Ch. 4 Why Now

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hellooooooo childrennnnnn my exams are coming up in the next few weeks and then next week i get braces so i have a very full schedule. but i will try and update all my stories as much as i can around homework and everything else. but anywayssss go drink water instead of that monster, milk, red bull, bang, or any other drink that isnt water, eat a full meal, and do the homework you procrastinated on because you were reading the oven a bed time story. 

🐶 jimmy says hi!! 


"Are you serious? It's positive?" Kuroo was gasping and laughing. He turned Kenma around and gently hugged him, careful of his belly. "Oh my god I'm so happy. We're all gonna be such great parents," Kuroo started to cry into Kenma's shoulder.

"Kuroo, why are you crying?" Kenma pulled Kuroo away and wiped his tears.

"I'm so happy. And I'm even happier that it's you that is having my pup," he sniffed and pulled Kenma back into a hug. Kenma smiled as Akaashi and Bokuto joined in on the hug.

"I told you," Akaashi whispered in his ear.

"Now all I have to do is get through training camp," Kenma joked.

"That is out of the question. Nope, no training camp," Kuroo shook his head.

"Kuroo, it's just a couple days. And I won't be doing anything that'll stress my body," Kenma rolled his eyes.

"Kuroo he'll be fine, besides I'll be here to take care of him," Akaashi looked at Kuroo.

"Well... I guess since Akaashi is here," he sighed.

"I'll be fine you big baby," Kenma kissed Kuroo's forehead.

(end recap)) 

They all jumped at the sound of the door opening. Yaku quickly stepped in and closed the door. 

"Hi Yaku, still coaching?" Kuroo raised his eyebrows. 

"You sound surprised," he scoffed as he sat down. 

"No, just a little surprised they let a child coach, I would've thought they wanted somebody older-" 

"You better watch your mouth Tetsurou," Yaku warned. 

"Can you be nice for once Kuroo?" Kenma turned back around to face Yaku. 

"What? I was just kidding. Come on Kitten~" he whined. 

"Nope," Kenma shook his head. "Anyways, what's up Yaku?" 

"Oh right, they're starting the first match soon. You guys might wanna get warmed up," Yaku got up and headed towards the door. 

"By the way, no animals is the gym Kenma, Akaashi. Which includes roosters and owls," he snickered and left. 

"I'm not a rooster!" Kuroo furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Oh hush, but he's right. You guys aren't supposed to be here, we'll see you guys in a couple days when we go back. Okay?" Kenma stood up, everybody following suit. 

"Ughhh fine," Kuroo hugged Kenma and kissed th top of his head. Bokuto hugged Kenma and followed Kuroo, who was now sulking. Akaashi laughed and left the room. Kenma put the test back in his bag, and followed Akaashi back to the gym to go warm up. 

"Good thing you're not captain Kenma," Yamamoto teased. 

"I was the first choice don't forget that," Kenma rolled his eyes as he sat down. 

"Tch. Whatever," Yamamoto grumbled. He started to lead the stretches. 

"Let's go!" Lev jumped up as they finished, the other team watching them. They all got into their positions, and the game started. The game dragged on, but Kenma's team eventually won the first set. Once they were halfway through the second set, Kenma started to feel dizzy. He watched the ball, starting to blackout. Akaashi grabbed his arm from under the net. 

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