Ch. 18 ~ Separation

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            40 years passed as we lived our lives away in Lorien. In that time, Haldir and Legolas had grown ever closer. They would tell jokes and spar and compete against each other. I would rarely during that time get Legolas to myself. But it did happen as we learned more and more about each other. It was one thing to be betrothed but you had to know everything about your other half to make the future work. For example; I found out that Legolas was ticklish behind the ears. We were sitting up on the tree tops and talking. Most of our conversations now focused on his departure to the north per his father's suggestion to go to the Dunedain and locate the ranger named Strider. It was time. As we spoke, I put my arms around his neck, I began to stroke his ears and he quickly pulled away from me. I frowned not understanding what I had done wrong; I was just trying to soothe him.

"What did I do?" I asked him confused. He looked at me sheepishly.

"Nothing....I am just ticklish there." He said looking down slightly embarrassed as I stared at him. I reached toward his ears again.

"What....what are you doing?" He asked me as he looked at me.

"Just making sure you are not bluffing." And I stroked his ears again as he jumped up all jittery; that is when I knew he was telling the truth. I started giggling and with a mischievous look on my face, advanced toward him. He put his hands up and backed up.

"No. Do not even think about it."

        I had never seen him look so uncomfortable. So I dodged his arms and tickled him a bit more as he shivered and squirmed under my touch. Then I stepped back and with a last glance ran down the paths, knowing for sure he would follow wanting revenge. We ended up in our bed chamber and closed the door behind us, as he advanced on me. It was his turn to look mischievous. But I met his gaze with a challenge of my own.

"Come and get me, Prince Legolas.....if you can." I told him smiling; my eyes sparkling.

            We were very well matched but eventually he did catch me and brought me down on the bed under him, pinning me down as I shrieked and laughed. He then proceeded to tickle me until I was able to free myself and get him again behind the ears. At that point we both called it even and he kissed me. After that, neither of us remembered how long time passed. We just enjoyed the pleasure of our bodies becoming one and flowing through and through with love.

            Meanwhile, as we prepared for our separation--not knowing how long it would be for this time--we knew that unlike last time, things were different now. We were in love, we were betrothed, and we both would keep in touch no matter what. When Legolas traveled north, I would return to Rivendell. I hoped to find out more on this Strider character and also do the research my aunt told me to do regarding the One Ring. I knew instinctively that this issue with Sauron was not over by a long shot and I wanted to be prepared. My heart and soul were telling me that, that war would make the Battle of Five Armies look like child's play in comparison. But that was still a ways away from worrying.

            Finally the day arrived when it was time for both of us to leave Lorien for our respective destinations. I was only going to my primary home. I missed Rivendell so. Lorien was always special but it is perhaps because I had lived most of my childhood in Rivendell that I felt that was truly my essential home. Haldir had given Legolas a quiver full of Lorien arrows and told him with a smile and a smirk not to run out of arrows again. That had become an inside joke between us by then. Arrows or not, he was still able to destroy Bolg with his white knives.

            It had been so many decades since that war, which sometimes was hard to believe anything had actually happened. But every time I thought of the dwarves and remembered burying Thorin, Fili, and Kili, I knew that it all indeed was not a bad dream but heartbreaking reality. I still sometimes thought about Tauriel and how she was faring back in Mirkwood. Losing the only man you ever loved for all eternity had a different effect on elves than anyone else in all of Middle Earth.

            Men could remarry, love again, move on but elves carried that burden of loss forever; just like King Thranduil had with his wife and Legolas' mother. It had hardened him into a block of ice and made him the least popular among all of the elven royalty in our lands. Getting to know him a bit; made me understand his plight so much more. His existence was a lonely one. I still wished him well as I did all that ever crossed my path. The odds in this world were that you never knew when you would see someone again even if it did not look promising.

            The last night in Lorien, a special meal was prepared for us in the dining hall and all attended including aunt Galadriel and Celeborn as well as Haldir and even the elven maidens who healed me all those years ago. We listened to music and ate an exquisite dinner. Afterwards, everyone wished us goodnight as Legolas and I went to our bed chamber. Just before opening the door he stopped me.

"Wait." He said, smiling, his eyes full of love. I looked up at him puzzled as he covered my eyes with his hand.

            Then he led me forward and once we were inside he closed the door and locked it. Then he took his hand away from my eyes and as I opened them, I gasped. There were flower petals and leaves everywhere as if strategically placed. Lanterns and candles adorned every place possible. The bed chamber glowed and there was a heart shaped from the petals of flowers on the bed. Before I could wrap my mind around what I was looking at, music started playing right outside our window. It was 'Stolen Kiss' again. Without warning, he lifted me up into his arms and carried me to the bed where he sat me down and looked lovingly into my eyes.

"This is our last night together for a while. But not forever, never forever. I made you a promise, my love. Once this mission is complete, I will return to you. I will write to you every day if I am able. When I leave, my heart will be left with you." He whispered to me.

"As will mine. Every time you look at a sunset, think of me as you too will have my heart with you. I will miss you terribly mine love. Do not stay away too long." I replied.

        Then we kissed and enjoyed each other before we had to leave the following day. For elves that were used to the swift passage of time, we wanted that night to never end. Leaving each other was excruciating but it was something that had to be done. As the sun rose over the trees, we knew it was time.

        After getting breakfast and securing our parcels, we proceeded to the stables where our horses were prepped and ready. We both said farewell to my aunt and Haldir as well as the others as the honor guard came to see us off. As if our steeds knew that they too were separating, both Sunset and the steed Legolas was given put their snouts to each other in honor and their own form of goodbye.

        We rode out together, holding hands until it was time to leave. We kissed and embraced. We stared at each other one last time and then let go. I reared sunset back on his hind legs much like I did the very first time I met Legolas and with a kick, he flew to the south as Legolas' steed did the same and galloped north. We both looked back once and I did not want him to see the tear that slid out of my eye. I knew I would see him again and that it was not like the last time. But I was still worried for his safety.

        It took me a day to arrive back in Rivendell and as that happened, the horns were blown and I knew I was home. I entered the gates and watched my uncle and Arwen standing on the stairs at the entrance. I hopped off Sunset and took my belongings which were quickly taken from me by the elven maidens to be deposited in my wing. Arwen ran to me and hugged me tightly as my uncle smiled at me as he too welcomed me home. Both Elladon and Elrohir hugged me as well. I was home. I could rest now.

        Well almost. There was one more thing I wanted to do before I went to my wing, unpacked, and rested before I joined my family by the water. I went to the waterfall and fountain in the garden. I put a leaf in it as well as a tea light candle and said a prayer:

"Please Naneth, watch over him and bring him back to me soon."

        I then walked away. The rest was up to the heavens up above and his own abilities. I smiled as I saw a star shoot across the not yet dark sky and knew my mother had heard me. The wind blew my hair and dress as I walked slowly. I was at last truly home.

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