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"Tommy," Newt says, leaning against him. "Tomorrow is July fourth."

"Good job." Thomas says.

"Shut up." Newt says. "I'm only excited for the food." He says. "I hate fireworks. They're so loud."

"I know." Thomas says, kissing his head.

Newt sighs. "I want lemonade." He says.

"That's so random." Thomas says, laughing.

Newt shrugs. "Know what else I want?" He says.

"What?" Thomas asks.

Newt kisses him. "That."

Thomas grins. "I'm happy to oblige."

Newt smiles and reconnects their lips, climbing into his lap. Thomas puts his hands on his waist.

"Newt, what are you doing?" Thomas says.

"I think that's pretty obvious, Tommy." Newt says.

Thomas swallows. "Is it?"

Newt tilts his head. "I dunno. Is it?"

Thomas looks at him. "Get off of me." Newt laughs. Thomas rolls his eyes. He shoves him off and gets up. "I hate you." He says.

Newt laughs harder. He gets up. "Love you too." He laughs.

They walk into the kitchen. Newt opens the fridge.

"Why do we never have lemonade when I want it!?" He says.

"Newt, I think we might just no have lemonade period." He says.

Newt rolls his eyes. "Whatever."

Newt opens the back door and walks outside to see Lizzy.

"Hey, boys!" She says.

"Hey." Newt says.

"I hate your brother." Thomas says, walking over to her.

Lizzy laughs. "Me too."

"You both love me." Newt says."You just can't take that I'm the best one."

"You are not the best one." Lizzy says.

"No, he's right." Thomas says. "He is."

Newt grins. "Told you."

"He has to say that." Lizzy says.

"It's still true." Newt says. "Come on, Tommy. Let's go."

The next morning, Newt wakes up to Thomas shaking him gently. Newt sits up, rubbing his eyes.

"What is it,Tommy?" He asks.

"I got lemonade." He says.

Newt smiles. "This is why I love you."

"Come on." Thomas says, pulling him out of bed.

They walk downstairs and Thomas pours them both a glass of lemonade.

"I hate fourth of July." Newt says.

"You just hate the fireworks." Thomas says.

"I do like the food." He says.

Thomas laughs. "See?"

"Shut up, Tommy." He says. "Just because I love you doesn't mean I won't kill you."

"Believe me, I know." He says.

Newt laughs, setting the glass on the island. Thomas grabs his hand. "What are you doing here so early anyway?"

"I wanted to see you." He says, kissing him.

Then, Newt's mom walks in. Thomas pulls away, embarrassed, leaning against the fridge.

"Hi, boys." She says. "Thomas, what are you doing here?"

"I, uh," He says, trying to think of an excuse. "I brought lemonade."

"It's eight am." She says.

"Sorry." He says. "I'll go."

Amelia's eyes shoot down. She sees their intertwined hands. She smiles. "Why didn't either of you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" Newt asks.

"You know perfectly well what." She says. "Don't play dumb with me. I'm your mother." Newt blushes. She smiles. "I'm happy for you." She says. "You two are so cute. I always knew this would happen."

Newt blushes harder. "You what?"

Thomas laughs.

"Well, I mean, you two were pretty obvious about how you felt." She says. "The only people who didn't know where you two."

"I know how he feels about me." Newt says.

"Now you do." She says. "I'm talking about before this. Now, Thomas, you had better treat him well."

"Yes, ma'am." He says, smirking.

"Good." She says. "Now go home." She hits him with a kitchen towel and he leaves.

"Mom!" Newt says, burying his face in his hands. "Why do you do things like that?

"I'm your mother." She says, patting his arm. "I get to do things like that. Besides, Thomas has known be basically his whole life. It's fine."

"Mom!" He complains. "I'm going to his house."

"Don't stay too long." She says with a wink.

"Oh my god!" He says. "Shut up!"

Newt walks out the door and over to Thomas's house.

Later, they sit in Thomas's backyard, eating and drinking lemonade. Newt's mom, Lizzy, Chuck and Thomas's parents all sit there. Newt wraps his hands around the glass anxiously.

"It's alright." Thomas says. "They're just fireworks. They can't hurt you."

"Technically that's not true." Newt says.

Thomas pulls him closer and Newt puts down the lemonade.

"Alright!" Thomas's mom says. "The fireworks should start soon."

Newt grabs Thomas's hand. Thomas pulls him so he sits in front of him, wrapping his arms around him. Lizzy sits with Chuck and all three parents sit together too. Newt leans his head back against Thomas's shoulder.

When the first firework goes off, Newt squeezes Thomas's hand. It's so pretty he forgets to be scared for a minute. Thomas chuckles. After that, Newt just buries his head in Thomas's chest. Thomas puts a hand in his hair.

After the fireworks, the two families stay outside. Lizzy and Chuck run around, the parents sit in the kitchen, watching from inside and Newt and Thomas sit, pressed against each other.

"I'd like to live on Mars." Newt says, looking at the stars. "It'd be fun."

"There's no oxygen." Thomas says.

"You know what I mean, shuck-face." He says, slapping him.

Thomas laughs. "I do."

Newt sighs, closing his eyes. "I love you so much, Tommy." He says.

Thomas kisses him gently. "I love you too."

A/N: *winks* Anyway, thanks for reading. Love you all! <3

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