Ch. 43 ~ The Birth

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    When Legolas first heard the news that I was with child in Lothlorien, he began to weep. Then he put his arms around me and spun me around as we both cried with joy. I knew I was carrying a child way before we had come to Lorien to visit my aunt. But I wanted to keep it a secret as long as possible that way I could surprise my beloved when the time was right. After that, the news went out to all of our friends in the surrounding lands and we got a lot of well wishes back through many loving letters. Arwen in particular was thrilled. Eldarion was going to be 8 years old when I had my child.

    For the first few months of carrying, I was still doing everything that I had done previously, including visiting Lorien and Mirkwood. But as the time started to draw closer to the actual birth, I was all but banned from leaving Rivendell. I no longer rode Sunset but that did not mean that I did not visit him in the stables. He would nuzzle my stomach as it grew and grew. He was the protector of all horses and I knew he would protect my child as well. The baby was kicking a lot through the late half of carrying; every time my unborn child kicked, I imagined with a smile, that that was a warrior in the making.

    When I was no longer able to do anything strenuous, I would sit and write almost daily letters to Arwen, telling her about what it was like to be with child and she would reply as often. Because Lindir had left for Valinor before the Great War ended, we needed a new courier to ride our letters out of Rivendell. A noble family had a brother and sister that were twins. The sister Lyric played the harp and wrote beautiful music to be played in Rivendell while her brother Yael was chosen to be the new courier though he was still quite young. But he had proven himself very early on with getting letters to Rivendell from Gondor in record time.

    One day, a year after first realizing I was with child, I was walking around the garden near where my mother's waterfall was when I felt a strange sensation in my stomach. Without even knowing, I realized the time had come to have my child. The pain hit me like a massive wave. I all but doubled over. I have felt pain before but nothing like this; I saw stars. All of a sudden a bright light shown through the surrounding area and my aunt appeared. She held me up and slowly escorted me toward my wing. Everyone started to run around to get ready for the birth.

    Uncle Elrond and Legolas were the first to arrive after the elven healers and midwives. They made me as comfortable as possible as I gripped the sheets on my bed as each wave of pain hit me. My uncle stood outside but I would not let Legolas leave. I did not care that it was not allowed for men to be with the women when they were in labor. This was our baby about to be born and I wanted my beloved there for strength and support. Legolas was completely alright with that as he did not want to be without me either. Aunt Galadriel stayed as well.

    For nearly 20 hours I writhed in pain and finally began to push. Every battle I had ever faced, the determination shown on my face now as if I was once again fighting for our land; only now I was trying to push out my firstborn. The midwives and healers were all very calm as it was common for first time mother elves to take a long time to give birth. With each push, I felt the baby inch forward, until finally with one last tremendous thrust that turned my face redder then any sun or color of fire, the baby came out. The midwife picked the child up and with tears in her eyes said to me:

"Your highness, you have given birth to a healthy and precious baby girl."

    They showed her to me then as Legolas and I cried as we looked at the wonderful being that was being held by the midwife. My aunt also had tears in her eyes. As they cleaned her up and clothed her all in white, she was crying loudly. We laughed as Legolas said:

"She has a healthy set of lungs on her. We will without a doubt not have any trouble hearing her."

    When they placed her on my chest to feed, she opened her eyes for the first time; they were the most intense crystal blue I had ever seen. She had wisps of black hair and looked a lot like my own Naneth. She was very content in feeding and when she was done it was time to introduce her to her uncle. What I had not known was that while I was in labor, my uncle sent word to Mithrandir as well as Arwen and Aragorn to come at once. So when I was cleaned up and redressed feeling just a little weak, I sat on the balcony holding her with Legolas next to me. I spoke quietly to her:

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