Ch. 27 A Cup Of Coffee And A Shot

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"What?" Kenma poked his head out of his gaming room.

"Where did you put the teething rings?" Akaashi asked as he dug around the freezer.

"You'd have to ask Kuroo. Nice ass by the way," he went back in the room.

"I hope your mic was on." Akaashi fake threatened.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry. It was on! Fuck!"

"Ha ha!" Akaashi hit his head on the fridge door, making Kenma laugh with him. Once he finally stopped laughing, he grabbed out his phone. "Nevermind they were under the vegetables." Akaashi grabbed the teething rings from the freezer and went into the living room. He gave one to each of the babies that were rolling around on the ground.

"Kaash how many more classes till your internship?"

"Uhh, I think today is the last class. And then I start my online internship tomorrow." Akaashi sat on the floor so he could see into the gaming room while keeping an eye on the babies.

"Nice. Did Bo say when he was coming home from practice?" Kenma turned his chair.

"No actually. Which is suspicious. But I'm sure he'll text me later." Akaashi checked his phone again before setting it down.

"I think I'm on lunch right now," Kenma came into the living room.

"Which means you watch the babies and I go do my schoolwork."

"Yup," Kenma took his phone from Akaashi, and took Akaashi's phone.

"I'll be back." Akaashi went into the gaming room and started his class.

After hours went by with Akaashi and Kenma being done with their schoolwork, and Kuroo coming home, they still hadn't heard from Bokuto.

"I'm sure he's fine," Kuroo said, trying to assure Akaashi.

"No," he shook his head. "You don't understand. He's never done this, and even when he was gone for a long time, he is always texting me every five minutes." Akaashi pulled out his phone once again.

"Do you have a number from the coach, or anybody on the team maybe?" Kenma pulled out his phone.

"No. I honestly don't think I've ever asked."

"Well, let's stay up for a little longer and see." Kuroo sat on the couch next to Akaashi and wrapped his arm around Akaashi's shoulders. They sat there for another hour. Kuroo had turned on the tv trying to distract Akaashi, but it just started making him release more fear pheromones, which made the babies panic and cry.

After another hour, Akaashi took the babies into the nursery. He came back out after putting them down to sleep. He sat on the couch, his head in his hands. He checked his phone

"It is one o'clock in the fucking morning," he groaned. He threw his phone across the room and went into his room.

"Do we just?" Kuroo looked at Kenma.

"He'll come back out." Kenma picked up Akaashi's phone and plugged it into the charger on the counter. "But I'm really worried that Bo hasn't come home. What if something happened?" Kenma shook his head.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he's f-" There was a loud bang at the door. Akaashi poked his head out of the room, then ran to the nursery. Kenma hid behind Kuroo as he went to the door. "Be ready to run," he whispered. Kenma nodded. Kuroo unlocked the door, ripping it open. Sure enough, there was Bokuto, getting on his feet. There was a car in the driveway.

"Sorry! We didn't mean to be gone for so long! See you tomorrow Koutarou!" The person rolled up the window and sped off.

"Kuroo~" Bokuto laughed as Kuroo helped him stand up.

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