Chapter 12

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Michael has planned the whole party, and for once, I'm really nervous. Lots could go wrong tonight. Aunt Bess could return, the house could get trashed, no one could turn up, or the opposite, lots of people could turn up. We have 5 hours till everyone is supposed to turn up, as the party officially starts at 9.

Michael and Calum have been really hyped about the party, talking about it all day today and yesterday and even the day before. They've brought alcohol out of their own money, as they thought it was fair considering the party was being held at my place.

"What about the neighbours?" I ask Michael, I hope he doesn't sense the nervousness in my voice, but he seems to be preoccupied in setting up the music throughout the house. We already have speakers in all rooms that can all be hooked up into the sound system in the Kitchen, but Michael can't seem to get it to work.

"They're all cool, it's not gonna be like a project X party!" Michael exclaims. I have seen the movie project x, and I don't think a party were I am living would get that out of hand, only in America would that possibly happen.

"If you say so. I'm going to go and get ready." I sigh, going upstairs to get on my outfit. It can be described in 3 words. Black, short and tight. It's not something I'd usually wear to a party, usually I go for more of the casual look, but considering I'm the host, I've got to look like I've made an effect.

I reluctantly get out my makeup bag, and do my makeup; winged eyeliner, foundation, mascara, casually drawn on eyebrows, red lipstick and smoky effect eyeshadow. I'm not a makeup guru, but I am actually okay at applying my makeup, I just don't do it often.

Next I choose my shoes, usually I'd wear flats, but I'm all about appearances tonight, so I grab my black high heels. I sigh to myself when I put them on, I don't have anyone to impress, so why am I bothering to even look okay, it's so stupid. I look at my phone and see a message from an unknown number.

You didn't tell me you was having a party ;-)

I don't have a clue who it is, but I don't hesitate to reply.

I didn't plan it. What's with the nose.

I send it, and put my phone down, not expecting a reply straight away. I jump when my phone dings.

Wait, you have my number saved? ;------)

This person is already starting to annoy me.


I hope my blunt reply will help whoever it is to get the hint, but they obviously don't.

My name rhymes with duke.

Oh, it's Luke. I frown to myself, why does he have my number? Why does he care that I'm having a party.

How did you get my number?

I send it, and he replies back instantly.

You said that we'd hang out sometime, so I needed your number. How about tonight? Yep. Great, I'll see you at your house then.

I roll my eyes, but think this is a good thing considering I have to play him myself, thanks to Michael and Calum and that stupid bet.

Did you just invite yourself to my party? I send.

Yes. I did. See you soon! X He Replies.

Did he just put a kiss? I blink in confusion, but then roll my eyes, I'm overanalysing this situation completely, this guys a dick anyway.

"Faith? Are you ready?" Michael calls from behind the door.

"Yeah." I say back, and he opens up my door. First he looks around the room, then his eyes find me.

"Wow, you look fierce." Michael says, winking jokingly, I roll my eyes. Michael has gone for a casual look, wearing some jeans that I think are women's, but he's diyed and put some holes in the knees, and a band tee shirt. His red hair is styled how it usually is, messy, but looking good at the same time.

"Gr." I say jokingly, getting up to go, but he walks over to my dresser where I have put up photos of me and my family.

"You were cute." He comments, picking up one photo of me with my parents. It was my 6th birthday party and my mum forced me to have a party, which I actually quite enjoyed, I was quite popular in primary school, then I went to secondary school and everything went downhill from there.

"Whatever, we have a party to get ready for." I say, rolling my eyes at his comment, and dragging him out of my room and down the stairs.

I fiddle with the music system and play some music that seems fitting for a party. It has a clear thumping bass that I can feel through the floorboards, and I feel as though this night might actually be a good idea.

Self-Destruction • Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now