Forty Four

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"I am not going to make it!" Newt says dramatically. 

"It's one day." Thomas says. "One day and then it's summer, okay?"

"No, not okay!" Newt says. "That's an entire day! 24 hours!" He pauses. "A lot of minutes! It's a long time, Tommy!"

"It's not that long." Thomas says, squeezing his hand as they walk into the building. 

Newt sighs. "It's so long."

"It'll be worth it when it's over." Thomas says. 

"Mmm, I doubt it." Newt says. "But if you say so."

"Great." Thomas says. "Now let's go to class."

"FOUR MORE HOURS!" Newt shouts as he runs over the other four at lunch.  "CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!? ONLY FOUR MORE HOURS!"

He jumps into the seat, nearly tripping. He falls against Thomas, grinning broadly. He laughs, leaning against him. 

"You've gone insane." Brenda says. "You've gone entirely insane."

Newt laughs harder. "I'm sorry, I'm just excited."

Thomas kisses his cheek. "It's cute."

"Yeah, Brenda." He says resentfully. 

She chuckles. "Well, I think we're all happy. We should do something to celebrate surviving another year."

"I didn't." Newt says. "I died midway."

"Besides you, then, we all survived." Brenda says. "So we should celebrate. And before you say anything, no candy."

"But Brenda," Newt says. 

"No." She says, pointing at him. "No. No. Candy."

Newt squirms. "That's not fair!"

"I'll get you candy." Thomas says. "But she will not. Trust me on this one."

Newt frowns, folding his arms. "This is why I like Thomas and not you."

"Also, you know, because you're gay." Brenda says.

"That's beside the point!" He says, throwing his arms up. "Tommy's better!"

Brenda looks at him. "Okay. Sure."

"Then what are we gonna do?" Newt says. "If we can't have candy." He adds grumpily. 

Thomas puts an arm around him. 

"Something with alcohol." She says.

"No." Thomas says. "No. Absolutely not. Newt is never allowed to drink ever again."

Newt smiles wryly. "Heh...yeah..."

"Thomas." Brenda says. "We have to. It's practically the law."

"Um, actually, it's the opposite of the law." Thomas says. "It is very strictly not the law."

"Whatever." She says. "We're still doing it."

Thomas shrugs. "Fine. But it's not my fault if any of you die."

"We're not dying, Thomas." Brenda says. 

He makes a face. "Whatever. I'm just saying."

After school, Brenda drags them all to her house. 

Minho lays on the couch, taking up the whole things.

"Minho, sit up." Brenda instructs.

"No." He says. "You shanks can just sit on the floor."

She rolls her eyes but know she can't force him. She sits on the floor in the front of the couch. Minho only permits Aris to sit with him on the couch so Newt and Thomas sit on the floor too.

"What's happening?" Thomas asks. 

"I'm getting beer." She says.

"Brenda, I swear to god-" Thomas starts.

"Thomas." She says. "Shut up. Drink it or don't, I don't care. But shut up."

She walks away into the kitchen. Newt rests his head on Thomas's shoulder. Soon, Brenda comes back and hands them all a drink. Thomas eyes her.

"I don't trust you didn't poison these." He says, watching her.

"I didn't, you idiot." She says. "I don't want to kill you."

"That wasn't clear." He says. 

She shrugs. "Oh well." Minho reluctantly sits up so Brenda jumps up onto the couch. "Thank you." She says.

"I didn't do it for you." He says. "I did it so I wouldn't choke."

"You might anyway." Thomas says and they all burst out laughing. 

"Moving on," Brenda says. "I'm gonna pretend you did it for me."

"Well, that's delusional." He says, leaning back against the couch. 

"Don't care." She says. 

After a couple of hours, they are all pretty drunk, Thomas less so because he still doesn't trust Brenda. None of them can stop laughing. 

"I still want candy." Newt pouts. 

"I know." Thomas says, running a hand through his hair. 

Then, he stands up. "I'm going to get candy. Where's the kitchen?"

"We don't have candy." Brenda says.

"Stupid." Newt mutters but sits back down. He leans against Thomas, who puts an arm around him. "I'm tired." 

"Yeah." Thomas says. "We should probably go home." He stands up. "Come on."

Newt stands up and trips into his arms. Thomas sighs, hugging him. 

Later, Thomas and Newt sit on Thomas's bed. Newt frowns.

"It's boring here." He says. 

"Go to sleep." Thomas says.

"That's even more boring, Tommy." Newt says. 

"I don't care." Thomas says. "Go to sleep anyway."

"But Tommy." He says. "We could do something fun!"

"No." Thomas says. "You can barely walk."

"I can too!" Newt says. "You don't know!"

"I do, though." Thomas says. 

"Well, maybe I don't have to walk." He says. 

"Newt, I swear to god." Thomas says. "Just go to sleep, please."

He scowls. "Fine. But only because I love you."

"Good. At least you're sober enough to remember that." Thomas says.

Newt lays down. "I love you, Tommy." He mumbles, closing his eyes. 

"I love you too." Thomas says, kissing him gently. 

He lays next to him and hugs him. Soon, both boys are asleep, in each others arms.

A/N: Okay, but, honestly, do TBS and Harry Styles look alike? Because I genuinely do not know. 

Well, thanks for reading. Love you guys. :3

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