Ch. 33 Spotter

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sorry. this is a really short and a very very late chapter. i've been stressed as hell so sorry about that. and i've been dealing with mental shit. i don't want to worry about it right now, i'm just glad i could post. i'm going to see if i can do a christmas chapter, but there is no guarantee i'll get it done in time. anyways, love you guys, no drugs no alkehol, drink a little more water today than you did yesterday, monsters no count >:< eat at least little bit food, have a very merry christmas make sure you get work done if your school quarter hasn't ended yet, and make sure your chores get done even thought you were washing the car in the middle of the winter with a vacuum and dust. and feeding the hog because you don't want to check christmas lights (i applaud you if you understand the reference)  *ps, all was said in a Grinch voice with a russian accent* 

Bokuto grabbed out his keys once he got outside and got into the car. He pulled out his phone, searching for music. He started bobbing his head once he found the album. He turned on the car, plugging in his phone and blaring the music. He started loudly singing along with it as he started driving down the street.

Once he got to the gym, he put in his headphones and went inside. He saw his other teammates already in the weight room.

He went to the locker room and changed, before going to the weight room. He did a few quick stretches and started working out. He stopped and took out one of his headphones when somebody stood over him as he was doing bench presses.

"How much weight you at?"


"Damn, 20 more than me," Atsumu shook his head.

"You just have to work out more," Bokuto poked at Atsumu.

"Yeah yeah I know I know."

"Spot me?"

"Yeah sure," Atsumu went behind Bokuto and let his hands sit under the bar as Bokuto slowly pushed the bar up and down. Once he finished his reps, he put the bar back and sat up. He watched as Hinata came up to him.

"How much weight was that Bokuto-San?"

"255. How bout you shrimpy?" Bokuto beamed.

"I can only do 185." He frowned.

"Want a spotter?"

"Yes please!" He sat on the bench as Bokuto pulled off some of the weights. He laid back and let Bokuto help him lower it so he could do his reps. "I think I can add more weight."

"How much?"

"Ten to each side," he grabbed two ten pound weights and put them on either side.

"Are you sure?"

"Very,"Hinata nodded as he grabbed the bar.

"Whatever you say," he shrugged as Hinata lowered the bar.

"Never mind!" Hinata put the bar back.

"I think I'm done," he nervously laughed and went to do something else. Bokuto shook his head and put his headphone back in. He added the weights back and continued. Once he was done working out, he quickly showered and put on practice clothes. He went out to the gym where everybody was already practicing.

After he was done practicing, he ate his lunch and went to the mall. He started looking around for presents. After looking around, he had finally settled on going to a few stores. He bought a few things in each of them and started walking around again. He saw Kuroo walking around with the pups. He went over to him.


"Hey! You're done with practice."

"Oh. Yeah! Where's Kaashi and Ken?"

"In an Omega store they found."

"They didn't take the pups?"

"They don't know their secondary genders so they decided it'd be easier just for me to watch them."

"Nice." Bokuto picked up Koku and Akemi. He watched, fascinated as Kuroo showed Aiko signs.

"Is it hard?"

"Not really. Kenma and Akashi know a lot more than I do. I'm gonna add a class to my schedule."

"I started taking an online course, it's going really slow though."

"Most are."

"We could go look at that scent store. I think they do something with your scents. Like, build a bear. They take your scent and make a bear out of it. It's weird. They take your scent and sew the stuffie in front of you."



"Do they only do stuffed animals?"

"No they do clothes and blankets too."

"Maybe we can do a blanket."

"Great thinking." Bokuto stood up as Kuroo put the babies into the stroller. They went over to the store and bought what they wanted. 

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