Ch. 13 Baby Shower!

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im sorry for the really late post, i havent had the chance to update in a hot minute. and another thing, im sorry but the first chapter back is smut ;-; XD anywhoreeee 

Bokuto lifted his head, growling and tightening his grip on Akaashi as the door opened. 

"Let them sleep Kuroo," Kenma whispered. 

"Just making sure," he quietly closed the door. Bokuto laid his head back down, laying his leg over Akaashi's. Akaashi groaned and turned over to face Bokuto. He opened his eyes slightly, then closed them smiling. 

"Whatcha smilin about?" Bokuto chuckled. 

"Nothing," Akaashi opened his eyes and wrapped his arms around Bokuto's neck. 

"You sleep good?" Bokuto kissed Akaashi's forehead. 

"Mhm," Akaashi nestled his nose by Bokuto's scent gland. "You smell really good."

"So you've told me," Bokuto leaned his head up, releasing pheremones. Akaashi started kissing around his scent gland, causing his mate to shudder. Bokuto raised his eyebrow and smirked. 

"You like being dangerous don't you?" Bokuto wrapped his arms around the omega's waist. 

"My heat started earlier," Akaashi looked up at Bokuto, then resumed kissing his neck. 

"Really?" He propped himself up on his elbow. "How do you feel?" Akaashi pulled himself closer to the alpha. 

"Dizzy, really really hot," he pouted. Bokuto wrapped his other arm around Akaashi as the door opened again. 

"Hey Keiji did you n-" Kenma surveyed the scene, and smelled Akaashi's heat pheremones. He reached around the door and locked it, then closed it. 

"Alright then," Bokuto looked down at Akaashi who was laughing. "What?" Akaashi shook his head and laughed even harder. 

(here is the smut my (un) holy children ;w;)

"N-nothin-" Akaashi widened his eyes as Bokuto hovered over him. Akaashi flipped their positions, sitting on Bokuto's legs. "I won."

"Not yet," Bokuto sat up meeting Akaashi's lips. Akaashi's hands cupped Bokuto's face. Bokuto started to go into a rut from his mate's pheremones. Akaashi's hands creeped up Bokuto's shirt. Bokuto slipped Akaashi's shirt off, resting his hands on Akaashi's thigh. Akaashi pulled Bokuto's shirt off, and pushed him onto the bed. He tore off his shorts, throwing them to the side. 

Bokuto grinned and pulled Akaashi down, and rolled Akaashi so he was over him. Akaashi pulled at Bokuto's sweat pants as he tangled his fingers in Bokuto's hair. He struggled, but managed to kick off his pants. Akaashi laid his head down, he had a pained expression. 

"What's wrong baby owl?" Bokuto rested his forehead against Akaashi's. 

"It hurts," Akaashi whimpered. 

"I'm sorry baby," Bokuto gently kissed his mate. He pulled down Akaashi's boxers, revealing his bulge that was covered in slick. He pulled off his own, throwing them to the side. Akaashi bit Bokuto's lower lip, slipping his tongue into the other's mouth. Bokuto slowly pushed his fingers into the omega's slicked entrance. 

Akaashi moaned into the kiss. Bokuto slowly lifted Akaashi's legs over his shoulder. Akaashi wrapped an arm around his neck, his other hand running up and down Bokuto's back. 

"I love you baby owl," Bokuto broke the kiss for a mere second. He tangled his fingers into Akaashi's hair before roughly thrusting in. Akaashi screwed his eyes shut, digging his nails into Bokuto's back, as he kissed him more aggressively. He pulled his legs down, wrapping them around Bokuto's waist. 

Bokuto slowly went faster, then gradually slower. Akaashi was a mess of whimpers and moans. He head dropped, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he came onto his and Bokuto's stomach. Bokuto panicked slightly as he knotted. He sat up, pulling Akaashi onto his lap. He gently nipped around Akaashi's mark. Akaashi wrapped both of his arms around Bokuto's neck, resting his head against his shoulder. 

"I love you too," he murmured, falling asleep. Bokuto smiled. He laid Akaashi down, and waited to pull out his knot. He laid behind Akaashi, gently kissing his shoulders. 

(you can gibs asahi his holy water ;-;) 

Bokuto woke up to an empty bed. He sat up looking around, he slipped on his boxers and his sweatpants not bothering with a shirt. 

"It was probably just a dream," he mutterd aloud. He walked down the hall into the kitchen, everybody was around the counter. Akaashi was having a conversation with Kenma. He walked over to the coffee machine, pouring a cup of coffee. He turned around. Kuroo was laughing his ass off, and Kenma was laughing at Akaashi who was beet red. 

"Is it because my hair is down?" He raised his eyebrow as he drank his coffee. 

"You get a new tattoo Bokuto?" Kuroo asked between staggered breaths. Bokuto went to the bathroom checking his body until he saw his back. He walked up behind Akaashi, wrapping an arm around his waist pulling his close. He got close to Akaashi's ear and lowered his voice. 

"We're even cause I marked you too," he growled playfully. He buried his red face in his hands. 

"I wanna do the baby shower today," Kenma set down his phone. 

"Sounds good," Akaashi leaned on the counter, Bokuto still holding on to him. 

"I want to invite Karasuno and Nekoma."

"You want to do it at the apartment?" Akaashi traced the lip of his untouched coffee.

"Yeah, I already have stuff set aside for decorations. And I got conffeti."

"Sounds good," Akaashi sent texts to the two teams.  

"How about me and Bokuto set up," Kuroo suggested. 

"Are you sure you can handle it Kuroo?" Akaashi teased. 

"You've wounded me, but yes I can. Come on Bokuto!" Kuroo wanderd off to Kenma's gaming room. Bokuto shook his head and followed. 

"I may or may not have gotten us dresses," Kenma got up and grabbed Akaashi's hand, dragging him off to his room. 

"Did you?" Akaashi laughed. 

"Sure did," Kenma pulled two dresses out of his closet. 

"Didn't think you'd be a fan of dresses," Akaashi grabbed a dress. 

"I'm not but Kuroo insisted." Kenma shrugged. 

"I'm gonna shower first," Akaashi set the dress down and got in the shower. 

"Looks like he got your shoulders too," Kenms giggled. 

"And everybody is going to see them in this sundress." Akaashi smiled and rolled his eyes. 

"Which doesn't seem to bother you, so it's okay," Kenma slipped off his clothes and put the dress on. 

"Indeed," Akaashi put his dress on. 

"Let's put some earrings on you." Kenma dug through his drawer and put a pair of gold sunflower earrings on Akaashi. Akaashi dug through the drawer and put small gold hoops on Kenma. "Now we somewhat match," Kenma adjusted Akaashi's earrings.

(this is it for this chapter! i'm gonna try and see when im able to update for a full baby shower chapter, i hope its not too long) 

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