Ch. 31 Emiko

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Akaashi walked over to the window and took deep breaths, the cold air burning his lungs.

"Are you okay?" The person that came in the room rushed over to Keiji.

"Yeah, just pheromones messing with me. I'm fine," Akaashi smiled and went and sat down.

"Oh. I don't really get affected by pheromones, I'm a beta. I'm Emiko by the way," she shook Keiji's hand.

"I'm Keiji, an Omega." Mrs. Eichi cleared her throat.

"I am very glad you two are getting along, but Emiko I called you up here for something."

"Did my report not go through?" She tilted her head.

"No it did, I was very intrigued with your writing. Very good."

"Thank you," she dipped her head.

"Of course. Although, I called you up here so you could do something. I need you to show Keiji around and let him shadow you today. So he'll be doing whatever you're doing," she went into her desk and grabbed a small packet, handing it to Emiko.

"Okay. Thank you ma'am. Let's go Keiji!" She dipped her head and strutted out of the room. Akaashi followed her, shaking his head and laughing. "Okay, first things first. I'll take you to my office and then you can get this packet done." Emiko turned down a hall with a lot of windows and went into one of the offices that was on the side.

"Wow, you have a nice office," Keiji smiled as he looked around.

"Yeah, trying to keep it happy and a stress-free environment cause I was finally able to get pregnant. And I want to stay that way," she said softly as she sat down.

"Aww. How far along are you?"

"Three months today actually."

"That's great. I'm happy for you." Akaashi sat across from her.

"Okay, so anyways. I have this packet. And it's basically how much you have to read and write for your manga panels. It's for the whole week, and you basically sign off in the packet whenever you finish something. Pretty simple. And then every Monday you send in your manga panels and your packet. You give Marea your old packet and Mrs. Eichi will give you a new one. You should get yourself a new office tomorrow. But I have an extra computer over there you can use." She pointed to a small desk in the corner of the room.

"Okay, thank you," Akaashi dipped his head.

"Yeah no problem. Hey um... If I need help with something would you mind helping me? I don't like talking to a lot of the other people here because they're alpha's."

"Yeah of course. I know what it's like to be pregnant. I didn't like asking for help either. Of course I will. Thank you for asking," Akaashi smiled and went over to the small desk. "I never wanted any of my mates to help me when I was pregnant with my twins."


"Yeah. I just felt pretty useless having people do stuff for me. But I realized, it just shows how strong you are when you can be brave to ask for help."

"Wow. I never thought of it that way." Emiko stared off into the distance in deep thought.

"Me neither... Until I almost had my pups in a closet. I was actually on call with my sister when it happened." Akaashi turned his chair.

"Now you're making me worry," Emiko instinctively put her hand over her belly.

"Oh no no no. You'll be fine. Twins don't usually carry to full term. So you don't have to worry. You probably won't go on maternity leave until your last month or so."

"That's good. I just want to stay pregnant. This is my fourth pregnancy, and this is the longest I've gone. My first was 2 weeks, my second was 1 month, and the third was 3 weeks. But I have hope for this one to last. But... Can you do me one more thing?"

"Yeah what's that?"

"You can smell pheromones right?" She bit her lip.


"Betas too?"

"Yeah. You actually smell like lavender," Akaashi smiled.

"Is it only Omega's that can smell miscarriages?"

"Oh... Emiko... "

"Please, just be honest."

"At first yes. Alpha's can only smell a different scent, until they smell it more than once."

"Akaashi. Can you please tell me if you smell that on me. I don't want to be hurt by finding it out later on. Just tell me please? I can take it." Akaashi closed his eyes, remembering his miscarriages.

"Of course." He said quietly. "I just wish somebody was there to tell me when they smelled mine." Akaashi wiped his cheek with his sleeve.

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"It's okay, there isn't anything I can do. I'm just glad for the experience. But I have two wonderful children now, and I wouldn't wish for anything else. Well technically three, but I didn't have Koku." Akaashi laughed.

"Aww, her name is so cute."

"Well her name is Shinsoukoku, but we called her Koku. And then we have Aiko and Akemi. Aiko is deaf. We just recently found out."

"Oh! Me too! Well, half-deaf. I have hearing aids," she pushed her hair back to show small hearing aids sitting on her ear.

"Huh, well how about that."

"I could teach you sign language! And I could teach Aiko sign language!" Emiko squealed.

"That would be great actually! I was actually just looking to get a class soon."

"You should probably do that too just to be smart. But I can help you practice." She smiled.

"That sounds great."

"Yes yes. But we have work to get done. Thank you," she dipped her head and pulled her chair closer to her desk so she could do her work.

After a few hours, Akaashi was starting to get hungry.

"Hey I'm gonna go get something to eat, do you want something?"

"I was gonna go here in a minute. But where are you going?"

"Just to the ramen place down the street."

"Umm maybe. Can I have just a plain bowl?"

"Yeah of course."

"Thank you so much. I can pay you back later." She grabbed her bag, digging for something.

"It's fine. I'll be back." Akaashi grabbed his keys and went out to his car. He drove down to the ramen place and ordered two bowls of ramen. Once he got the food, he went back to the office building. When he got back, Emiko wasn't in the room. There was some money on his desk. He smiled and set the food down.

"Okay I'm back. Sorry I just needed to go down the hall real quick," she panted. Akaashi set her ramen on her desk as she sat down. "Thank you so much," she dipped her head.

"Anytime," he sat down.

"Thank you for the food!" They both said right before they ate.

"You should come over to my house and I can give you some stuff."

"I might be able to come tomorrow. I've got an appointment today."

"Okay. Oh, can you give me your email and then I can send the address?"

"Yeah sure," Emiko read out her email to Akaashi and he sent her his address. They ended up finishing their work early, and so they left.

"See you tomorrow!" Akaashi waved to Emiko as she walked to her car. 

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