Ch. 30 Kelly

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Anyways, I'm writing two stories at the moment, but I haven't decided when I'm going to post them. One is an Osasuna story, the other is a Daisuga story. Which one would you guys like to see first? 

anygays, have a good day/afternoon/night/time of the day, monsters are very delicious. but you need to at least have a drink of water, eat something. do that homework you've been procrastinating on because you've been mopping the ceiling until your dad gets home so you can mow the car. 

"And as you can see here..." Kuroo found himself not even paying attention to what his professor was saying anymore. He was in one of those lessons that wasn't mandatory but it somehow had important information he needed. He felt like time kept going backwards every time he looked at it. "Any questions?"

"Yes I have one," Kuroo looked over to see a girl stand up and pull up her skirt an unnecessary amount. He shook his head and looked back down at his paper. "Why do you have these lectures if you just tell us that the material is online. But half of the things on the tests aren't online."

"Because some people prefer in person classes because it's easier to understand," Kuroo looked at her almost bored.

"Okay? But-"

"It's just that simple, some people do better online others do better in person. More material is covered in class." Kuroo closed his textbook and shoved it in his bag with his notebooks as the bell rang. He grabbed his jacket and left. He started walking towards the cafeteria when somebody ran in front of him.

"It's Kelly." She stuck her hand out.

"Kuroo," Kuroo looked her up and down and walked around her.

"You're in my lit class." She started walking faster to match pace with Kuroo.


"What other classes are you in?"

"Chemistry, Sales and Business."

"I take Chemistry too! But I'm also taking Photography and Forensics."

"Weird mix." Kuroo shoved his headphones in and started playing music. He was about to turn to go to the cafeteria when she pulled out his earphones.

"Not really, I'm going to take the pictures at the crime scenes, and then I'll perform autopsies."

"Want a tip?" Kuroo turned to look at her.

"Of course! Especially if it helps me get better!" Kelly said excitedly. Kuroo pulled her down an empty hall and backed her up to a wall.

"Don't pull your skirt up super far because every guy in that classroom can see your undergarments. Just helping you out in advance because you seem new, which means you don't know that every guy here is a player and will leave you pregnant and ditch," Kuroo put his headphones back in and turned into the cafeteria. He got his lunch and went to a corner of the lunch room where there were empty tables. He set his bag down and started eating his lunch.

"Thanks, but I honestly don't care. I don't like any of them here anyway," she set her bag down next to mine and sat across from me. "But I'm grateful for your consideration. I can sense you're annoyed with me, but I don't talk to anybody else so I'm just gonna stick with you until I get the flow of this place."

"I'm not annoyed. Just tired," Kuroo put his headphones in his bag and threw away his trash, leaving the school. He had just gotten to his car, when Kelly came running up. "Can I help you Goldie Long Stockings?"

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