Thirty Four

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"It's weird that you're sixteen." Newt says. "You could technically drive."

"Well, no." Thomas says. "I would still need a driver's license." 

Newt waves a hand. "Nah..."

"Just because we did that once doesn't mean we should do it again." Thomas says. 

Newt grins, laughing. "Right. Fair enough." Newt sighs. "I think the winter is trying to kill me." 

He lays back on Thomas's bed. 

"It's not that cold." Thomas says.

"It's freezing, Tommy." Newt says. Then, he sits up hurriedly. "TOMMY, IT'S SNOWING!" He gasps. 

Thomas smiles at him. He looks out the window. "Oh, wait, it's really snowing hard."

"Did you think I was lying?" Newt says. "I can't believe it's snowing!"

Thomas grins. "You're so adorable when you get happy about such little things."

"Tommy, it's snowing." Newt says. "That's not a little thing!" He jumps up, grabs Thomas's hand and pulls him up too. "Come on, Tommy!"

Thomas lets him drag him down the stairs and outside. Newt spins around in a circle, hands in the air. 

"Tommy, look at it!" He says gleefully. 

His hair is covered in little snowflakes. He's only wearing a T-shirt and jeans but he doesn't care. Thomas folds his arms over his chest tightly. 

"Okay, so, now it's not cold?" Thomas says.

"Tommy, shut up. It's snowing." He says. "Come on!" 

Thomas reluctantly walks out into the snow. He shivers when it touches his bare skin.

"Newt, come on, let's at least go put on jackets or something." Thomas says. "You'll freeze to death."

"Tommy, it's fine." He insists. 

"Fine, you stay here, but I'm getting a jacket." He says. 

Newt shrugs and Thomas walks inside. After a few minutes, he comes back out. He throws a hoodie at Newt.

"Please, Newt, just put it on." Thomas says. 

"Tommy, it's not that-" Newt starts.

"I don't care." Thomas says. "Just wear it."

"Fine." Newt says. He slips it over his head. "Better?"

"Yeah." Thomas says. He walks over to him and wraps his arms around his waist. "I love you."

"I love you too." Newt says. 

He kisses him, snow still falling over their heads. Newt puts his arms on his shoulders, linking his hands behind his head. 

"See?" Newt says. "This is why I love the snow."

Thomas smiles. "Yeah. I think I get it now."

And he kisses him again.

The next day, they sit on Newt's couch. Lizzy is playing with Harriet outside. Newt rests his head on Thomas's shoulder. 

"I am so excited for Christmas." Newt says. 

"I know." Thomas says. He kisses him gently. 

Newt shifts, resting his forehead against his neck. He sighs softly. Thomas puts an arm around him, pulling him closer. 

"I love you." He mumbles against his skin.

"I love you too." Thomas says, kissing the top of his head. 

Then, Lizzy and Harriet run in, their cheeks red from the cold. Newt smiles.

"Hi, girls." He says. "Have fun?"

"Yeah!" Lizzy says happily. "We're going upstairs now."

"Okay." Newt says as the girls run away. Newt laughs softly. "They're so cute."

Newt and Thomas lay in his bed. Thomas has his arm around Newt's shoulder and Newt is half on top of him, asleep. Thomas plays with his hair. Snow still falls outside, making the house seem warmer. 

Newt wakes up, blinking. "Oh, hi, Tommy." He says. 

"Hey," Thomas says as he sits up. Thomas sits up too and leans against the wall. 

"Jesus, I'm tired." Newt says. 

"Go back to sleep, then." Thomas says, putting a hand in his hair. 

"Nah." Newt says. "There I can't kiss you."

"Fair enough." Thomas says. 

Newt leans over and kisses him. Thomas pulls him so he's in his lap, making Newt fall against his chest.

"Tommy, you have to stop doing that." Newt says, sitting back up. "You keep making me fall."

Thomas shrugs. "Added bonus."

Newt rolls his eyes, laughing slightly. "Shut up, Tommy."

Thomas kisses him again and Newt sighs but kisses him back.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but I couldn't think of anymore things to do that didn't involve hurting someone and um, yeah. I wanted to post something. Thanks for reading, love you all! <3. 

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