Forty Three

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At school, Aris joins them at lunch. Newt grins and Thomas struggles to keep a straight face.

"Hey," Newt says, practically beaming.

"Hi." Aris says, sitting next to Minho.

Newt takes Thomas's hand. Brenda looks at the two of them.

"What is this?" She asks, pointing excessively at them.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Minho says.

Brenda scoffs. "Yeah, okay, and those two are straight." She says, gesturing at Newt and Thomas.

"Oh, she must be pretty serious." Thomas says.

Newt laughs. "But seriously," Newt says. "I wanna know too."

Minho looks between the three of them, trying to figure a way out of the situation. Aris saves him by kissing him briefly. Newt practically squeals.

"I CALLED IT!" he shouts, jumping up. "I FUCKING CALLED IT!"

"Okay, okay, calm down." Thomas says, taking his hand again and makes him sit down.

"I called it, didn't I?" Newt says to Thomas. "I called it."

Brenda ruffles Minho's hair. "You're finally happy."

"Brenda!" He cries. "Not cool! You don't touch the hair!"

Brenda puts her hands up in surrender. "Sorry! Sorry! I forgot!"

Minho grumbles and folds his arms across his chest. "And Newt, I don't give a shit if you called it."

"Minho, be nice." Thomas says.

"You can't just say that because he's your boyfriend." Minho says.

"Well, I mean, he kinda can." Brenda says. "But that's not the point. I called it too."

Brenda and Newt both smile proudly.

"Okay!" Minho says. "I'm out!"

He gets up and walks away, Aris following him.

Newt looks after them, grinning widely. "I fucking knew it."

"Okay," Thomas says, putting an arm around him.

"And I," Brenda says. "Knew about you two."

"Um, Brenda," Newt says. "This kinda happened ages ago."

"Just saying." Brenda says. "Ages ago, I knew. I'm the one who told Thomas that he liked you."

"You told Thomas that he liked me?" Newt says. "Brenda, that doesn't make sense. You can't tell someone how they feel."

"Oh, you can." She says. "And anyway, I was just making him aware of it. It wasn't like I was telling him how to feel. He already loved you. You could tell, Newt. I don't know how you were so fucking oblivious."

"Now Tommy's the oblivious one." Newt says.

"How?" Thomas asks.

"Tommy, I love you, but that's a ridiculous question." Newt says, looking at him. "You are constantly oblivious."

"It's true." Brenda says. "You both are. It's incredibly annoying."

Newt smiles wryly. "I guess so."

"Yeah." Brenda deadpans.

Thomas laughs. "Sorry. I guess I'm just not very observant."

"No shit." Brenda says. "Don't notice anything!"

"Like what?" Thomas asks.

"That he wants to do you." Brenda says.

"I do not!" Newt says, turning slightly red. "And anyway, leave me out of this!"

"Yeah, okay." Brenda says. "That's not the point. You really do not notice things. Anything. You're too busy staring at Newt."

"Am not!" Thomas says. "Well, okay, I am. But that doesn't mean I don't notice anything! I notice plenty of things!"

"About him." Brenda says. "And not even then, really!"

"Shut up." Thomas says.

Newt laughs. "Tommy, we're only teasing." He says, running a hand up and down his arm. "We're sorry."

"I'm not." Brenda says. "I'm never sorry."

Newt looks at her. "Seriously, Bren? Was that really necessary?"

"Yes, yes it was." She says.

Newt rolls his eyes. "What. Ever."

After school, Newt sits in Thomas's chair.

"One more week of school!" He sings. "I cannot wait! This school year has taken ages to pass by! You said it would be quick! You said it feel like no time at all! You lied!"

"I said it would feel like no time once it passed." Thomas says. "Not the same thing."

"Whatever, Tommy." Newt says.

He gets up and sits next to Thomas. Thomas wraps an arm around him.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too." Newt says, resting his head on his shoulder.

"Is what Brenda said true?" Thomas asks.

"What part?" Newt asks.

"The part where she said I was unobservant." Thomas says.

"Yes, Tommy," Newt says. "It very much is. But I love you anyway." He kisses him.

"Mmm." Thomas says. "I'll work on that."

"I don't think you will." Newt says.

"I will too!" Thomas says.

"Oh, is that right, Tommy?" Newt says. "You will actually notice things?"

"Oh, fuck you!" Thomas says.

"I wish you would!" Newt says. "Wait, no, that just kind of came out. I didn't mean that. I'm just gonna kind of shut up now. Yeah. I mean, I usually should, come to think of it, I-"

Thomas cuts him off by kissing him. "You're very cute when you're flustered." He says.

"I'm not flustered." Newt says.

"You kind of are." Thomas says. "And I noticed."

Newt laughs. "Oh, very good job, Tommy. You noticed something."

"Mhm." Thomas says, pulling him closer. "I know."

"God, shut up." Newt says and he kisses him again.

A/N: I was not supposed to like Harry Styles. I was not supposed to like his music. I was not supposed to find him attractive. And yet here we are. Well, thanks for reading. I love you guys. :3

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