Chapter 17

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"Where were you?" Michael asks, when I walk into the house. Him and Calum are playing on an Xbox I didn't even know we had, in the living room.

"Out, I guess...with Luke..." I say hesitantly.

"Luke!" Calum exclaims, I nod, then sit down next to Michael, watching as Michael shoots Calum at whatever game they're playing.

"Why were you with him, when you couldn't been with us?" He frowns.

"Faith's trying to get Luke to fall for her, remember? Playing him at his own game." Michael reminded him, rolling his eyes, but still not looking away from the large screen.

"Oh." Calum replies simply.

"Why are you still here? Where's Bess?" I wonder.

"She felt really bad, and said we could stay while you calm down, she left half an hour a go to go to work." Michael says.

"I don't get that angry often, by the way." I say. Michael nods, and thankfully, doesn't dwell on it.

I sit in the movie room, watching some movie which has just came out at the cinemas, how Aunt Bess has it, I'm not sure. My phone, which is beside me, vibrates. I sigh, and pick it up to read the message.

'Meet me outside x'

It's from Luke. I look at the time being displayed on my phone, and see it is 1 o'clock in the morning.


I reply simply. I tiptoe across the landing, hoping that there are no squeaky floorboards, before I go outside I grab my black jacket.

"Hey." Luke says when I'm outside. He's wearing jeans and a black top, my outfit is quite similar.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I'm going to take you a tour of around here." Luke grins.

"At one o'clock in the morning?" I frown, and he nods.

"Is this your car?" I ask, gesturing the Mercedes in front of us.

"No, it's my moms." He coughs, and I laugh at his embarrassed expression.

I open my own door and get in, which he frowns at. He probably wanted to open the door himself.

"What's your mums name?" I ask, he blinks slightly at the question.

"Liz." He smiles, I nod. Waiting silently for him to start the car.

"What inspired you to take me a tour at one o'clock?" I question.

"Saw it in a movie." He smiles cheekily, I roll my eyes at him.

"Why were you angry?" He suddenly asks, I dither whether to be truthful.

"My dads in a coma on life support, and his adoptive parents want to turn the life support off." I shrug, drumming my fingers in time to the beat of whatever song is playing on the radio.

"Oh. Did he suddenly just come into a coma or...oh wait, you don't have to answer that, don't worry." He runs a hand through his hair awkwardly.

"Car crash, it killed my mum as well." I hum, I think he hasn't heard it at first, but when I look at his sympathetic expression, I can tell he did.

"Is that why you're here?" He asks.

"Yeah. Is it bad I haven't cried?" I question. He focuses on the road a few moments, clearly wondering how to answer this question.

"Some people embrace pain in different ways, anger must be your way." He nods, proud at himself for his answer. I hate talking about this.

"Luke the preacher." I grin, and he laughs as well, and I feel the tension we had evaporate as we start talking about normal things.

"What is this?" I ask, gesturing to the abandoned looking building in front of me.

"This is the place that you won't get shown by anyone else." Luke answers, I nod tensely and follow him into the building.

Inside, it is the total opposite of what I expected. It's buzzing with people and music that I was unaware of when I was outside. I look around, taking in what I see, then I put two and two together.

"This is a bar?" I ask Luke, he nods, then continues leading me through the building. They're fairy lights strung up around the interior of the building, and that and the lights by the bar are the only source of lighting. The people here look rough, large men with tattoos and girls wearing skimpy outfits sitting on there laps.

"Hemmings! Haven't seen you in a while!" A tall, buff man says, walking towards Luke. Luke reaches out and they do that weird bro hug.

"David, my man! How's it been?" Luke exclaims.

"I'm good, man. Is this your bitch?" The man, whom is called David, asks. I blink at the word used to address me, and find it hard to contain my anger.

"Nah, she's just moved here, though I'd give her a tour." Luke explains.

"What's your name?" He asks me in a gruff voice.

"Faith Smith." I say confidently. He reaches out to shake my hand, and as I return the gesture, he pulled me in.

"Be careful around Hemmings." He whispers in my ear, I widen my eyes and nod slightly, feeling a little scared at his tone. Luke looks between him and me, trying to judge what just happened.

"Come on Faith, this is just the first place I wanted to show you." He says quickly, and I follow him out of the bar.

Self-Destruction • Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now