Ch. 29 What's Your Name?

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Akaashi was the first one to wake up. He got up and grabbed Kenma's bottle of suppressants and set a few on the bed stand. He went into the other room and grabbed a pair of sweats. He grabbed his phone, checking the time, 10:00. It was still early, so he'd be able to do stuff around the house before his internship. He went into the bathroom and started a bath. He went into the nursery and grabbed the babies. He undressed them and put them into the tub.

Once he finished washing the babies, he put them in diapers and took them into the living room. He let them crawl around the living room while he went into the kitchen. He cut up some strawberries and bananas and put them into three little bowls. He also grabbed three bottles from the cabinet and formula powder from the fridge. He measured some out and put water in each of the bottles, shaking them to mix the two together.

He went into the living room and grabbed the babies, strapping them into their high chairs. He went back into the kitchen and grabbed the fruit and formula. He gave it to the babies and went to the kitchen. He made a cup of coffee and went to the other room. He threw on some clothes and went to the living room. Kuroo was playing with the babies.

"You look fancy," he kissed Akaashi.

"No even the slightest. But thank you," Akaashi set his jacket on the table and grabbed his coffee.

"I still have an hour before school, do you want me to watch the pups till then?"

"You read my mind," Akaashi smiled. "Okay. I will be back later, remind Kenma to take his suppressants. And tell Bo that I'll bring the pups to practice later."

"Before you spiral, I will cover the rest," Kuroo kissed Akaashi and handed him his jacket.

"Thank you. See you later. Tell Bo and Ken that I love them. Love you!"

"Love you too!" Kuroo waved Akaashi out the door. Akaashi got in the car and started on his way to his internship. Once he got there, he grabbed his coffee and put his jacket on. He went inside.

"Hello Mr. Keiji!"

"I didn't get your name last time. What is it?"

"Oh, it's Marea," she smiled. (A/N: It's not pronounced like Maria, it's like the horse Mare, then ia. So Mare-ia)

"Okay, good to know, thank you." Akaashi dipped his head.

"Thank you for asking. So, your appointment is in 15 minutes, but I can get you in early. I just need you to sign a couple of papers and then I can send you right back." Marea handed Akaashi a clipboard with a few papers on it, and a pen.

"Okay, thanks," Akaashi went and stood to the side. He read through the papers and signed them. After he was done, he handed it back to Marea who gave him a pass and led him through a door.

"Okay. So if you follow this hall, you'll make it to her room. She'll tell you where to go from there," Marea waved and went back to her desk. Akaashi kept walking down the hall until he reached a grim looking door. He hesitantly knocked, stepping back as it opened.

"Ah, Keiji. You made it," the woman smiled.

"Yes ma'am," Akaashi dipped his head.

"Come in, come in. Your internship is about to start soon," the lady opened the door for him and closed it after he came in. Akaashi looked around the room, taking in his surroundings. The room was more cheerful than the door. There weren't very many things in the room. A desk in the center of the room, a small coffee table and a few chairs scattered around. One thing that he noticed almost instantly was the large lesbian pride flag that hung behind the desk.

"It's usually more organized. But I just recently had a meeting and the chairs are askew." The lady went and took a seat behind her desk.

"I like the flag," Akaashi commented.

"Oh. Well thank you. My wife gifted it to me the first time we met." She looked at the flag and smiled. Akaashi looked around the room for awhile longer before seeing the small name plate on the corner of the desk. "Please, have a seat," Akaashi pulled one of the closest chairs and sat in front of the desk.

"My name is Eichi Aika, but I'm referred to as Mrs. Eichi."

"Noted," Akaashi said quietly.

"So. I'm going to have Mr. Yoshimitsu show you around."


"I'm sorry?"

"Is there somebody else. I'm very grateful for everything that you've done, but I cannot have anything to do with him," Akaashi clenched his hands into fists.

"And why not?" She raised her eyebrow. Akaashi paused before delving into the story, he made sure to include Hayami. Once he finished, Mrs. Eichi was sitting there with her lips pursed and her hands folded. "Dear lord." She picked up the phone and pressed a few buttons. "Marea darling send up Yoshimitsu. Can you bring up his file as well?"

"Yes ma'am. Would you like me to send somebody else up?"

"Uh yes. Send up Emiko."

"Yes ma'am." Akaashi could hear the faint clacks of a keyboard. "Okay, I'll be there in one moment."

"Okay. Thank you," Mrs. Eichi picked up the phone and put it back down so that it would hang up.

"That man has been working here for a couple of years. I'm very confused why this wasn't on his file."

"No clue," Akaashi whispered. He turned his head as someone knocked on the door. She got up and opened the door.

"Get the hell in here," her tone changed. A few minutes later, Marea came running into the room.

"Sorry." She dipped her head and set the file on Mrs. Eichi's desk. She went and stood behind Akaashi.

"Yoshimitsu, pull up a seat," she glared at him as she sat down behind her desk. He quickly grabbed a chair and and set it next to Akaashi's, quickly setting it down.

"Keiji? You're here? What a-"

"Shut the hell up." Yoshimitsu snapped his head back and widened his eyes. "I hate using such vulgar language, but you are just making my blood boil right now. Why did I hear from Keiji about some disgraceful things?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Yoshimitsu nervously laughed.

"No? So you don't remember raping him? Or beating him? Or abusing him? Or being a misandrist?"

"I-I don't know where you got that information," he pulled at the collar of his shirt.

"No? And I'm going to assume that you 'didn't know' that you are a sex offender?" Mrs. Eichi turned her computer towards Yoshimitsu.

"Akaashi, why would you say something like that? Saying things that aren't true again? You are such a narcissist." Yoshimitsu shook his head.

"Stop gaslighting, literally nobody believes you. I'm going to give you five minutes, to get your shit, and get the hell out of my building." Mrs. Eichi pulled a timer out of her desk and set it to five minutes.

"You're joking," he scoffed.

"4 minutes and 38 seconds before I call the police."

"Whatever this is horseshit. I hope you got what you wanted Keiji," Yoshimitsu squished Akaashi's face and left. Akaashi just sat there, dizzy from the dominance pheromones Mrs. Eichi and Hiroki were releasing.

"Keiji you smell like you're about to drop. Are you alright?" Mrs. Eichi asked, concerned.

"Little dizzy. Can I crack a window or something?"

"Yes of course," Mrs. Eichi jumped up and opened a window. "My apologies, I don't usually release such strong pheromones. But I'm an alpha if you haven't already figured it out." She straightened her desk. "Marea can you see if Yoshimitsu left the building?"

"Yes ma'am," she dipped her head. After Marea left, somebody else came in the room.

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