Chapter 13

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"Faith! Why haven't you got a drink?" Michael asks, handing me a bottle of a drink I don't remember buying, people must have brought alcohol as well. They're a lot more people here than I even imagined. I take the bottle from Michael and down half of it in one, and he nods at me approvingly before heading off into a different direction to seduce a member of the female population.

I go into the garden to see if I can find anyone I recognise, and I see the girl in my music class that didn't like me.

"Faith!" She exclaims, and I turn in surprise as she pulls me into a large hug.

"You look gorgeous, darling! You say that in England, right? Anyway, great party!" She shrieks, she's definitely drunk, I don't even know her name.

"Erm, yeah, thanks, I'm just gonna go over here now." I say, waving awkwardly and heading into the opposite direction.

I walk right into someone's chest. I look up and see Luke.

"You just keep running into me, don't you?" He laughs, I just stare for a few more moments. He looks good, like really good. He's wearing a black flannel shirt, and black jeans, that exaggerate the length of his legs. I take a swig of the drink in my hand before speaking.

"I don't know anyone here." I find myself saying, then laughing at. God I sound really drunk, I feel like I'm watching my life through a glass and I can't control anything I'm doing.

"How did you invite all these people then?" Luke frowns, obviously in confusion.

"Michael." I shrug, and as soon as I say it, Luke's eyes harden in anger.

"You're friends with him?" He clarifies, and I nod. I watch as he clenches and unclenches his jaw before speaking.

"He's just going to use you, don't be friends with him." He says seriously. And I feel myself grow angry that he's telling me what to do, yet I laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" He frowns.

"Michael said the exact same thing about you." I continue giggling, while he just frowns further.

"Let's go inside." He says, looking at the goosebumps on my arms. I nod in agreement, I walk in front of him, leading him into the house. I have to go up the stairs to reach the back door, and when I turn to say something to Luke, he's biting his lip and looking at my butt, I raise an eyebrow at him.

"What?" He grins cheekily, and I can't help but smile at his innocent expression.

"Do you want a drink?" I ask him when we're in the kitchen. He nods, and goes into the fridge and gets himself out a beer can. I nod, and then lead him into the living room, where the music is on full volume, and there are people dancing everywhere.

"Shall we dance?" Luke asks, smirking at me.

"Asking me makes it sound a bit official, doesn't it?" I cross my arms over my chest, and his smirk gets bigger.

"Should I just grab you and make you dance then?" He asks, I take one last swig of the drink Michael handed me earlier, and then nod, putting the bottle on the floor where I am sure I'll forget about it.

I move my hips in time to the music, shouting the lyrics to the song as I do so. Luke suddenly snakes up behind me so that I am moving against him, I turn my head so I look at him, and he is grinning at me. I feel the alcohol in my system control my actions as I grind into him. We continue to do this for a few more songs, until he interrupts.

"Shall we take this upstairs?" He whispers in my ear, I nod blindly. I'm not usually like this, I swear, it's just the alcohol. I lead him up the stairs into my room, when we enter, I mentally face palm that I didn't clean up before inviting him in. I didn't think anyone was going to be in this room tonight.

I sit down on the bed, while he walks over to my desk to look at the photos I have pinned up of my family. Similarly to Michael, he looks at the one with my parents, he looks from the photo, to me, back to the photo again, smiling goofily. I get fed up and walk over to him, I pluck the photo from his hands and place it carefully in its original position.

I turn back to Luke, and he drags me into him, making our mouths collide. It isn't a very attractive looking kiss, It's too fast, but we're both drunk so we can't tell. After a few moments of getting off, he drags me to the bed and pins me under him, we're still making out when he starts pulling at the zip on my dress.

"Wait, wait." I say quickly, sitting up. This isn't right at all.

"What's wrong?" He asks, looking at me confused.

"I've only known you less than a week, we can't do this." I say, gesturing between us to.

"Oh." He frowns. I get up at walk towards my dresser to reapply the lipstick that had been rubbed off during our kissing. I expect him to leave while I do this, but he still stays sitting on the bed, looking at me with a peculiar emotion.

"What?" I ask nervously.

"Your the first girl that's ever said no." He shakes his head in disbelief, I'm not sure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

"Well I'm not like other girls, I guess." I shrug,

"So you're immune to my good looks?" He says jokingly, winking at me suggestively.

"What good looks?" I say, rolling my eyes, but I can't help but smile at the expression on his face. I'm kind of glad my rejection to him didn't end up in him walking out, because then I would have lost the bet with Michael, I mean, who wants to be with a girl who is a cockblock herself? No one, except Luke, it seems.

Self-Destruction • Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now