Ch. 9 ~ Revelations

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A few days after Haldir and I buried the hatchet and I decided to come back to Lorien to train, I got myself ready to do just that. I packed a satchel with clothing and weapons. Just as I was finishing packing, there was a knock on my door and my uncle entered. His features were very enigmatic and therefore I was not sure whether he came to tell me good or bad news.

"Uncle, is everything alright?" I asked nervously setting a dagger down I was about to pack.

"I have some news. Mithrandir has been captured at Dol Guldur by the Necromancer and your aunt went to get him out herself."

"Oh dear. Is he....?" My hand went up around my throat and I was afraid to finish the sentence.

"He is alive she thinks. Throughout her trip there, she has caught glimpses of what has been and it looks like the dwarves made it to Erebor after all. They did stop for a while in Mirkwood where they were held captive by Thranduil under the watchful eye of his son and another elf."

As he was speaking, he watched my facial expression as I gasped after his mention of Mirkwood and the son of Thranduil. My eyes widened as saucers. Why would Thranduil hold the dwarves captive if all they ever wanted to do was get home and save their homeland from that horrendous dragon, Smaug? And then I remembered the history the dwarves had with Thranduil especially between him and Thorin Oakenshield; they were not exactly the best of friends. I let my uncle finish as clearly there was more:

"A hobbit was traveling with them, I had met him when he was here with Mithrandir and it was he that helped the dwarves escape from the elves. They were however tracked by the gray Orc that wanted to crush them and get his revenge on Thorin for taking his arm off years ago. The son of Thranduil and a red headed elf gave chase to stop the dwarves escape but instead helped them out when everyone was attacked by orcs."

"Tauriel." I whispered.

"What was that?" He inquired.

"Her name is Tauriel; the red-headed elf." I answered looking away briefly. I tried not to let my emotions run amok on my face but that was kind of impossible. My uncle watched me shrewdly. When I looked back to him, he continued.

"Last thing Galadriel saw was that the dwarves were fighting the dragon in the lonely mountain, Legolas and Tauriel were fighting orcs in a human village under the mountain and apparently the war is coming because Dol Gulder has emptied of all of the orcs there. My question to you is, when it is time to fight, are you willing to do so? I will not force you. The choice is yours."

"I will fight to protect our lands and our people. You do not have to ask me uncle. That is why I am on my way to Lorien now, to train with Haldir. I want to be beyond ready." I said with hardened conviction.

"When I call for you, come home at once, and we shall go together to Mirkwood so you can meet Thranduil. I do not question your convictions but will you be able to keep focused with his son at your side?" He asked gently. I faltered for a brief second.

"I will make you proud, uncle." I said looking him in the eye. He came toward me then and enveloped me in a hug. When we parted he said:

"You have already made me proud, my child. I just want you to be safe and happy as I would all of my children." I sighed.

"I understand."

"I will let you get ready; safe travels my dear."

With those words and another brief hug, he left. I had so much on my mind from all of his revelations that I forgot what I was doing for a while. I just stared out my window at the bright blue sky. Finally, shaking my head, I knew I had to go. I finished putting everything into the satchel I was bringing and swung it over my shoulders and headed for the stables, where Sunset was ready for me. The caretakers secured my satchel to the horse and I got on. I slowly guided Sunset out of all of the gates and finally when we hit the open field, I let him fly.

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