Ch. 18 Sleep

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"Akaashi gave you seen the wipes?" Kenma was frantically searching through a drawer. Shinsoukoku was in his arm, crying like usual. 

"On the counter," Akaashi but his lip. Kenma just nodded tiredly. "Kenma, you need sleep." 

"I slept last night I'm fine," he yawned. 

"I mean real sleep. I know she kept you up all night." Kenma set the baby down and leaned against the edge of the changing table. 

"I'm trying so hard. Whatever I do doesn't work," he started crying. "I'm a terrible mother." 

"No no no don't say that. You're a wonderful mother." Akaashi went over to Kenma and hugged him. 

"I-I just don't know what to do." He wiped his eyes and hugged Akaashi. 

"What you need to do is sleep, eat an actual meal, and drink water. This baby is going to get sick if you don't take care of yourself." 


"I will take care of her, now go take care of yourself." Akaashi gently kissed Kenma. Kenma just nodded. He softly kissed Shinsoukoku before going to his room. Akaashi turned to Shinsoukoku. He quickly changed her and brought her into the nursery. 

"And you, little one. Also need sleep, you've been waking up your mama too much." Akaashi rocked the baby as he slowly paced. Her cry's eventually died down. He laid her in her crib. 

He looked to the other side of the nursery. That was his side, or his children's side. He still hadn't told Kenma and Kuroo or anybody besides Bokuto. He hadn't technically told Bokuto, he just found out at Akaashi's second appointment with Lavern. And ever since his belt got bigger, everyone was letting him do less and less. His mates would barely let him hold Shinsoukoku. 

"'I'm going to have to hold my own babies,'" is what he told everybody. 

"Two more week and I'll  get to meet you two," Akaashi smiled. He looked at Shinsoukoku who was a tiny perfect mix of her parents. She had Kenma's natural brown hair and Kuroo's golden eyes. Akaashi left the door open a crack before checking on Kenma. The door was left open, but he was thankfully asleep. He smiled and closed the door. 

He went into the kitchen and pulled out door for dinner. After about two hours, Bokuto and Kuroo came home from work. Akaashi went to go wake up Kenma. 

"Hey, foods ready. She's sleeping, Kuroo will feed and change her. You're showering and going back to sleep after dinner." 

"Thank you Kaashi," Kenma got up and hugged him. 

"Of course," Akaashi went into the kitchen and started making plates when Bokuto came behind him. He wrapped his arms around Akaashi's waist, placing his hands gently on his belly, and laying his head in his shoulder. 

"Baby owl~, I told you not to be on your feet all day." He nipped around Akaashi's permanent mark. 

"Well it's a little hard to do that when one, you guys are at work in the house needs cleaned. Two I'm helping take care of Kenma and Kuroo's daughter on top of my own children-" he held up his hand as Bokuto opened his mouth. "And three, I get bored if I'm not doing something like making sure Kenma is taking care of himself. And carrying around our children is already doing something." 

"You always have an explanation," Bokuto laughed. 

"Mhm," Akaashi yawned. 

"Here, I'll make plates and you go sit down okay?" Akaashi nodded, giving him a peck on his cheek. He made his way to the table. After Bokuto had brought all the plates, the baby started crying. Kenma went to get up but stopped. 

"Kuroo, can you please get Shinsoukoku and feed her?" Kuroo looked at him surprised. 

"Of course," he went and grabbed the baby and brought her into the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle out of the fridge. He sat at the table and fed the baby while he slowly ate. After everybody was done eating, Bokuto cleaned the kitchen, while Kuroo put the baby to bed, and Kenma laid in bed with Akaashi.

He waited for Kenma to fall asleep before going to his room. Bokuto and Kuroo were watching TV, which gave Akaashi a little time to himself. He sat on the bed before crawling onto the floor and making a nest in the closet. He slipped out of his clothes that didn't fit and pulled on one of Bokuto's shirts. He sent it to nest before grabbing another T-shirt and laying down. He eventually fell asleep. He woke up soon after from Bokuto shaking his shoulder. He sat up. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make a mess," Akaashi could feel his voice catching in his throat as he started to cry. 

"Kaashi, I've told you a million times, it's okay to make a nest you didn't do anything wrong." Bokuto looked as Akaashi who nodded before getting in the nest. He tried moving as little as possible so he wouldn't ruin it. 

"It's okay if you need it up," Akaashi yawned. 

"I'm still gonna be careful," he laid next to Akaashi and pulled him as close as his belly allowed. 

When Akaashi woke up, the nest was empty but still warm. He stretched and got up. He went into the kitchen. Kenma was eating breakfast, Kuroo was making coffee and Bokuto was holding Shinsoukoku. 

"Morning sleepyhead," Kuroo ruffled Akaashi's hair as he walked by. 

"You're actually holding her," Akaashi smiled. 

"Why wouldn't I?" 

"You used to be so nervous to hold her," Akaashi laughed. He went over to the cabinet and pulled out vitamins. 

"Anyways, as I ask everyday was is your schedule?" Kuroo looked around the room. 

"Work and a meeting," Bokuto picked up a bottle and fed the baby. 

"Visit my mom. Appointment for Shinsoukoku, and grocery shopping." Kenma put his dishes in the sink and grabbed the baby

"Not that I can do anything. So nothing." Akaashi shrugged. 

"I have work, and then I'm going to the appointment and the store." 

"Now we know where everybody will be." Bokuto said as he grabbed his coffee. 

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