Ch. 26 Just A Smack

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"I'm winning!" Hayami cheered.

"Not for long!" Yamamoto reached over trying to mess with Hayami's controller.

"No no no!" Hayami pulled his arms away over his head as Yamamoto leaned over in his lap, still trying to mess with his controller. "Ha! I still won!" Hayami stuck out his tongue.

"You only won cause I taught you how to play," Yamamoto laughed.

"I can't even remember how long it's been since I learned how to play this game."

"I taught you how to play when you moved in like 6 months ago."

"Well it was long enough for my scar to heal," Hayami traced the 'L' shaped scar under his ear. His smile faded.

"Hey. Look at me," Yamamoto took Hayami's face in his hands. "You are safe. You're okay! Besides they won't mess with you anymore."

"Yeah but you could get hurt again." Hayami pouted.

"A little smack to the head with a baseball bat wasn't too bad." Yamamoto shrugged.

"A little smack? They played baseball with your head, and gave you a concussion. And you still got up and beat the shit out of one of them after they tried to drag me out!" Hayami buried his head in his hands. "How do you know it won't happen again?" He whispered.

"Because I..." Yamamoto sighed, pausing to choose different words. "No idea. But all I can do is hope." They sat in silence.

"Did you turn the heater up? It's not even December yet," Hayami pulled up his shirt and wiped his face.

"Do you have a fever? It is freezing cold." Yamamoto looked at him confused.

"If I was sick- shit!"


"My heat," Hayami groaned.

"Oh. OH. I-I'll go. I can find somewhere to g-"

"Wait," Hayami grabbed Yamamoto's shirt as he got up. "Please don't leave. I don't wanna be alone." He screwed his eyes shut, letting go of Yamamoto's shirt to hold his abdomen.

"You want me to stay?" Hayami nodded. "I'm not gonna lie, I've never dealt with a heat. What do you want me to do? Actually, let's get you to a bed first." Yamamoto helped Hayami to his feet.

"Ah! Fuck fuck fuck," Hayami whined as he started sinking down to the floor. "It hurts!" He started to sob.

"Oh my god Hayami I didn't realize how bad your heats were." Yamamoto picked up Hayami and carried him to his room. He closed the door with his foot. He laid Hayami on the bed. "I'm not sure what to do honestly. What do you want me to do?"

"J-just gimme a sec," Hayami panted. "Can you close the curtains and open the window?"

"Yeah," Yamamoto did as he said and went back over to him. Hayami sat up, starting to pull off his clothes. Yamamoto could feel his face heating up as Hayami sat there in his boxers.


"Hm?" He looked at Yamamoto with a pained expression. Without thinking, Yamamoto leaned forward and kissed Hayami. He didn't pull back which surprised Yamamoto. Instead he leaned forward. Yamamoto pushed him down on the bed, hovering over him. Hayami pulled off Yamamoto's shirt.

"Are you sure?" Yamamoto panted.

"Please alpha it hurts," Hayami whined, not really realizing what he said with his mind being so disoriented. This fazed Yamamoto only for a minute.

"As you wish omega," he smirked. He sat there for a minute, trying to remember where an omega's sensitive areas were. He found his answer once he grazed Hayami's neck. Of course, his scent glands. Yamamoto kissed around Hayami's scent gland, leaving small hickies around it. Hayami bit his lip, trying to not make any noise. Yamamoto could feel his rut setting in as Hayami's heat pheromones got stronger. He stopped to catch his breath.

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