Ch. 24 Omega

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"Why is this grocery store so confusing?" Kenma groaned as they walked around.

"No idea," Akaashi shook his head. He grabbed Kenma's stroller as he continued to push the cart around the store.

"Well, this is bullshit." Kenma pulled down a bottle, and put it back after reading what it was.

"What is?" Akaashi turned his head back.

"They have nothing here for Takoyaki," Kenma sighed.

"Is it that, or you just can't see the top shelf?" Akaashi teased.

"Is there stuff on the top shelf?" Kenma stood on the bottom of the cart. "Nevermind they do have stuff for Takoyaki. But now we need pork and pickled ginger for Yakisoba."

"I would go grab it, but you have the cart. And I have the strollers."

"It's right there, just go grab it. I can get Koku," Akaashi gave Kenma his stroller and went to the next aisle to grab the ginger. He looked at the various bottles splayed on the shelf. He stood on his tiptoes to see the top shelf. He saw the jar he was looking for, and tried to reach it. He struggled for a second, but managed to grab it. Once he went to pull it down, he stumbled back, bumping into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he turned and dipped his head.

"No worries," the color drained from Akaashi's face as he looked up at the boy. The boy was smiling, but it very slowly turned into a confused expression as he looked at Akaashi. Akaashi could feel his breath stuck in his throat.

"Babe! I got the test!" A small boy ran up to him, and clung onto his arm.

"Okay baby, go put it in the basket." He turned. As soon as he was distracted, Akaashi left to go find Kenma.

"Akaashi what the hell is wrong?" Kenma came behind Akaashi and grabbed his arm. Akaashi turned around, his face still pale. Kenma pulled his cart and stroller closer to him. "What happened?" Akaashi slowly sat on the floor, his back to the shelf and his knees to his chest.

"He's here," he whispered shaking his head.

"Who is?" Kenma knelt down.

"Hiroki," the name caught in his throat.

"Get up, we can leave," Kenma grabbed the cart and gave his stroller to Akaashi. "Go in front of me so I can put the groceries out." Kenma started walking behind Akaashi as they walked to the registers. Akaashi waited for Kenma as the cashier quickly scanned their groceries. He kept looking around everywhere, searching for the face he once adored.

"Let's go," Kenma broke his train of thought. As they were walking to the car, somebody stopped them.

"Keiji!" Akaashi froze at the voice. He slowly turned around. It was Hiroki, walking up to him and Kenma with the boy. "Hey, I haven't seen you in awhile, how've you been?" He nervously laughed.

"Traumatized, you?" The boy that was with him raised his eyebrow and looked at Hiroki.

"Ah, Keiji. This is Hayami, my omega." Akaashi nodded to the omega.

"Babe who is this?" Hayami let go of Hiroki's arm.

"This was my omega when I was a first year. But we had a switch because... things weren't really working out." Hiroki rubbed the back of his neck.

"No?" Akaashi raised his eyebrow. "But you seem to have left out that you constantly verbally and physically abused me. You forcibly marked me several times, and oh wait! It gets better! You raped me TWICE, almost got me pregnant. Left me for dead, and when you found out I was somehow alive you beat the living shit out of me. Did you know I killed myself? But here I am, because my alpha now actually cares about me. But if that wasn't really working out for you, I completely understand." Akaashi folded his fingers together as he finished.

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