Ch. 21 Grandma

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After the car was loaded up, Akaashi and Bokuto went home. Bokuto had to go to work, so Akaashi hung out with Kenma. 

"I still never went to the store," Kenma frowned. 

"We could still go."

"Maybe later so Kuroo can watch the pups when he gets home." They both looked at each other confused, a knock on the door echoing. 

"Who's that?" Kenma got up and went over to the door. Akaashi adjusted himself to hide the three babies. 

"Hi Kozume-Chan!" Akaashi smiled at the voice. 

"Asami-San!" He waved from where he was sitting. 

"Keiji!" She smiled brightly. 

"Hello Asami-San, what brings you here?" Kenma hugged Asami. 

I came to see my grandchildren. Where's Bo?" She looked around the room. 

"Work, I'll call him," Keiji pulled out hi phone. He texted Bokuto then set his phone down. Kenma helped Akaashi to his feet. He shakily walked to Asami and hugged her. 

"My son has been taking care of you guys, right?" Akaashi laughed. 

"Yes he has," he went back to the babies. He handed Aiko to Asami. 

"They have your hair," she cooed. "And a mix of your's and Bo's eyes. They're just the cutest." She looked over at Shinsoukoku. "She is just a perfect mix of her mama and daddy."

"That's what everyone says," Kenma smiled and blushed. 

"Would you like something to drink Asami-San?"

"You look like you're about to drop, sit down." She guidded Akaashi to a chair. 

"Thank you," Kenma mouthed. 

"Anytime," she whispered. "Would you like something to drink Keiji?"

"No, I'm oka-"

"Lavender tea? Sounds good!"

"I- alright then." Akaashi muttered. Asami made a cup of tea for everyone. 

"It'll help soothe to pain you have with walking and standing."

"Does it really?" Kenma raised his eyebrow as he drank his tea. 

"I didn't find that out until I had Bo. Speaking of, you guys want to hear a story?"

"Sure," Akaashi got on the floor next to his pups. 

"One time, when Bo was little, his sisters tried to teach him Volleyball. And one of them hit it so hard that he got hit in the face, so he fell to the floor, and they rushed over. His nose was pouring blood. One of them start screaming for me, 'Mama mama!' So I go to see what happened. I see his face covered in blood, so obviously I'm freaked out. Until, he just pops up, and spits something in his hand. He lost a tooth, and he's just sitting there with blood pouring down the front of him and he said 'Did I get it?'" 

"That's the one story you tell out of so many others?" Bokuto groaned from the hall.  

"Bo!" Asami set her cup down and went to go greet her son. 

"Hi mom," he smiled brightly as he hugged his mom. He went and sat next to Keiji and pulled him close. "I missed you guys." 

"You were only gone for three hours," Keiji laughed. 

"Three hours too long," he groaned. "But I was supposed to be getting off soon anyways." He exchanged a look with Kenma. 

"Am I missing something?" Akaashi looked between the two of them. 

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