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Newt walks to the bus stop the next day, his stomach filled with anxiety. Thomas waits for him. He immediately wraps an arm around him. 

"Hey." He says, kissing him. "How're you doing?"

"Fine." Newt says, hugging him. "I missed you."

"It's been like twelve hours, Newt." He says as they walk onto the bus.

"I don't care." He says, grabbing the other boys hand. 

Thomas laughs. They sit down. 

"I'm so tired." Newt complains. 

"I know." Thomas says. Then he kisses him. "Too tired for that?"

"Never." Newt says. He kisses him again, pulling him closer.

As Newt walks out of his last class before lunch, Lizzy grabs his arm. 

"Lizzy, what the shuck!?" He says.

"Have you told him?" Lizzy says, hands on her hips."

"I-No!" He says. "It's been two hours! Only one of which I've been with him!"

"That's plenty of time." She says. "Tell him, idiot." And she walks away. 

Newt looks after her before he feels Thomas wrap his arms around him. 

"Hey." He says. "You okay?"

"Fine." He says, shaking his head. "Sorry. Lizzy's just..."

Thomas laughs. He kisses his cheek. "Come on."

"Alright." Newt turns around and kisses him. 

"Hey, boys." 

They break apart and see Brenda standing there.

"Oh." Thomas says, blushing. "Hi, Brenda."

She laughs. "Oh don't be embarrassed. You two are so adorable."

Newt smirks. "Right, well, hey, Bren."

She links her arm with Newt's. "Is he a good kisser?"

"What the heck, Brenda?!" Thomas says, following them. 

"It's called shipping, Thomas." She says, turning to face him. 

Thomas scoffs. "Whatever."

Newt pokes him and then grabs his hand. "Oh, let her. It's sweet."

Brenda giggles. "Alright. But you gotta answer my question."

"Oh, I'm not that invested in this." Newt says. "I'm not answering any questions."

Brenda makes a face at him. "Fine." 

They walk into the cafeteria and sit down.

"Okay, one thing, though, Bren." Newt says. "Teresa cannot sit with us or I swear to god I will punch her."

Brenda chuckles. "Right. Sorry. Of course."

"Yeah," Thomas says. "But it's really cute when he's jealous."

"I don't get jealous!" He says, throwing his hands up. 

"Okay, sure." Thomas says. 

Newt glares at him. "I don't."

Brenda snorts. "Is that right? Then why did you leave yesterday?"

"I..." Newt thinks. "I had to do something."

"Yeah." Thomas says. "Avoid Teresa."

Newt folds his arms across his chest, pouting. Thomas gently nudges him with his hip. 

"Aw, come on, we're teasing." He says. 

"I'm not." Brenda says.

Thomas shoots her a look. "Don't, Bren."

Newt sighs, resting his head on Thomas's shoulder. He closes his eyes.

"Long night?" Thomas asks, putting his arm around his shoulders.

"Yeah." He says. "You could say that."

Thomas kisses the top of his head. "You should come over after school."

"Alright." He says quietly. 

That afternoon, Newt lays on Thomas's bed. Thomas lays next to him. 

"Tommy?" Newt says.

"Yeah?" He says. 

Newt pauses. He knows he should tell Thomas but he doesn't want to ruin the moment. "Nevermind."

Then, he kisses Thomas, putting a hand on his chest. Thomas wraps his arms around the other boys waist. He makes a soft contented noise. 

"I wish I could just stay here forever." Thomas says. 

"Why not?" Newt asks. "At least for a little bit."

Thomas sighs happily. "Yeah. A little longer." And he kisses him again.

Later, Newt opens his door and Lizzy walks over to him.

"Did you tell him?" She says. 

"No." Newt says, putting a hand behind his neck. "It doesn't really matter though. I don't care."

"Is that why you keep crying and are having trouble sleeping?" Lizzy asks.

"God, shut up!" He says. "I'm fine! Dad's an asshole who I cut from my life a long time ago. I don't need to go see him just because he's dying!" 

"Newt..." Lizzy says, tilting her head.

"I'm fine, Liz." He says. And he walks up to his room.

Newt sits on his bed, tears falling down his face, when Thomas walks in.

"Tommy?" He sniffs. "What are you doing here?"

"Your sister called me." He says. 

"What did she say?" Newt asks, wiping at his eyes. 

"She said you're upset." He says softly, sitting next to him. 

"I'm okay." He says, his voice wet. "I'm good, really."

"Newt, what happened?" He asks quietly. 

"My dad is dying." He admits. "But I hate him. He left me and Lizzy when we were little. So I don't know why I'm upset."

Thomas sighs. "Come here."

Newt hugs him, crying silently into the other boys shoulder. "I'm sorry. This is so stupid." 

"No." Thomas says, rubbing his back. "No, this isn't stupid, Newt."

"I love you, Tommy." He says into his shoulder. 

"I love you too." Thomas says, pulling him closer. 

"It's so dumb that I'm so upset." Newt says. "I shouldn't care about him. He's a dickhead."

"You can care about dickheads." He says. "Especially when they're your dad."

Newt pulls away. "Thanks, Tommy." He says. 

"Anytime." He says. "Though I hope you don't need it that much."

Newt chuckles slightly. "Yeah." He hugs him again. "Could you maybe stay a little longer."

"Of course."

A/N: Hi. Nothing really to say, but thanks for reading! I love you all! Also, I only have half an hour left on Grey's before I finish it for a second time!

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