Ch. 17 How Many?

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"Where's Kuroo?" He looked around the room. 

"He has to get a pheromone suppressor, so he doesn't attack the doctor." Kenma had been stripped of his clothes. He was shivering, or maybe shaking, Akaashi couldn't tell. But the fear pheromones that covered the room suggested the latter. The door burst open suddenly.

"Kenma!" Kuroo ran to Kenma's side. 

"Kuroo!" Kenma had turned into a crying mess.  "I c-can't do this," he sobbed. 

"You'll be fine, you're gonna do great." Kuroo scented Kenma, trying to dissipate the fear pheromones. 

"Mr and Mr. Bokuto, you're gonna need to step out."

"Oh, we're not married," Bokuto blushed. Akaashi grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room. 

"Mr. Tetsurou? Kenma might have to get a cesarean section." 

"A what?" Kuroo tilted his head. 

"My apologies, an emergency c-section." Kuroo blankly stared as Kenma was rolled off to another room. Kuroo went to the lobby finding Bokuto. 

"Where's Akaashi?" He asked as he sat down. 

"Ultrasound appointment," his head drooped. 

"So I'm nurse Lavern, I'll be doing your gender results!" 

"I'm Keiji," he sat in the chair as Lavern hooked up the machine. 

"Here we go! Here is baby #1, it's a girl. And baby #2 is a boy."

"Sorry, #2?" 

"Yes," she pointed to the scan that clearly showed two babies. 

"But I miscarried." 

"There is a possibility there was three and you only miscarried one which is what it looks like. If you smell me, you'll smell two scents, me and my baby, but you'll only smell one different scent. But when I smell you, I smell 3 scents. Yours, and two undistinguished smells of the babies." 

"O-oh wow. That's a bit to take in. I was told I was only having one." Akaashi sat up as the nurse finished wiping off the ultrasound gel. "Is there anyway I could have you as my nurse from now on?" 

"Yes there is actually! I just need to change it in the system, I'm so glad that you want me to continue to take care of you! Though, the information you just received is a bit to take in usually," she nervously laughed. "Is the father here?" 

"Uh yeah he is. But we're waiting on news on our other mate who's having pups." Akaashi nodded as he talked. 

"I can go check on him if you'd like?"

"Would you really? That'd be great! Thank you so much!" Akaashi hugged the nurse. She went over to her computer and typed something into it. She grabbed something out of a drawer next to her and slipped it on over her scrubs. She grabbed another pair.

"Let's go," she sped walked to the lobby. 

"Mr. Tetsurou I need you to put these on and follow me." Kuroo quickly slipped on the thing the nurse handed him and followed her down the hall. 

"Let's go wait in the hospital room." Akaashi grabbed his bag and went to Kenma's hospital room. Bokuto sat in a chair, pulling Akaashi into his lap. 

"So how was the scan?" 

"G-good. Yeah good." Akaashi blurted nervously. 

"Everything okay?" 

"Yeah they just said it was too early to determine the gender." They sat in silence until the door suddenly opened. The two jumped up and ran to Kenma's side. 

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