Ch. 23 He Said It Before Me!

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Kenma waved to Akaashi as he followed Kuroo and Bokuto out of the apartment.

"You guys think he'll be okay alone?" Kenma adjusted the car seat he was holding Shinsoukoku in.

"He'll be... okay, for now." Bokuto nodded as he talked.

"If you say so," Kenma sighed.

"I will see you guys after the meeting, okay? Love you," Bokuto kissed Kenma and Kuroo before hopping in his car and driving off.

"Don't stress, it makes you smell funny," Kuroo commented as he grabbed Koku from Kenma and buckled the seat into the car.

"I'm not stressed. Just... Akaashi doesn't usually do well by himself. And he's also pregnant, so that just adds more risk. Like what if he-" Kuroo deeply kissed Kenma, cutting him off. Kenma looked at his feet, flustered.

"He will be fine. We can call him after the appointment. He isn't due for another two weeks. He will be fine." Kuroo got into the car, Kenma following. Kuroo rested his hand on Kenma's thigh as he drove off. "Give me your phone real quick."

"Why?" Kenma handed his phone to Kuroo.

"Because you have a child that has an appointment, and our mate can wait an hour. If he really needs us, he will find a way to reach us." Kuroo turned off Kenma's phone before pulling out his phone and doing the same. He put both of the phones in his pocket. As they pulled up to the hospital, Kuroo pulled Koku out of the car, Kenma grabbing the baby from Kuroo.

"Thank you," Kenma started to walk.

"Uh- So you just want me to carry the carseat while you walk around with her?" Kuroo grabbed Koku and put her back in the car seat. "You could've just asked if you wanted to carry her Kitten," Kuroo nuzzled Kenma.

"Well I want to carry her," he said quietly.

"Okay," Kuroo handed the car seat to Kenma, who gladly took it and took Kuroo's hand with his free hand.

"Why are you so cute?" Kuroo repeatedly kissed Kenma all over his face.

"Kuroo!" Kenma laughed, trying to pull away, only to be pulled closer. Kuroo stopped as another couple stared at them in disgust. Kenma tilted his head forward, using his hair to hide his face. Kuroo wrapped his arm around Kenma's shoulder, still holding his hand. He used his body to shield Kenma.

"C'mon Ken," he speed walked to the entrance, throwing the couple a dirty look as they passed by.

"Y'know it's a sin, what you're doing. You could always go to church, and god will forgive your sins," the wife called out.

"I'm sorry?" Kuroo stopped.

"Kuroo, please," Kenma tugged on Kuroo's sleeve.

"She's right, we have a church group we can take you to. But the one thing god might not forgive you for is making an even worse mistake from the sin you've already committed." The husband shrugged.

"I'm sorry, are you calling my daughter a mistake?" Kuroo growled.

"Well, yeah. Children should have a mommy and daddy, not... Well, two dads. They'll just get bullied." The husband continued.

"Kuroo," Kenma pleaded, trying to continue walking.

"No no, I think I see reason for what they're saying."

"What the hell are you talking about Kuroo?" Kenma backed away from Kuroo.

"They're right, they are sinning."

"No I said that you guys are sin-"

"They're sinning, by being homophobic. By, telling me that I'm not allowed to have children with who I want. That, in order for my child to have a perfect life, I need to have a wife. And to that, I say fuck you." Kuroo flipped off the couple.

"How dare you!" The wife put her hand to her chest. Kenma pulled Kuroo down to his level by his shirt collar, smashing their lips together.

"We're gonna catch it! Get in the car!" The husband ripped open the car door, barely waiting for his wife to get in before driving off.

"I'm going to remember that forever. I think my favorite argument I've ever had," Kuroo commented as he wrapped his arm around Kenma's shoulder and continued walking inside.

After they were done with Koku's appointment, they went to go home. They heard the intercom nonstop saying medical codes, and calling people to their appointments. They were half-way down the hall from the hospital they were in, when Kuroo saw a girl running in their direction with a baby character. Kuroo stepped to the side, pushing Kenma behind him.

But much to his dismay, the girl bumped into him.

"I'm sorry! I'm in a rush," she dipped her head, turning in every direction.

"Keila?" The girl looked at Kenma.

"Kenma?" It finally clicked, it was Akaashi's sister.

"Are you okay? Where's Aren?" Kenma looked around behind Keila.

"With Keiji," she pulled a phone out of her pocket. "Aren, what room."

"Keiji's here?" Kuroo raised his eyebrow.

"Ok, we'll be there," she put her phone away. "Yes, he's having his pups." She started running down the hall again. Kenma started running after her, Kuroo right behind him. They saw Keila go into a room, the door closing.

"Kuroo give me my phone," Kenma held out his hand. Kuroo turned on Kenma's phone and handed it to him. Kenma opened his phone, it started to flood with notifications.

"Oh my god..." He quickly dialed Akaashi's number. It rang and rang, finally going to voicemail. Bokuto ran up to them panting.

"Bokuto!" Kenma said, relieved. Bokuto started knocking on the door. He started talking to someone, but disappeared from the doorway moments later. The doctor opened the door, and let Kuroo and Kenma in.

After Akaashi had his pups, Lavern took them for testing. By the time she came back, it was getting late.

"I'd stay, but I have to put Shinsoukoku to bed," Kenma kissed Akaashi and left with Kuroo.

"Today was a pretty good day," Kuroo yawned as they walked into their house.

"Mhm," Kenma took Koku out of her carseat and handed her to Kuroo. Kenma went into the kitchen, and dug to the bottom of a drawer, pulling out a tiny box. He went over to Kuroo, who was distracted, and handed him the box. He picked up Koku, slowly walking to the other room.

"What is this Ken?" Kuroo followed Kenma into the nursery. Kenma changed Koku into pajamas, and laid her down.

Kenma pulled Kuroo into their room, closing the door behind him. He pushed Kuroo onto their bed, and sat on his lap.

"You okay?" Kuroo propped himself up on his elbows. Kenma grabbed the box from him. He opened it, showing Kuroo what it contained.


"Wait," Kuroo reached over to his nightstand and shuffled through his drawer, pulling out an identical box.


"You dirty bastard," Kenma kissed Kuroo. "Marry me?"

"Only if you marry me," Kuroo smirked.

"I'll think about it," Kenma shrugged.

"Kitten!" Kuroo pulled Kenma down with him.

"I'm kidding! Yes you dork!" Kenma laughed. He put the ring on Kuroo's finger. Kuroo slipped the ring he had on Kenma's finger.

"I gotta tell Bo," Kuroo pulled out his phone.

"He proposed before me!" Kenma could hear Bokuto laughing at him. They talked for a few minutes.

"Sounds good, see you guys tomorrow," Kuroo set his phone down on the nightstand. "So what should we do now?" Kuroo passionately kissed Kenma.

"No more kids until the one we already have is older," Kenma warned.

"I wasn't thinking about that, but now that you mentioned it..." Kuroo flipped their positions, pinning Kenma. They sat there and laughed. 

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