Chapter 40

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I spent the next 3 days planning the party around the time I spent with Luke. It wasn't cringey coupley stuff like going on dates, we just spent time together watching tv or going out. I'm glad that being in a relationship didn't change the way we acted around each other; but if I'm honest I'm still not really sure how to act as I hadn't ever actually been in a proper relationship before.

"I'll be back on Saturday, Faith. You can invite a few friends over, be good! Love you!" Aunt Bess says as she leaves the house, I nod in agreement and wave her goodbye. As soon as I go back into the house I see Calum and Michael already sitting in the living room with a drink and a packet of crisps.

"How long have you been here?" I frown, walking into the living room and taking a crisp from Calum's packet, he looks up at me, pouting slightly as I shrug at his expression and eat the crisp.

"Only about 5 minutes. We need to get this place ready for the party." Michael exclaims, I nod in agreement and then we all start readying the house.

Rather than expecting everyone to bring their own alcohol, Michael, Calum and I travelled to the show where I had bought my cigarettes and we bought some. I don't have extensive knowledge on alcohol so the cheap stuff we bought was a brand I didn't recognise but Michael promised I'd get 'smashed' after one or two glasses. We bought ten bottles of that stuff which I paid for with cash, not entirely trusting the card machine, and then we returned back to the house.

Before entering I felt as though someone was watching me as the hairs at the back of my neck rose, I spun around but saw no one. I stayed watching the bushes surrounding my garden for a while but went into the house when I heard Calum calling me from the kitchen.

"What's up?" I ask, he's standing at the bar, getting the drinks out of the black carrier back. I'm not sure where Michael went.

"You know that girl I told you about? Can she come here?" He asks, I instantly remember the conversation we had about 'a girl' and I feel bad that I forgot to ask him about it as I remember him being really nervous when asking for advice.

"Of course! So it all went okay with her? Like, the whole romance thing?" I clarify,

"Yeah! She loved it! Thank you so much! I'm glad you said yes because I've already invited her." He grins, and I smile fondly back before realising I have half an hour before the party is supposed to start, and I haven't even got ready yet.

"I need to get ready, sorry you're gonna have to finish setting up here." I tell Calum, rushing upstairs and jumping into my room.

I grab a strapless red cocktail dress from my cupboard - which I'm sure Bess bought me as I don't remember buying it, and tug it on. I untie my hair from the loose pony tail it was in and brush it out, then go over it quickly with straighteners. I eye my dark hair as it cascades down my back perfectly, and then grab my makeup bag.

I started experimenting with makeup these past two days and Aunt Bess gave me some of her half used ones which she replaced as soon as a different shade or brand had came out, leaving me with lots of different foundations, mascaras, lipsticks...everything. Somehow I had mastered the smoky eye effect after watching videos on YouTube so I do that and sigh at myself contently.

I tug on some black wedges, as all my other heels are either too short or too bright for my outfit and quickly go over my lips with the red lipstick, before checking the time. I have 5 minutes till the party officially starts but I can already hear the music and people downstairs, so I decide I might as well go downstairs now.

Self-Destruction • Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now