Ch. 47 ~ The Last Goodbye

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When Arwen said those words and I replied I knew it was only a matter of time before we all left Middle-Earth. Tis time, for sure. Our children were grown and could handle the lands without our help. Radagast was going to stay and help them become the leaders they were born to be.

Arwen returned to Gondor one last time to let her people know that Eldarion would be crowned king and lead the people into the next Age. He asked Altherial for her hand in marriage and she accepted with giggles and congratulations from us all. I always knew from the first time she set eyes on Minas Tirith that she would love living there.

      Elros and Angrendir quickly followed suit by becoming betrothed to Ever and Melodia respectively. As we spent our days in Rivendell, Eldarion went back to Gondor to let the people know that he would be staying in Rivendell for the time being and put the now very old Faramir in charge.

One day, I was walking near my naneth's waterfall, my heart still filled with grief over losing Sunset. I had introduced Othion to Altherial; telling her that he was Sunset's son and therefore her steed. She was enchanted by him; hugging me repeatedly and thanking me over and over.

Arwen joined me at the waterfall where I took out two purple lilies with tea lights and after lighting them up, I set them adrift as a memorial for Aragorn and Sunset. Arwen and I stayed there a long time and cried. We both lost so many that we have loved. It was the proper time to mourn.

After the lights went out, she and I walked with our arms around each other back to my wing. It was time to show her what I had promised my uncle and hidden all of these years. I motioned her to the armoire where all of her old dresses were hung in the back and told her to pick one where she felt like the most royal elf. She looked at me confused and asked:

"Why should I change into a different one? I am still in mourning, Hedraliel." I nodded but continued to point.

"I understand and have not forgotten cousin mine, but I made a promise a long time ago that I shall not leave without you and tis time to fulfill that promise."

   Though I spoke cryptically, she did what I asked and picked the same dress--the green one--she wore when she revealed herself to Aragorn after he was crowned king. She went into my bath chamber and put on the gown. She still wore her Gondorian crown which I never asked her to take off.

   After she returned all dressed, I hung her mourning dress in the back of an old closet as she watched me with interest. After which, I opened the door to the secret portion of my desk that no one knew about. I reached in and pulled out a wrapped kerchief and started to untie it.

  I then motioned Arwen toward me as I carefully with nimble fingers uncovered the precious content. As the jewel came into view, she gasped.

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