourself?"

"I will be okay. And my mothers will be there so if I need help they can assist me. But if she starts crying, she usually needs to be changed. She needs to be fed in an hour and she needs to go down for a nap in 2 hours."

"You'll be great." She smiled. "Sorry, my mom's heats came up so suddenly, and with my dad's out. It's gonna be bad. Thank you."

"Of course. I will see you tomorrow." Ikero kissed Aiko and went out to his car. Aiko closed the door and went to go find Akaashi and Kenma.

"Mom, mama?" She went into the heat room to see them sleeping. She opened the window and went into the living room to work out. After she worked out, she cleaned around the house.

When Aiko had her baby she tried to convince her siblings she would move into a different room so the baby wouldn't annoy them but they insisted on her staying. But she spent most nights at Ikero's so it didn't really matter.

Bokuto had to travel for a game, and Kuroo offered to go with him for work. Akemi usually played games with Kenma, but he was over at a friends house for the night. Koku went over to Akaashi's mother's house to introduce her to Hailey since she already introduced her to the rest of the family.

Aiko was planning to go out with Ikero since the baby was a bit older and more awake, but Akaashi and Kenma's heat came so she instead stayed home. Ikero had said something about going to see his sister, so it was a great chance for Kemi Rae to meet her aunt. Aiko didn't even notice that Kenma had woken up until she smelt his heat.

"Mom?" She turned around.

"I thought you were going out with Ikero and the baby?"

"I decided to stay with you guys so you wouldn't have to be alone."

"No don't do that, go spend time with him."

"I'll be fine, you guys need me right now. Just go lay down, I'll make some of the..." She paused trying to think of the word. "Omega tea. Do you want lavender or mint?"

"Lavender please. I think your mama drinks mint though."

"Okay. Just go lay down." Kenma chuckled. He kissed her forehead then went and laid down. Aiko boiled some water and got out the tea cups. She made the tea and set it on the counter to cool. She pulled biscuits out of the cupboard and grabbed the tea cups. She took it into the bedroom and set the cups on the nightstand that sat on either side of the bed.

"I'm so glad that this is the end of my heat, but I also want to murder whoever I got really shitty last TWO days of my heat from. Cause it wasn't from my parents, they were both alphas."

"Were they mad when they found out your gender?" Aiko sat on the end of the bed.

"Since we came from a long line of alphas?" Aiko nodded. "I think they were more relieved than anything. I think the whole family was relieved that we finally broke the chain. But my mother didn't care that Koku was an alpha. She had a grandchild."

"Kuroo's family is one of those families that if you don't continue the alpha line you are a disappointment. Keiko couldn't give two shits about her grandchildren's genders. Not to be mean. It just doesn't matter, she loves you all the same." Akaashi added.


"Are you sure you're not affected by our pheromones?"

"The baby threw off my heat. How long did it take you guys to have yours after you gave birth?"

"Took your mama a week and took me 4 months. But I triggered your mamas so he could've went longer."

"Makes sense," she shrugged.

"From the heats you've had, yours seems normal so you should get it back soon. I'm not too bad right now. I'm not in pain, I'm just still pretty warm." Akaashi shrugged as he drank his tea.

"Mom, are you gonna re-bleach your hair?" Kenma laid his head in Aiko's lap.

"Nope. Fully blonde isn't a good look for me. I had to wait awhile for it to grow out so that my roots were showing."

"Are you gonna cut it?"

"No, I like the little bit of blonde I have. I'm not sure, I might bleach it again. But not my whole head and not as short as I had it."

"You should let me braid it. Koku and Akemi keep their hair so short so I can't."

"You can try, my hair gets tangled easily."

"Okay," Aiko smiled. She wrapped her arms around him and released calming pheromones.

"You smell good." Kenma relaxed against her.

"Ahhh, you've been doing research." Akaashi laughed.

"Well the internet does say that omega calming pheromones are good for other omegas on their heat."

"I love the internet, it teaches you things. The pain is gone!" He sat up. "The all holy internet. I'm also not sure how I didn't know this before."

"Well since we are healed from our plague, why don't we go watch a show?"

"What show?" Kenma narrowed his eyes.

"I think they started putting American shows on the tv. What about Vampire Diaries?" (I don't own vampire diaries nor am I advertising it. it's just a show i watch with my mother)

"I think I've heard of that one." Aiko got up and went into the living room, Kenma and Akaashi following. After almost 4 hours of binge watching, they finished most of the first season. Koku came home in the middle of an episode.

"And this is why you don't get hung up on a girl you haven't seen in over a century, you get your feelings hurt." Kenma shook his head.

"What happened?" Koku set the car keys on the table, Hailey behind her.

"We're watching Vampire Diaries." Aiko paused the TV.


"That's an interesting thought. I didn't think you guys would like this kind of show."

"Says who?" Kenma sat up and narrowed his eyes.

"Me, duh." Hailey gave Kenma a dirty look to which they looked at each other and started laughing.

"Come watch with us," Akaashi scooted over, pulling Kenma in between his legs in the process. Koku ran over and flopped onto the couch next to Aiko, laying her head in Aiko's lap. Hailey sat between Akaashi and Aiko. 

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